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About SilverMoonDragon2

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    The land of maple syrup and tundra
  1. The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. Quite an enjoyable movie I must say, I wasn't expecting it to be as good as it was. It made me cry, laugh, smile...you know, all the good stuff
  2. Get back to it already, you! *giggles*
  3. Gak! ...or maybe just plain ol' rice *pfft*, Gak would be much more interesting though if a little gross...
  4. Well welcome to the forums, I am enjoying your posts and input Oh and welcome to the forums as well Silvermoondragon Thanks for the welcome! I've actually been here for a couple years, posted a little teeny bit at the beginning and then went dark here until just recently...but anyway, thanks again!
  5. That part I certainly agree with
  6. I'm not sure I'd agree, especially given you picked Garrus and I don't recall feeling the same way (and extending into ME3, he's probably one of my favourite "friend characters" in a lot of gaming). Really? Because the transition from ME1 to ME2. What did Garrus learn from Shepard's speech about not rushing into things? He joins a squad on Omega and ends up getting mopey about after they all end up dead so he swears revenge. In other words -- He's learned absolutely nothing. And you have to 'fix' him again. He only gets that proper development if one romances him. Same with Jack -- She only ever truly opens up should you choose to romance her. It's fine if you like Garrus. I'd hardly call him the only character who doesn't really get much development at all from my perspective. I would say a reason for Garrus receding would be the loss of Shepard, he probably felt some form of survivors guilt (especially if said person cared for the person/people who died) for a while and that can mess with anyone's head regardless of what they may or may not have learned before. Garrus isn't immune to that kind of trauma. I do agree though that you do get more development with him if you romance him, but even if you don't you do get a decent amount and whether I romance him or not he is always one of my favourite characters.
  7. Interesting, so what camp would you say you in? The proud and noble promancers or the lonely and melancholic anti-romance crowd? I would most likely put myself in the 'proud and noble promancers' catagory...way too much a hopeless romantic here . However, I fully understand and even agree with the opinions and points of the other side as well. Ideally, romances shouldn't be so ingrained into the plot of a story that you either miss out on potentially integral content (character or plot wise) or become the end all and be all of a game (depending on what it is of course). And sex has become too much of an 'endgame' in some cases, which depending on the game, kinda irks me. Like I said, I love romances in games and feel they can add an additional depth and enjoyment to my playing experience, however many romances now feel somewhat cheesy, rushed, obvious and, well...stereotypical. Regardless, depending on the game, romances will often be a major bonus for me that I tend to indulge in Yes, exactly -- I'd like to think that my criticism is also partly based on BioWare's own behavior towards the romances. One bloke at BioWare felt like he wanted to point out how they are focusing on making the sex scenes tasteful, which as positive as it may sound first-hand, it sounds like this "So what?". It's this kind of mentality, where the romances are no longer optional content, and something as trivial as a 10-second sex scene has become priority. What is the fascination with the sex scenes exactly? I'd hardly consider them the heart of the romance and at best unimportant. I mean, they don't have to be underpants humping, like Origins, but the idea of including sex scenes for the sake of having them like they are HBO or something is just ludicrous. Sex is beautiful thing and shouldn't be censored, but there needs to be a context for them. Make them feel genuine BioWare. Make them feel alive and provoking. You don't need sex for that. Seriously. Some good points there, and I agree. The inclusion of sex scenes doesn't bother me per se (depending on the situation I like the inclusion of them), however, ideally they should be optional in a romance, not made the end game and balanced out better with the other important aspects of a romance (I feel like some Bioware romances for example do accomplish this fairly well - not all of course). I'd like to see more character and emotional growth in the romances (in all the relationships for that matter, friendship or otherwise) that should be the endgame as it is the aspect that matters the most (imo). I agree that sex scenes shouldn't added for the sake of having them, and sometimes they feel like they are (and depending on the game, feel much copy and pasted from one romance option to another...that kinda irks me too), and when they are added I concur they should feel 'genuine, alive and provoking' ...otherwise they feel meaningless. Regardless, I am interested and looking forward to DAI and what it'll be like.
  8. Interesting, so what camp would you say you in? The proud and noble promancers or the lonely and melancholic anti-romance crowd? I would most likely put myself in the 'proud and noble promancers' catagory...way too much a hopeless romantic here . However, I fully understand and even agree with the opinions and points of the other side as well. Ideally, romances shouldn't be so ingrained into the plot of a story that you either miss out on potentially integral content (character or plot wise) or become the end all and be all of a game (depending on what it is of course). And sex has become too much of an 'endgame' in some cases, which depending on the game, kinda irks me. Like I said, I love romances in games and feel they can add an additional depth and enjoyment to my playing experience, however many romances now feel somewhat cheesy, rushed, obvious and, well...stereotypical. Regardless, depending on the game, romances will often be a major bonus for me that I tend to indulge in
  9. OK, I'll bite - what does the "P" stand for? Pansexual
  10. Or how about the cRPG community where most people are more concerned about gameplay than crying out for the inclusion of blatant attempts at pandering to any consumer's sexual preferences, sex lives (or lack thereof), politics or religion? Yeah, how 'bout that. I support "The more choices and diversity in RPGs, the better" attitude, whether it's more interesting gameplay, a more expansive story etc, or characters with different sexualities and different political views.
  11. ^ This! I think the LGBPT community should be included and get just as much recognition as the heterosexual community No, they are a minority and should be treated like it, if you are in a business and majority of people like to buy blue colored toys, you won`t make millions of red colored toys to please a couple of guys.You want to sell thousand blue toys and make a profit, and please almost everyone Hm...from personal experience, LGBPT people are not as much a "minority" as you seem to think. I'm not going to pretend I know everything though, that's just been my experience. It's not the same thing as comparing "red toys" and "blue toys", this is about people, and NOT excluding people (in this case video games) just because some people think they're a "minority" or some people think it's somehow "wrong"...just my opinion.
  12. The Girl Who Kicked The Hornets Nest ('twas quite good) One Day The Hunger Games Must Love Dogs The Kids Are Alright Night At The Museum 2
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