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Posts posted by Elerond

  1. 3 minutes ago, Amentep said:

    I don't think either are owned by the government. They're both afaik public/private non-profits.

    The US runs VOICE OF AMERICA,  which can technically be heard in the US,  but that's not the intended target.

    It is technically independent from government control like for example our (Finnish) national broadcasting company, but as C-SPAN's headquarters locate in Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. and their focus is to broadcast government's sessions and other events, like Trump's press conferences, I am not sure if it's indecency prevents government using it as their broadcasting platform 

  2. 2 minutes ago, algroth said:

    There's also this assumption going on by people calling for media bias to the left that there aren't also several outlets and large mainstream media channels that skew squarely conservative and Republican, chief of them Fox News. This fearmongering about the one-sidedness of the press and the erosion of freedom of speech is completely baseless.

    And Sinclair Broadcast Group owns big sunk of local broadcasters and gives them scripts which they need to read in their news broadcasting and they are even more conservative than Fox. Democrats not getting coverage on local broadcasting has higher probability than Republicans not getting coverage on national broadcasters programs 

  3. 52 minutes ago, Skarpen said:

    But what if all news networks decided that they will not broadcast anything from republican government or republican party at all?

    So as government only has power to collect trillions of dollars taxes and use where ever they want and they have control over military and they also have their own broadcasting and radio networks and postal office in their command they need private companies forced to broadcast their message as otherwise people may not hear it. Seem fair 😋


  4. 45 minutes ago, Darkpriest said:

    I'm calling it, you will not know who is the new POTUS until mid Jan 2021


    Same system is used in  Texas, the entire states of Hawaii and Oklahoma, half of Washington and Colorado, and certain counties in Ohio, California, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Virginia

    System is done by Texan company Hart InterCivic, this is not first time their system is accused of switching votes, but for some reason they get more states as their customer in each election

  5. 2 minutes ago, Skarpen said:

    Yeah. I forgot US citizens have freedom of speech. Except for work, media, public life, personal life, internet and their diaries.

    "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

  6. 23 minutes ago, Skarpen said:

    It never stops amazing me how much the land of free speech defends censorship when it happens to someone else. It doesn't bother anyone that media decide what people can and cannot hear from government?

    Big part of the freedom of speech is that media is independent of government and has freedom to decide what they cover and not cover

    PS. US media didn't cover my speech during Trump speech also so he isn't only one who was censored by evil media corporations 😋

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  7. 22 minutes ago, Bartimaeus said:

    Seems like the expectation is that Biden's final margin will be a bit more than the current ~3.5 million, though I'm not sure by how much more. Strongly doubt Trump wins Nevada, but we'll have a better idea tonight when they release a batch of the remaining votes (with the final tally supposed to come tomorrow). The expectation is that the overall race will be officially projected tonight after Nevada and Arizona get more of their last batches in, unless the numbers are unusually good for Trump (which nobody of any import seems to be expecting them to be), rendering PA and GA moot except for making sure faithless electors can't toss the race.

    California alone will increase that margin still with couple million as only 66% of votes are counted there and Biden is getting over 65% of the votes and currently they have counted ~ 11.5 million votes. New York and Washington will probably increase margin with another million votes.

  8. 1 minute ago, Darkpriest said:

    I'm not talking about Milwaukee, that does not surprise me and the ratio for mail ins can be in realms of possibility. What is more odd is the sudden large batches of votes 100% towards Biden in the more contested areas like wisconain and michigan at around 4-5AM. This is hard to explain. Impossible? No. Improbable? Yes.  And this is what will lead to contests etc. 

    Arizona case with invalidation of votes, can be another case, etc.


    This election is emotionally loaded and is a mess largely due to the scope of the remote voting. 

    This might be the ugliest election ever. 

    it should not be surprise considering that Milwaukee is largest county in Wisconsin, there were ~2 million absentee ballots cast in Wisconsin, democrats campaigned people to vote early, where republicans campaigned against it and got court order to prevent counting absentee votes before today's votes were counted in Wisconsin. But for some reason those ~2 million absentee votes now come as surprise to people and republicans  😏

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  9. 16 minutes ago, Darkpriest said:

    Wouldn't you be surprised if AZ suddenly got turned to Trump with an appearance of such a number of votes going 100% to him? 

    Considering that Clinton got similar numbers in Milwaukee in 2016, when Trump surprisingly won Wisconsin, so it should be more suspicions if more popular democratic candidate didn't get there same result 

    Some reason nobody seems to be suspicious towards those counties which Trump won with 70-80% of the vote 😋

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  10. 5 minutes ago, Darkpriest said:

    Not sure, what is the procedure and what absentee is, but it could happen if those ballots were from some large dem stronghold, and given that some of the counts favored even near 70% to 30%, i can imagine this to be possible. 

    You can't really easily explain 100% to 0% split though of a similar amount of votes. 


    I mean, not even a single vote for any other option? 

    Even in DC it was around 90% but not a 100%

    70% of Milwaukee's 450k votes are cast for Biden

  11. 17 minutes ago, Guard Dog said:

    Apparently Wisconsin is reporting more votes in their results then we’re actually cast.

    They have some grey logic behind how they mark mail in and early votes, which they are currently counting. Considering that all but two of their counties report 100% of votes counted and those two which have still votes uncounted have less than 10k votes uncounted, but they report that ~5% of total votes have not yet counted. 


  12. 11 minutes ago, Darkpriest said:

    That would be a hell of a result to have 80+% to win on the remaing votes. Not impossible, but rather unlikely

    it is still uncalled because there is 1.4 million uncounted mail in votes and Biden has received 77% of those mail  in votes that have been counted. So it looks like PA will end in close to 50-50 situation in the end, win marginal will be only couple thousand votes, so it is probably that we will see court fights over PA's results

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  13. 54 minutes ago, Keyrock said:

    It's interesting how so many people living outside the US take such keen interest in American politics. I couldn't tell you who the prime minister of Great Britain or France is, just as an example, nor do I care.

    Putting it in Civilization context, it is because USA is constantly culture bombing other countries.

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  14. I would be interested to see how well it can differentiate Covid-19 from other respiratory diseases.

    Indicator AI are very good to spot disease indicators as long as they don't need to pick multiple diseases fitting in same indicators, as it is often quite difficult to find such indicators from the data which you can taught to the AI as it isn't usually that clear to researchers that they could say for sure what indicators differentiate diseases from each other. 

  15. 3 hours ago, Darkpriest said:

    Tbh what's going on now shows more of the weakness of the democracy understood as the system, where everyones vote equals the same. It is easy to collapse a nation in such a way, and in the past it even allowed raise to power of people, who should not come to it (certain Adolf guy). 

    Adolf rise in power because system allowed to circumvent will of majority.

    As Nazis didn't achieve majority in parliamentary, but because how Weimar political system work they were able to make it difficult for chancellors with small majority to do anything, so they increased president's emergency powers. This lead to situation in 1932 when Nazis were losing their support in election, but chancellor Franz von Papen, who was losing control of parliament to socialist democrats, made back room deal with Hitler that if Hitler makes him vice chancellor then Papen will use his influence towards president Paul von Hindenburg (who had beaten Hitler in presidential election) to make Hitler as chancellor. Then short after Hitler become chancellor there was arson in Reichstag (where German parliamentary gathered), Nazis succeeded to throw communists out from the parliament (as they were suspected to be behind the arson) and get parliament to vote for Enabling Act which gave Hitler temporarily act without consent of parliament and without constitutional limitations. Act was supposed to be balanced by fact that it didn't hinder president's powers, but when president Hindenburg died in 1934, people were excepting Hitler to appoint himself as president and somebody else as chancellor, but Hitler surprised everybody by combining chancellor and  president offices and with fact that Germany's military supported Hitler and took Hitler Oath in day of Hindenburg's death.

  16. Paradox usually has not used much of their influence towards games done by studios they own, but they have new CEO and new board so who knows what they are doing these days.

    On 10/20/2020 at 7:57 PM, ComradeMaster said:

    I'm not exactly sure what they were thinking with this project.

    Paradox bought in 2015 White Wolf Publishing, which creates all the pen&paper role games that set in World of Darkness (Vampire is one of those) and as latest edition of p&p Vampire was semi successful they started to ponder possibility of new Vampire/World of Darkness CRPG  and they eventually picked up the pitch for this game as it is one that people still asked over decade after release original. So it was probably estimate to be quite safe project for small publisher like Paradox.

  17. 1 hour ago, BruceVC said:

    Its a good question and you and I have discussed this before. I realize most Americans see this differently but  I am honestly saying  " if you continue to print the cartoons more French people will die " and of the course the attackers will be killed but is it worth it?

    I cannot believe the French would still continue to support the cartoons.....its not really about free speech but rather this is real way innocent people can die because of a small group of  intolerant and ignorant extremists?

    It is not really about freedom of speech or supporting cartoons, but that caricatures of political and religious nature are inseparable part of French culture, meaning that even if people don't agree with the message of some particular caricature or find it grotesque and bad taste, they still feel attacks against it and demands to censor it as attacks against France and Frenchness. You could just ask Muslims forget their prophet in attempt to prevent people dying because of extremists.

    In other words it is similar issue as why people support freedom of religion even though it leads people dying because of small groups of intolerant and ignorant extremists.

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