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Everything posted by Sleet

  1. Look forward to other potential Easter eggs in game.
  2. Thanks for the updates DEV team! These are great insights to your world and the world you are creating. RE: doors. Trapdoors? either up or down. Mechanical traps on doors (both remove and place) Option: Can a rogue recover the trap components say if a critical success is rolled? Magical traps. (both remove and place) Ability to unlock and lock door - based on skill, magic Bash doors Barricade broken door? Blocking/barring with items in room (last one may be more difficult) Listen at doors - based on skill/race - to hear if enemies are near or info on quest(s) etc. Magic barring of door with no lock (similar to Hold portal spell) Doorways have always been a good choke-point for and against player character parties. I hope the path-finding works so one can try and hold the enemies off. Also, based on size of opponent. A party of man-sized or smaller characters would have a hard time holding a doorway against giants or other large beings. Same for very small enemies, creatures a few feet tall would have a chance to slip through the front enemy ranks. Perhaps an option would be a free attack on them as they try to slip by.
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