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Everything posted by Dundalis

  1. You are not billed until the Kickstarter ends as was previously stated, as such they would not have the money to make the game silly. Yeah I know hardly anything about Kickstarter, and haven't read much on this forum about it. I still don't see why they wouldn't continue to accept contributions after the close of it in order to get more money to make it a better game. i.e. If they don't reach specified targets for certain add ons in the game, but people still want to contribute to help reach those targets.
  2. This might seem like a stupid question, but why is there an end date to the kickstarter thing? Why don't they just keep it open until closer to the release date? Like say 6 months before or something. Aren't they just jibbing themselves out of more money so they can make the game better?
  3. Anyone played Divine Divinity? It should be like that. Open world exploration was great in that. Kinda like an Elder Scrolls game, but without feeling as empty. I like that aspect better than any of the games mentioned.
  4. Just noticed this. Am in Saudi and have noticed that when I save in the safehouse, then load that save I have lost around about 34 experience points. If I rinse and repeat this continues and I lose more. Anyone else have this bug occur? Seems like a pretty significant bug.
  5. Could Obsidian take the IP to a different publisher? I'm sure someone like EA would provide them with support for it. Not sure how that works though, whether they are locked in with Sega.
  6. Trying to get as many perks as I can in the training sections at the start of the game. Just curious with the above perk, what does the evading part of the prerequisite mean? I assume it means you cannot take down an enemy in any way, and must simply get past them (someone correct me if I'm wrong), but it says nothing about you being undetected like some other perks explicitly state such as one with the shadows. For example when doing the stealth portion for Parker, do you need to get past the guards completely undetected or does it still count as evaded if they turn yellow or red but you get past them? Would like to know before I make 30+ tries attempting it.
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