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Posts posted by Elerond

  1. 40 minutes ago, BruceVC said:

    Finland and other countries are doing exactly what I wish we could do in SA and what would help the USA and other countries address the issue of " degrees that dont add value and help you get a job "

    In fact we are trying to achieve the exact same thing in  SA where the private sector provides guidance around what skills its looking for. Well done Finland, I am glad this can be achieved. One question though, do students get a choice based on if they actually enjoy the degree and the work afterwards? For example lets say its been identified we need more bankers so  BCOM becomes the mot effective degree to achieve this but the majority of Finnish students dont seem to like studying BCOM....do they get encouraged and or forced to study this or do students and parents realize this is the best way forward so students study this without being influenced for forced?

    There is no forcing, also parents influence in students choice of higher education is surprisingly low in Finland (less than 1% of students say that their parents influenced of their choice). This is maybe because education is free and no job is seen to be beneath of any body

    Students are encouraged to study certain subjects by increasing amount of admissions in degree programme that are needed and lowering admissions in degree programme where demand is decreasing. Finnish universities use common application where students seek admission to all universities and degree programme they are interested in same application,  so students may not pick BBA (which is our equivalent of BCOM) their first, second, third or forth but their fifth backup choice because there is 400 hundred admission spots where their first four choices only have less than 100 total. Also school councilors help students find programmes that they are interested and encourage them to find at least as back up one programme from sectors where there is high demand and therefore admission is (almost) certain.

    Also universities advertise their programs where they need more applications and student usually needs to see effort in order to find information about programmes that aren't currently in demand.

    • Like 1
  2. 51 minutes ago, BruceVC said:

    All degrees demonstrate hard work and add value but not all degrees provide you with a way to get a good job after University. So for example degrees like social science, philosophy , diplomacy, political science are degrees but are there decent jobs and enough jobs in these fields. Parents should ask " are corporations really looking for these skills " 

    In Finland universities, colleges and vocational schools constantly adjust how many people they take to any particular line based on estimates from public and private sectors what kind skills are needed in work force in three to five years in future. Also schools adjust their curricula constantly based on feedback from job market. This is done in order to minimize number of people that graduate with degree that is not needed on either public or private sector during time when people are estimated to graduate and for moribund sectors.

    Although this is not without faults, like for example in beginning 2000s, when Nokia's dominance over cell phone markets was estimated to last decades, universities heavily focused to taught very Nokia specific subjects which caused problems on markets when Nokia's inner bureaucracy caused it to drop from cell phone markets entirely, which lead to situation where lot of students graduated to unemployment because there was no demand for their skills, luckily internet for things booms has allowed them to be able to found record number of start up tech companies to produces all sort of products that use cellular networks, so their education didn't go in waste, because they were able to create new market with their skills, but story could had much bleaker end too. 

    • Like 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, Hurlshot said:

    Wait, on that AOC story, Snopes is saying she WAS in front of a detention center, not an empty parking lot. Why did you post that?

    It is because when right wing media makes false accusations of AOC it is AOC fault that she wasn't clear  enough, in photographs taken of her without her knowing and published without asking her, which allowed right wing media to make that false accusation. Just you typical case of left wing politicians lying constantly 😋

    • Haha 1
  4. 38 minutes ago, Boeroer said:

    I believe it's very difficult to track an infection back to public transportation - while it's easier to track it back to work, home, restaurant (especially if you have to register like in Germany so an infection can get backtracked)? So there might be a lot of infections coming from public transport - we just wouldn't know?

    It is harder, but in case Finland, 50% of population has downloaded corona tracking application to their phones, which informs when person has been in same space with someone who has been tested positive. Which has helped to track possible places of infection

    • Thanks 1
  5. Big sunk of FInland's corona cases because of travelling (people visiting their families in countries with higher infection rate, people going in vacations in ski resorts etc. and socialize freely with other people there).

    Family gatherings have been also major source of infections. Visiting members of family in care homes also caused problems in start. And again in December.

    There has been only small number of Infections in hospitals and those who have been infected are nurses and doctors who have tended patients that didn't know that they were infected.

    Infections traced to public transportation that isn't airplane are zero.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Zoraptor said:

    Speculative, but not wholly so, and outside reason, but also not wholly so. Trump did drive a huge amount of traffic, he gave Twitter an enormous amount of relevance, he was with very little doubt its single biggest drawcard. Even if people didn't like him they wanted to see what he'd say next and generally what he'd say would be on Twitter- that's gone now. Trump as President buffered the losses twitter was suffering to the likes of instagram/ tiktok/ whatsapp/ telegram/ fb etc because that was where he made the news and if you wanted to see it and interact with it you had to be on twitter. You can scarcely overestimate how much of twitter's traffic has been Trump related over the past 5 years, and even more so how much of its engagement- critical for ad revenue- has been driven by it. Some of that will stay even without him directly driving it, but let's be frank, Joe Biden isn't going to be a replacement in that respect. He just isn't that sort of guy, and for Twitter that's a big problem.

    Fundamentally, Twitter is not a great bet. As I said previous it doesn't have either breadth of service nor lock ins that other SM have and which drive their use. Its (active) user base is fine in terms of absolute numbers- it's artificially boosted, but then so is every SM- but even with Trump it had pretty bad overall engagement and that will now get even worse. It's been somewhat profitable in 2018-9, but nowhere near enough to make up for how unprofitable it had been beforehand. And it seems to be heading for a significant loss for financial 2020 again- small profit for Q3, but big loss- 1.4Bn- for the first six months of 2020.

    I'd agree that it's pretty much impossible to say what the true value of Twitter is in the current environment of quantitative easing and ~0% interest rates. When the money being invested starts being real again is when the actual reckoning, if any, will happen.

    It is mostly speculative.

    In July Twitter's stock price was $33.82, in December it topped in $55.87, last week high was $54.38, just Friday before fall it was  $51.48 and then it dropped to $45.67 and it is now $48.16. Twitters all time top is from 2013, when it reached $69.00

    Big draws don't necessary bring Twitter's much of money because of how their ad model (and how ad models generally in internet work) works. For Twitter best users are those buy stuff based on ads shown and interact with tweets about companies, products and services. Big sunk of twitter users are just expenditure for Twitter as they don't interact with ad tweets and they are too passive in that Twitter would be monetize selling their browsing history.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Skarpen said:

    They did it so shareholders would turn a profit.

    Shareholders lost 5 billion $ worth of their stock value.
    They might turn out a profit in the future.


    They can do it for profit, meaning business profit and still lose stock value because share holders don't believe their estimate or because of ideological reasons or for some other reasons. But stock lose value when people just sell stock regardless of sell value. As now twitter is losing stock value not because how well they are able to produce actual profit as business but because of outside reason, which usually means that stock value will bounce back. But any way companies don't really can effect their stock value because that is based on purely on estimated value that stock buyers feel how much company's worth is. Also because of these speculative value of stocks, shareholders stock value is only speculative especially if you they own big share of company as usually they can't sell their stock on market value as if you aim to get rid of large share you usually need to sell under market value if company's stock isn't in massive demand for some reason (like some bigger company is buying its stocks on fixed price etc.)

    So even though now speculative value of Twitter's share holder is down compared to what it was last week, this is good opportunity for those shareholders that remain and new investors to buy Twitter's stock when it is down make some profit in next month or two when stock most likely returns to its last week value, although Twitter's stock already gained back yesterday almost half that it lost and Twitter's stock is still in almost bubble high price (42% share price increase in last 6 months like most of other tech US stocks) so in long term investing it would not surprise me if there is big drop in stock prices when Corona relief bubble pops. 

  8. 50 minutes ago, Skarpen said:

    LOL. Great backpedaling technique there, skipper.

    They did it for shareholders to turn profit!

    They lost 5 billion dollars.

    They will survive, you know, in the long run.


    They didn't actually lose 5 billion, share holders lose technically 5 billion because they wanted get rid of their stock even with under valued price. That does not effect on Twitter ability to work and it does not effect on how much profit it produces. So it is quite probable that Twitter's stock price will course correct in near future and make quite lot money those who bought those stocks that were now sold undervalued.

  9. 5 minutes ago, BruceVC said:

    Okay good to know,  I didnt doubt you were following the correct advice  but I am still a little shocked that Sweden and Norway  had cases of people not wearing masks 

    What about Denmark?

    I mean the situation is about 60% wearing and 40% not wearing. And it isn't compulsory outside of healthcare and some other jobs to people wear them.

    I would say that situation in Finland would probably be much worse if social distancing wasn't part of our normal cultural behavior 

  10. 13 minutes ago, Darkpriest said:

    Sooo... You guys are fine with this? 


    Nothing rings an alarm bell? Still fine and open market with equal competition rights? 


    You know that you are with you concerns nearly 15 years late. Cloud providers have had power to decide to kill business from beginning and they have done it constantly. 

    And funnily situation is big part thanks to republicans (but they have not been alone with their 'pro' business stand) who have blocked all attempts to put restrictions for companies unilaterally end service contract that breaks their ToS, which they are able to change any point unilaterally


  11. 2 hours ago, BruceVC said:

    Elerond I hope you not being naughty again....did Finland use masks from the beginning and have you been wearing a mask?

    Recommendation for using mask come in September. I would estimate that it was October when majority started to use them in public places. There has been people using them from start, but they were mainly those who could not avoid human contacts because of their job. 

    • Like 1
  12. 23 minutes ago, Pidesco said:


    Norway and Denmark have rather low numbers of cases per capita, compared to other European countries. Norway in particular has been doing exceptionally. Sweden is rather average, not good but not terrible, and this is compared to other countries who went all in on masks and lockdowns. 

    In some countries that did early lockdowns and mask, things went well until they removed restrictions, like for example


    Restrictions help to prevent spread of the virus as long as people follow those restrictions. Which is why it is pretty impossible to say which would be best strategy to follow until the pandemic is over (given that it actually ends in some point)



    Its very unusual for your countries to get something this wrong.....but last question. So were people in Sweden and Norway going around without masks in the cities and how long did this last for.

    It really is not, but we have good PR teams and you only heard things that we have done right

  13. 5 hours ago, Darkpriest said:

    So you say, that if a company has ToS, which is abusive, it's fine? 

    I guess we need to check all those past anti-trust and consumer rights cases from the past. Perhaps companies were fined without reason. 

    You are saying, that the company can use its monopolists position, to force actions, behavior, functionality, etc., which is not required by law? They can shut your entry to the market, when you are doing nothing illegal? 

    Don't they fall into 230? Is there any content, which would be deemed ceiminally offensive allowed there? 

    What will happen, people will most likely move to Huwaweii's phones and their OS and app store. 

    That would be hilarious though, if the anti-china crowd would have to use Chinese products to function freely in the land of the free. 😁


    Yes. As long as there is almost unlimited contractual freedom then company can but almost any stipulation in their ToS they want and those stipulations must be followed if they don't break specific laws. And there is almost no laws when it comes to service contracts between two companies. Which means that it is usually for small companies take or leave situation.

    EU has tried to create directives that would put some rules that big companies need to follow, but almost all of those have been blocked by member countries. And US has even less restrictions and EU and as Parler is US company it would need win their case there. And good luck with that. You can just look how well it has went for musicians who have tried to get their abusive contracts nullified even in cases where other party is actually physically abused them.

    • Thanks 1
  14. 46 minutes ago, Darkpriest said:

    It also seems that Twitter's competitor has been banned from the Google app store. 

    This smells a bit of an anti-trust case. Not sure if that's US users only, or global though. 


    Apple and Google have let Parler not follow their moderation guidelines for couple years for some reason, usually they throw apps out much quicker, now recent events have forced Apple's and Google's hands in matter. 

    When you do app that allows people post content Google at least demands you to write clear policy how you will prevent them breaking terms that you as developer need to agree when you publish your app.


    And if Google's moderator (or their AI algorithm) determines that you have not followed their enforced policy enough they will remove your app and some cases all your apps from the app store. And Apple has pretty similar policy in their store.

    And there is quite little hope to win court case against them when they remove your app for any reason, as they have pretty solid terms of services that give them right to do pretty much what they want and they have money and will to fight decades in courts just to make other companies see that it is pointless to sue them.

  15. 34 minutes ago, Darkpriest said:

    Yes, it could have. Instead of labeling the terrorists, etc. get a conciliatory speach, offer counsel to those apperhanded, and even possibilty to pardon on a case by case approach after the federal investigation. After all, you want to de-escalate, and take away munition for fearmongering. Dems got it all now it seems, so instead of retaliatory language and a one of exclusion, it was a perfect opportunity to do so and start showing aspects of a unifier. 

    You won't change hard nutts over one action, but starting with a strong positive language would start eroding the less fervent base. 


    You know that conspiracy leaning people, sites, news etc. are already claiming that there was no Trump supporters, right wing people or Qano etc. people among those who stromed in Capitol, but that all the stormers were actually disguised members of antifa, regardless of fact that storming was live streamed by well known figures including right wing politicians and well known right wing/qano/etc. people are easily  identifiable from videos and pictures taken from the Capitol. 

    Meaning there is probably nothing that you can do to de-escalate situation with those people because for them only acceptable situation is where they have total control and they will invent narrative that justifies any action they take to get that point. So you can't take munition for fearmongering that isn't based reality and which changes constantly to fit current situation, meaning there is always new fearmongering stories that will be spread regardless of actions that are taken. There is no good way to counter such, but showing significant consequences, does not necessary slow down believers but it has impact people around believers which makes believers work harder. 

    • Haha 1
  16. People who try to commit coups or otherwise cease power usually think they are doing right thing.

    Even people who commit genocides often think they are right side of history, which is why there is often plenty of evidence of their crimes as they don't think what they are doing is a crime, but betterment of their nation.

    Ignorance and intentions aren't valid defense for bad actions and I don't think that anybody should accept them as valid justifications 

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