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Everything posted by The Dark One Avoozl
No. I don't.. Not really. Cause translation preferences is entirely just a subjective argument no matter which side. And I so don't care when people say there are "rules" about it. Who made them? When? And why? I already went over this. And seriously. We have 2012. English is taught in elementary school here in Germany already for years now. Not being able to comprehend a few names in English in this day and age is (sorry) kinda pathetic. Everyone I know has no problems with it and those that play games usually prefer English names. And before you come in here with your Polish Witcher arguments again. Who the **** on the planet speaks Polish outside of Poland? Oh wait. No one. Who speaks English? Lots and lots of people all across the globe. Even in countries were English is not the main language. As noted above. Elementary school. Germany. Really comparing Polish to a world language is flawed. No. It's not better than not translating it at all. Oh hey I can play now the card everyone already did. Since it's a game set in the USA they shouldn't translate names since it breaks immersion as the translated names aren't really fitting to the setting. On a more serious note. I love this double standard that people expect to get everything translated in their fantasy worlds (be they sci-fi now or fantasy) but they're fine with all the English names that get thrown at them in the real world and don't demand a translation. Oh oh. I can imagine it already. Petition letter to the German news. "We, the German public, don't want to hear "World Trade Center" on the news. Please translate it to German. Sincerely, Germany."
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Look. I said it several times before in this thread. I'm saying it again. If they manage to translate it WELL I'm fine with it. But most of the time. Even in high budget games. They screw it up somehow. So unless they can make sure they get Tolkieneque quality level translations just leave it be. People can live with places and names being in English. They have to do that in the real world too.
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Oh then why not complain that they didn't translate the title of the game? Radioaktiver Niederschlag: Neu Vegas Awesome. Because no one here said that professions shouldn't be translated.
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das liegt aber einzig daran, dass der englische name schon total bescheuert und inspirationslos ist. für dich hat es aber sofort einen anderen klang, da du, bedingt durch die fremdsprache, nicht sofort die eigentliche bedeutung assoziierst, sondern einen "fantastisch" klingenden namen. jetzt stell' dir einfach mal die ganzen engländer/amerikaner vor, für die solitude eben "einsamkeit" ist. mal ganz davon abgesehen, dass es falsch übersetzt wurde. It's not that they're more fantastic. Believe me I've spoken English long enough that when I do it I think in English too. For me the English names just have a better flow when spoken. Of course it's not always like that. I never said that but we're talking here about a really low budget game and I guess getting the good translators would be kinda hard. I have absolutely no problem with Bilbo Beutlin.etc. you get what I mean. But the voice acting and translations in localized games most of the times are pretty jarring from my experience. I'm not saying not to localize at all. I'm just saying either hire someone that's really good at what he or she is doing (in fact lets go see who did most of the German translations for Lord of the Rings and suggest them to Obsidian) or if it's someone who doesn't know what he's doing tell him to stay away from names. Feel free to translate the rest of the dialogue.
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Nicht um eine ganze Übersetzung schrecklich zu finden (und ich lebe schon mein ganzes leben lang in Deutschland. Danke.) Aber der Name Weißlauf hört sich einfach schrecklich an im Vergleich (oder Einsamkeit im Vergleich zu Solitude oder Flußwald im Vergleich zu Riverwood). Es hört sich einfach schlecht an. Und ich sehe Fantasy Spiele nicht als Mittelalterliche Kulisse sondern als *schock und horror* Fantasy Kulisse. Neither do I. As most of the time. The results sound silly. So unless you give translation notes on how to translate certain stuff like Tolkien did. Tell them to keep original names. And not just make German **** up that sounds similar. Don't want another Jaina Prachtmeer. And most of the time. German game translators lack that skill. Major time. Oh **** it. Why do I even argue. You have your opinion. I have mine. Let's keep it at that.
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- project eternity
- chris avellone
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Aye. They also "translated" Doomhammer to Schicksalshammer. Which if we translate it literally back to English is Fatehammer. Terrible. I'd be offended because Weißlauf sounds entirely terrible. I'd also be offended if I went the next time to a comic store and the comics all of a sudden read Fledermausmann, Wunderfrau und Spinnenmann. Let's not forget the X-Männer und die Grüne Laterne. Yes. But you don't need to translate the names of characters unless there is really some super special hidden meaning behind the name that by god no one would get unless it was translated. I'd be entirely offended if they started to translate the names of the Japanese characters. I'm entirely offended when they simply change Japanese chracter names into Western ones (thank god the mostly only do that in the US and Germany was spared from such bull****).
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- project eternity
- chris avellone
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Well, you are wrong, and it's obvious that you don't know much about translating, so let me say a few words on this behalf. You see, there is a term charactonym used in linguistics. It means that the name of the character is given by intent and with some purpose. The brightest example is probably Bilbo Baggins. J. R. R. Tolkien stated himslef that the language of the Middle-Earth is not English, and that's why translators have to translate his name. As a result Bilbo became "Торбинс" (Torbins) in Russian, where "torb" means some kind of bag. And so on and so forth, there are tons of other examples in different books. What I mean is you have to translate wisely. Your example - Michael - doesn't have anything to do with charactonyms as it is a usual name. While Bilbo, and Mr. M'Choakumchild from "Hard Times" (translated into Russian as "Чадомор", "Chadomor", where "chado" means "child" and "mor" means torturing) were named for a reason. The same goes with the name of the places. "Pearl Coast" is like that for a reason, even if the reason is that it just sounds poetically, and that's why translators should probably translate it. Unless guys from Obsidian are against, of course. Fine and dandy that you think like that. Only that they translate every ****ing name even if it doesn't make sense. Even the most generic ones. Like Riverwood. Heck. They felt the need to change stuff for no reason. They changed Riften to Rifton. Or lets take WoW for example where they also translated EVERYTHING. Jaina Proudmoore. Became Jaina Prachtmeer. It doesn't even mean the same thing. Prachtmeer in English would be Splendorocean. You could also say Glorysea.
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Also by all that is holy in this world. When you do the localizations. Don't. Just don't. Translate the names of places, people etc etc to the other language. More often than not it's totally cheesy (play German Skyrim. I have to keep myself from laughing when I see the translated names). Since the English speaking crowd here probably won't understand what I mean. Let's take for example badly localized Chinese movies where characters all of a sudden are called "Gentle Could" and "Flying Water" or **** like that. Kinda like translating Hebrew names and instead of calling someone Michael they'd translate it to "Who is like God?" "Hey Who-Is-Like-God? come over here."
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Eh... I kinda expected something more substantial for this "huge update on monday". Like for example announcing that we can finally shove our money down your throats with Paypal. Translations seem kinda okay (though my first language is German I prefer my games in their original language). Novella is cool though.
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- project eternity
- chris avellone
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To you they might be fun but others might think otherwise. I mean. With your solution people can do a gimped run when they want to (great for people who want to do runs with gimped characters). But what about the people who want to do an overpowered run? Those people then get shafted by that idea. So yeah what Obsidian wants to do would please both. There doesn't need to be any arbitrary limiting between non-combat skills and combat skills. Inside of those skils is another matter.
I'd like my character to be pretty overpowered by the end of the game. At least so that early game threats really aren't any threat at all anymore. Not saying anything about mid to late game monsters or the like. But really. Once I equip my magic armors and start slinging the high level magic I really don't want giant vermin like rats or spiders to be a threat to me any longer.
Also if you include stuff like mining or crafting in general. Please explain the backgrounds of the materials. And not stuff like Mithril is +5 better than Iron. And if not in the game itself explain the material properties in the campaign setting book. One of the very few quests I really liked in World of Warcraft (shut up I can have my guilty pleasures :-/ ) was one in Northrend where you had an entire quest chain about the properties of a new kind of ore found on the continent called Saronite (which is the crytalized blood of an Old God). The quest showed how durable it was by (for example) NPCs attacking it in several different ways to no effect (holy magic, brute force, elemental attacks etc). Or that mining it too long leads to insanity as the Old God starts whispering to you over time and even more so if you wear equipment made out of the refined metal. I really liked that.
????????????? And battle isn't that? You try one tactic. It fails. Load quicksave. See? I can overgeneralize too. Well, not really. There is fun and challenge in tactical combat, there is none in one click actions. And I have often reloaded a quicksave after a victorious tough battle, just because I wanted to master that particular battle and to be victorious without a scratch. And I have fun trying to see what different dialogue options lead to while I despise combat in general. So I find myself reloading those dialogue points to try out different options. I also like testing out different material components when mixing potions when it's possible to do without recipies. I like sneaking through a guys house hoping that I'm silent enough so that I can search through everything and steal him blind. I like the non-certainity if my lockpick is high enough to get me through the next door or if I make a sound that will attract guards.
If you fail to convince someone to not attack you. You get attacked. If you fail to pick a lock you might make a sound that attracts residents. If you fail to make a healing potion it might be poisonous and you wasted the materials. If you fail to disenchant a magic trap, it explodes. I.e. you better succeed or you'll get ****ed over.
I love this update. There is only one thing I'm concerned with at that is if each class gains access to the same non-combat skills? I don't want that. Like at all. A warrior or mage shouldn't be able to pickpocket or lockpick as well as a thief. A wizard should be better at disenchanting or enchanting stuff than a warrior or thief etc etc
Going Solo
The Dark One Avoozl replied to Jojobobo's topic in Pillars of Eternity: General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
Well I for one would be glad if there were options to skip fighting entirely and solve everything through dialogue. So I don't care if I have a party with me anyway. Unless they integrate them in the story so well that it makes the talky bits more interesting. -
Going Solo
The Dark One Avoozl replied to Jojobobo's topic in Pillars of Eternity: General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
That was more in reply to Monte Carlo. -
Going Solo
The Dark One Avoozl replied to Jojobobo's topic in Pillars of Eternity: General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
You realize they already said that they would make the game soloable? -
Intelligent Evil story progression would be all kinds of awesome. Gets my total support. Also add the possibility later in the game to gain tremendous power storywise. Like an ancient temple full with captured "evil" souls and you either get the choice to destroy the temple or absorb all those souls inside yourself. For a "Ascend to Godhood/Demonhood" kind of ending.
Yeah the problem is. We are arguing taste. As I said. I like overstylized stuff. I'm a Warhammer 40k fan. I like over the top armor. I like Berserk which is mostly using realistic armor but on the other hand the main character is swinging around a 500 kg kinda sword shaped lump or iron. While the entire rest of the cast uses very regular medieval weapons. I can still get behind it because it's sold very well storywise. Sure over the top designs can get silly. On the other hand there can be over the top designs that are freaking awesome. But that is all just a matter of the artist's skill and at the end of line. A matter of taste. Trying to shoehorn your kind of taste into something is one of the worst things you can do. As there could be an entire crowd of people that enjoy those over the top designs and would make a thread the exact opposite of this one. There is no right or wrong in this case. That's why my first reply in this thread was to have both. You can appeal to both crowds and all of a sudden more people willing to buy the game. Maybe.
Anyway. The thought I get when reading this thread is that most people want a Medieval RPG and not a Fantasy RPG. I personally don't mind high fantasy stylized armor and oversized weapons. I kinda like them actually. At least it shows a different culture than our own. Cultures that have different materials and magic available for crafting their protection and weapons than us. Sure sometimes by our material standards they don't make sense (glass armor in Elder Scrolls anyone?) but as long as there is an in-story reason for why it works I can pretty much get behind everything. So what if that warrior is carrying around a 250 kg sword on his back and swings it with one hand? Maybe humanity has descended from giants in that setting and with enough training they have this level of strength or there are strength enhancing enchantments. It's like not being able to suspend your disbelief when someone uses magic. Magic is also not realistic. But we don't complain about that either now, do we? Doesn't mean I want bikini armor but some really nice over the top stylized stuff I can easily get behind that. P.S. lol at people thinking bikini armor originated from anime. Red Sonja anyone? Wonder Woman? Tons of old style greek hero movies that have the amazons in skimpy outfits? Sure anime has some extreme examples as well but they are hardly at fault for that trend at least not entirely.
Well some of the stuff I would like to see would be... Classes Your Class and your abilties actually are taken into consideration storywise. NPCs acknowlegde what you are and your abilities. So a sick or wounded NPC might ask your priest character to heal him etc. Or a mage can cast a charm spell during conversation etc. Quests Please no quest markers on the maps. Give hints on where to go through dialogue or other means but don't make it a meta-game mechanic. Totally breaks immersion. Magic Make that stuff useful outside of combat (using magic knowledge to decipher ancient texts etc). I want to be a wise wizard not a overglorified flamethrower. Also maybe make the spells look different depending on the race of the character. Like an Elf learned to cast a fireball so that it looks phoenix shaped. While humans have a basic ball form etc. Cultural differences in how spells are cast might change their visuals. Combat Make it avoidable like in Planescape: Torment. I see it as a huge challenge to try and get through an RPG purely on dialogue and trickery. Locations Make is so that there are places only certain character classes can enter. Like only the thief can join a thieves guild. Or a wizard can join a wizard's college/school/guild etc. Adds to the replayability value if there are other places I can visit on another playthrough. Also ancient temples (an archeologists guild would be awesome). Lore Add as much lore and background as possible. One of my favorite side activities in Elder Scrolls was reading the tons of books that were available or doing just plain exploring.
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