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The Sharmat

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Posts posted by The Sharmat

  1. I'd put this in the bug report forum because I can't imagine this is working as intended, but at the same time it's not really a glitch. Just what is the deal with dispositions in this game? I've got 4 maxed and three more almost maxed and I'm still fairly early in the game? Companion and faction reputations all seem to follow more or less the same pace as in Pillars 1 but why is it so easy to rank up in dispositions now? I don't fancy being a passionately stoic aggressively cruel benevolently honest liar, to be honest.

    • Like 15


    Avellone is more than a little believable, and despite the insinuations of some in this thread, he's not inconsistent, nor acting out of drunkenness.



    Bro, he's persistently and reliably inconsistent- the only thing consistent is the 'in' in front of 'consistent'. Doesn't necessarily mean that he's wrong, but that certainly isn't evidence that he's right.


    I do wish people would drop the drink accusations though.


    As with all of the best writers Avellone has a deeper understanding than most of human nature, and in order to get that understanding one has to have to have a great appreciation for the truth, as well as to be very human themselves.





    To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand MCA. His posting style is extremely subtle and without a solid grasp of office politics the points will go over a typical reader's head. There's also Chris's nihilus development which is a deftly woven character- his characteristics draws heavily freom Vhilor in PST for example. His fans understand this stuff, they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depth of his commentary, to realise that they're not just well written characters and complaints about management, they say something deep about existence. As a consequnce people who don't believe Chris truly are idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate the accuracy in Chris's existential catchphrase "tinynickinyourmouth", which is itself a cryptic reference to the guy's username. I'm smirking right now imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as MCA's genius wit unfolds itself on the Codex. What fools, how I pity them.


    Any yes, by the way, I do have an MCA tattoo. And no, you cannot see it, it's for Codexer's eyes only- and even then they'd have to demonstrate that they're within 2 years of my join date (preferably older) beforehand and have at least 10k parrots received. Nothing personnel, vals.


    Masterful. Have you considered a job writing RPG companions?

    • Like 1
  3. Torment has a very clear right way to play it. If you really like that way, it's a rich story filled with details that warrant a replay. But I'd never replay it to try another path through the game or experiment with character builds or anything like that. Even getting different companions on its own isn't worth it. The game is too long vs. the amount of content they get to be worth it. KOTOR 2 is somewhat better in that regard and I've heard Alpha Protocol is basically meant to be replayed a bunch of different ways.

  4. I will give him credit for actually using gameplay mechanics to drive narrative, instead of trying to force a movie script into video game format; but I still think the execution is often pretty lacking. But given almost no one else is pulling it off either, I suppose it could just be that it's very hard to do.

    • Like 1
  5. I mean there's more stuff in the first act like that too, especially if you take certain conversation options with the Fangs that attack the caravan. And there's the whole bit where every one of Maerwald's lives including the current one was at least claiming to do what he thought the Gods wanted, even when literally at war with himself; which is kinda the big in-game counterpoint to Thaos saying people need them to restrain their darker natures. It's really act 2 that's pretty aimless from a narrative standpoint.


    The man whose magnum opus is a goddamn virtual novel about the subjective nature of truth and reality should never have to resort to words like "shill", "colossal ****" or even childish name calling.

    It's not that unusual for writers to descend to the level of, uh, regular human beings? They put on their trousers one leg at a time just like the rest of us. It's just that by virtue of their profession they tend to be more articulate than the average person. Vidal, Nabokov, Hemingway and others have publicly slagged authors or critics. It's a fun little exercise to imagine how some of literature's great luminaries would have conducted themselves... on the Codex.


    Yeah this is why I don't find it hard to believe most of this is made up or exaggerated. Good writers for whatever reason are often giant egotistical **** that throw tantrums when denied.




    Orlan baby bug found . All is lost  ;(

    That's bad, lots of people were murdering innocents to get that baby. Just another proof that save imports never ever work 100% properly on release, there is always something wrong with them. If save game import won't work on release then perhaps manual selection of story choices will still work properly?


    Have save imports ever worked?

    After some patches, in some games...


    Ok let me rephrase. Have they ever actually done anything even if they weren't bugged? Just trying to temper expectations.


    Orlan baby bug found . All is lost  ;(

    That's bad, lots of people were murdering innocents to get that baby. Just another proof that save imports never ever work 100% properly on release, there is always something wrong with them. If save game import won't work on release then perhaps manual selection of story choices will still work properly?


    Have save imports ever worked?

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