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The Sharmat

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Posts posted by The Sharmat

  1. Riegel has such a wide range of different voices. I'm surprised he and Jaffe didn't get a bigger parts. Were they too busy, too expensive, not good enough?


    As much as I adore Williams and O'Brien I am ever so slightly disappointed all the romanceable characters are voiced by straight people. Given their behaviour on Critical Role I will most definitely readjust my predictions. Tekēhu and Maia now have the highest chances of being interested in same-sex relations. I'm curious to see what else might have bled over from Deadfire to Critical Role considering the bathhose visits.

    While I don't get the obsession with companions'sexuality in the first place (well actually I think I do, I just don't like it) why would the actor's sexuality have anything to do with the characters? Straight actors play gay characters all the time, and vice versa.


    Best Pallegina ending is the one where she gets expelled for disobeying orders but then recalled because the empowered Dyrwoodans immediately kick the Republics' collective asses in a war proving she was right all along.


    That said the "companion finally stands up for what he/she thinks is right" story arc has started to fall flat for me lately when I look back on how many of them only happen because the player character tells them to do it. That's neither standing up for yourself or doing what YOU think is right. It's just another form of doing what someone else wants.

    If you shrug at her, she disobeys her superiors.

    When I did it, she did exactly what her superiors wanted. Glitch, or working as designed? If the latter, kudos to Obsidian.

  3. Ironically Ciri wasn't gay in the books, just raped by someone that was.

    Also Beyond the Sea forgot about Philippa. And Geralt has nothing to do with Elric, please stop spreading this stupid meme Moor****.

    EDIT: I can't spell the author's name because part of it is also the word for a male chicken which is coincidentally used as a synonym for **** in colloquial English. But I can say "raped". Good going word filter.

    EDIT of the EDIT: I also can't use totally neutral medical terminology to describe a component of the male reproductive system. I guess that pretty much sums up the thread. Americans are ****ing weird about sex.

  4. the first game ran well for my laptop, the load times were atrocious though taking about 2 minutes to load a game and around half a minute between each transition. and there was also a slow down at the "cutscene" right before the final boss fight


    My cpu is probably what is dragging the game down, a N3540 intel processor 2.16 GHz (overclocked by default to 2.66 GHz)

    You overclocked a laptop?

  5. Considering that Pillars 1 companions' stats were based more on personality and abilities than optimizing for their party role, this might give us some idea what the companions are like in dialogue. I hope this means Xoti actually has some interesting convos about Eothas with the high int and all. I'll be disappointed if it amounts to another NPC that exists to be proven wrong by the player and then romanced into submission.

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  6. Best Pallegina ending is the one where she gets expelled for disobeying orders but then recalled because the empowered Dyrwoodans immediately kick the Republics' collective asses in a war proving she was right all along.


    That said the "companion finally stands up for what he/she thinks is right" story arc has started to fall flat for me lately when I look back on how many of them only happen because the player character tells them to do it. That's neither standing up for yourself or doing what YOU think is right. It's just another form of doing what someone else wants.

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    I really don't see why hearing the same bit of background banter several times is any more annoying than reading the same bit of background banter several times. It is physically impossible to choose to not read something that is put before you (assuming that it is in a language you understand, of course). Once you read it, you essentially are hearing it your head. There is no functional distinction between the voiced banter and the read banter in this regard, unless the voice acting is particularly bad, of course. The ironic thing is that your post actually inadvertently attempts to demonstrate this very principle by you repeatedly typing the same phrase over and over again, completely demolishing your argument. You have only proven, if anything, that repetition is annoying, not voiced repetition.


    I mean, you're probably right, but there's definitely something about repeating sound bytes that makes you gellarde! Well done. A formidable fortress in the old style. We don't build them like this anymore, you know. Not by the sea. Too vulnerable to cannons.


    The difference between examples is you can't hit a button to make Pallegina shut up but you can click past the text almost as soon as it pops up.

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    I really don't get the reason behind releasing these small chunks of some mid-game content over the next half a year instead of releasing one aggregated expansion at the end of it. What is this release schedule trying to achieve?

    • Do they expect people to replay the whole game every time an additional island is added? Is this then meant to keep people playing almost exactly the same content over and over again for months, because I really don't see that happening, no matter how good the game is.
    • If "forcing" multiple replays is not the purpose, then is this rapid schedule supposed to provide people with additional content while they play? In that case, are there really so many people, that take more than half a year to finish a game (I'd imagine, one would already have forgotten half of the plot details after that long) to warrant basing DLC schedules and size on them?

    I just don't get it and it makes me worried. I hope, that these DLCs will together form a coherent addition with depth greater than its individual parts, but it does not seem like they will.


    I like longer expansions.  Frequently they actually provide a better game than the base game because devs understand the tools better, and they are cause to improve the base game.  However, business wise they seem to be an artifact of the past.  Devs repeatedly say it would just be better to release a sequel than a long expansion.  This isn't just Obsidian; HBS saw a lot more sales when they released Dragonfall standalone. 


    I don't really think so. Both Witcher 3 Expansions did fantastically.

    Witcher 3 led up to them with a chain of bite seized free DLC to keep up market hype. And Hearts of Stone was fairly short. Which is ironic since I actually liked it much better than Blood and Wine and I normally prefer larger expansions.

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  9. Hm, I got a decent ending for Kana without outright lies. Just focused on the good the Engwithans managed to accomplish amidst the bad and talk up the whole experience of discovery even if the end result didn't agree with what he set out to find.


    As for the hobo philosopher thing, well, Rauatai is in a nationalist mood. Just because he says something true doesn't make it popular I guess.

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