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Everything posted by Scab

  1. Nah. Wearing my rose colored glasses, I'd prefer all designs were distinct and appealing to me all the time.
  2. Impossible to say before I know more about the setting. Instinctively... no. But I'll keep an open mind until I see what they have in mind.
  3. I don't like grid systems for inventory. (Re)arranging items is just tedious, to be honest. I do think there's an appealing strategical element to limited carrying capacity though, but I'd prefer items were assigned some form of encumbrance value (weight or somesuch) and characters have a certain carry weight/somesuch, relative to their relevant attributes. Just spare me the manual tetris.
  4. I'm unfamiliar with the context for this particular character, but if that's indicative of the PS:T designs in general, I'd say they did pretty bad in that department. This isn't the impression I get from the Obsidian games I have played, though.
  5. Looks fairly useless for anything other than seduction. Upper part isn't too bad (by RPG standards) but I'm not sure what's going on waist-down. Looks like something from a high-cut gymnastics outfit or swimsuit. I think Obisidan can do better than this. Let's not get all too male-gazey.
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