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Everything posted by Eddo36

  1. Nah it's just 18+ because of some F-bombs and one particular scene. And I was trying to make it not sound cliche, though I had intentionally left it vague because I just thought specification would give the story away.
  2. Thanks for the wb and feedbacks. Might add more to it. I'm still working on the front cover. My artist should be giving the pic I told him to draw by tonight.
  3. Just need thoughts. Will go on back cover. Aye or Nay? - btw for anyone wondering, the story is 18+ so I'm not going to post a link to it here. if you want to read, just send me a PM.
  4. www.historicalsoftware.com Pretty neat to me.
  5. http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/americas/06/...s.ap/index.html Just saw it on CNN. Really sad. Don't drive drunk.
  6. Love yourself before you love others. Help yourself before you help others.
  7. Past - has sucked Present - is sucking Future - will suck some more
  8. Actually this link may be better, you don't even need to download the whole manual, but view it page by page http://www.geocities.com/the_creepy_thin_man/mcrp.html
  9. It already is in PDF. I don't know much about firefox. Right-clicking & save-assing via IE works for me.
  10. I'm a certified tan belt (every Marine is after boot camp), though I'm not a certified instructor. I'm not taking any responsibility, though the information is useful for self defense.
  11. if you want it, right click and select save-as (5 mb) http://eddo36g.tripod.com/MCMAP Just don't try those moves without someone certified, else it's your responsibility.
  12. being a soldier takes more than pulling a trigger
  13. Haha well look who gets to plays sub a lot
  14. They can survive. Just more cases of mental trauma. http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/03/19/women.veterans/index.html front topic of CNN as of this moment
  15. Yeah since 1 button typos are a big deal.
  16. History of LAPD SWAT. LA SWAT has been all male ever since it's 60-70 yr history. Oh sure women can apply anytime. Just that none ever pass qualification, not because they were women, but because of things they can't do since they were women. Get it?
  17. http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-sw...0,5852212.story sure they can. Just ease down the rigorous training a bit, simple
  18. http://www.cnn.com/2008/TECH/ptech/02/28/w...mers/index.html
  19. dammit, i have to buy my johnnies! i hate you Nothing to be embarassed of. too many self conscience people around in this world IMO. why they silently put up with suffering is beyond me. they should just buy a basket case of contraceptives.
  20. http://www.cnn.com/2008/HEALTH/conditions/...d.ap/index.html so use protection for your own sake all you guys. can't preach that enough.
  21. http://www.latimes.com/news/science/la-sci...0,6263893.flash
  22. uh it's only blood though, don't consider it cannibalism. like cutting your finger and sucked the blood on it.
  23. Wel that's the way everyone seems to view things these days. The lives of many outweighs the lives of a few. What if it's 100 terrorists and 10 innocent people?
  24. just thought if you were willing to try one, but anyways, I detached the image due to complaints. it's linked now instead
  25. by the way how about back on topic?
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