No, just no.
We're not the publishers. We're not even investors. We're donators (or "crowd funders" in today's seeming terms), currently with no actual legal rights over the product outside of them delivering a game that at least basically approximates what's in their pitch (fantasy rpg video game), versus, say, taking the money and running or sending us all a chiapet instead of a video game.
yes, we are not publishers, i used the wrong word
but i very much think we are investors, only that we don't receive a monetary reward, but a game + all the reward stuff (i strongly reject the term "donation" here - you donate something to an organisation that feeds the poor, not to a video game - we are paying for something here!)
this is my line of thinking: we are giving them money on a basis of pure trust, with as you said, no legal right
and especially since all this is based on trust, the very least we ALL deserve, is to be given as much insight on the product as they can (all the more since obsidian has not the best of reputations when it comes to finishing stuff - not saying it has been their fault in the past, as i simply don't know this, but it might be the case)
i knew a responses like this would come, this is why i wrote this might be a too democratic view for some people
just to make one thing very clear: i am very grateful towards the people who invested a lot of money into this. thank you for making this piece of art possible, but it will NOT hurt you if we who spent less also get beta access (for all who know a bit of philosophy: Pareto efficiency has to be achieved )
Exactly my opinion.