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Everything posted by Grimnir

  1. I support a modding tool to increase the longevity of the game. History tells us that games that ship with modding tools which keep the fanbase active and involved are success stories.
  2. Seems overly complicated and detracts from the game they are trying to make. Sorry, the line between Eternity and the Sims has to be drawn somewhere and this crosses it for me.
  3. Glad this topic was made, saves me the trouble. I've seen enough elves/dwarves/orcs/etc to last a lifetime. If they must be used, interpret or present them in ways we haven't seen 50 dozen times before. Guild Wars 2 did a pretty good job of this (Elves = Sylvari, Gnomes = Asura, etc). When I explore the world I don't want to already be familiar with those who dwell there. Preferably, plunder your imaginations and come up with some ORIGINAL races. It's not that hard, is it?
  4. Making gold have weight crosses the line into tedium. Inventory management may be fun and novel for the first few hours but I expect to sink dozens of hours or more into this game and I do NOT want to get bogged down with this level of micro-management. Systems to alleviate this mechanic (banks/vaults/squires) are similarly silly and make the concept pointless to begin with.
  5. I too would like to see a class that is a bit off-the-wall. Something which is not merely a hybrid of "pure" classes (not that i have a problem with those, per se).
  6. Seems a little awkward for the type of game they are aiming for. Keywords had their place in gaming history but it was clunky. The level of programming doesn't yet exist which would make this seamless and unobtrusive.
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