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Charles Vrike

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About Charles Vrike

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    (3) Conjurer
    (3) Conjurer
  1. no he didnt do it to him self perpusfully.(acording to the game) i dont buy that i think that the jedi cancle cut him from the force becuase of there anti-war positions.
  2. i kant spell. at all
  3. no its not nonsatisfactory its just a cliff hanger.
  4. huh did you say that you could do that in this game or did i miss read you!!
  5. like the one with the jedi calncal (aka the hipy concale {anti war}) when the PC was exiled.
  6. ^ i dont remember that revan was telling him that....
  7. yay finly some one read my: that was no ending that was a clif hanger... i totly agree with jagars4ever. they may as well just put that by kria saying
  8. next time i play im playing ds/most infuilnce with hk.
  9. then that one dies. then finds the madalore's armor(or mask)* then brengs clan ordo to duxon. then goes with the general (the kotor II pc) to get find more clans. *in kotor 2 i remember that mandalore said that he fond the mandalor aromor(or mask i cant remeber that much) if you go to the madalorians clan on dant. or nar shadaa he will say some thing like that. (i think it was on nar shada thou. but check both)
  10. {evil laff} you can atack 80 well... i can attack 120!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. that was no ending that was a cliff hanger you will have to wait for the 3rd (if it comes out.) for an ending. and that still might not be an ending.
  12. what contarner.
  13. no that was no ending that was a cliff hanger for the 3rd one and then that might be the end...
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