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Everything posted by Langky

  1. Its only a studio, you can get one on Ebay for like
  2. Its only a studio, you can get one on Ebay for like
  3. I dont really have a "Favourite" setting I think that all settings have their good parts and the their bad parts, but I put down "Lord of the Rings" just out of respect for the genesis of fantasy books ultimately it was the book that got fantasy moving.
  4. Since when do people "need" to be ruled over and dominated by a single empire . I anything I hope China if that next "Empire" in line is no where near as capitalist as the American Government in its foreign policy then maybe we wont see 75% of the worlds wealth in the hands of only 25% of the worlds population perhaps take a more left wing socialist approach to helping other countries and then maybe all these Horrible "alternatives" might not get as bad as they do.
  5. And think of all the pointless busy work and whinning: "Mister dictator we dont any clean water supply" "Mister dictator some people in that village are rebelling against your rule" "Mister dictator we want a library" Ruler = overgloryfied baby sitter
  6. The death of Kurt Cobain was the biggest tragedy since the death of Bob Marley His memory will live on his great music.
  7. YOU GOT A GIBSON YOU LUCKY HUMAN BEING!!! Im sitting here with with a wimpy Rockwood Hohner and a Legato My dad does have a classic 1960 Fender bass though . . . . . . . . . Sitting in a warehouse back in Zimbabwe DOH!
  8. I just play guitar (acoustic and electric) Im privilaged to have grown up in a very musical family. My dads basically been working in everything to do with music and sound that you can think of since he was old enough to leave home(prior to that he was in a band) from bulding actual radio stations, to acoustics, to providing and running the sound equipment for threatre, to just good old dirty DJ work, hes got a good ear for music and what makes it great and I guess some of it rubbed off on little old me. I usually just jam with my dad usually with him on the acoustic and me on the electric (or vice versa). Oziris sounds interesting, like the mixture of mythology to create style and conjure images in the listeners minds. Im always a sucker for a good slow indie band, I listen primarily to lots of heavy music but its always the slow alternative\slow rock songs that win my heart its partly why Jazz is really starting to appeal to me now, I have started listening to some of Barry White. Going off the point a bit now I think one of the most underated artists in the world of music has to be Bob Marley, Zimbabwe's (Hell bob Marley wrote a song about our little country) got a big Reggae following so grew up with quite a lot of reggae in my blood and find its surprising that so many people think that Bob Marley was all about the weed, which is such an understatement of his contribution to music. Bob Marely's songs are infinately deep take "Buffalo Soldier" its basically a historical chronical of the jammican people rolled into a single song. Im just going to plug an amazing Zimbabwean Rock band now for the heck of it (hell we dont have to many of them). Their called "Mann Friday" there basically a pearl jam and macy gray inspired rock band with excellent passionate vocals and they sing about my country and my culture both the good bits and the bad they wouldnt any were near as good if they werent as passionate as they were about there subject matter it makes them a great live band experience. Unfortunately they havent been signed yet, as there isnt too much of a market for the music there producing, alternative rock dont do so well in britain and its also because the average western auidience cant relate to what there singing about.
  9. Yup! Im currently trying to manage four multiple personalities, violent mood swings and various addictions and thats when not writing my book and keeping the neighbours awake with my constant loud guitar practice. When I finally get a break from all that I usually relax get out a book or a good movie, maybe go watch a rock concert if theres one worth watching. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Can I be your groupie? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> O...k.........but you have to fill in a application form just like anyone else :D
  10. As long as you realise that thats a bad thing, I have no problem and I doubt there anything more than "Pet Hates".
  11. I consider those things to be in a class of there own, seperated from the rest of existence, but I can see where your coming from, I would nowhere with out my friends In fact I mostly be dead in some gutter with a poorly written suicide note in my hand.
  12. Yup! Im currently trying to manage four multiple personalities, violent mood swings and various addictions and thats when not writing my book and keeping the neighbours awake with my constant loud guitar practice. When I finally get a break from all that I usually relax get out a book or a good movie, maybe go watch a rock concert if theres one worth watching.
  13. In no particular order 1. Literature in any form (Includes Poetry and Novels, I like Fantasy mostly) 2. Philosophy (I mostly agree with most left wing philosophies) 3. The Beautiful and Amazing Things That Are Women (Their simply amazing people arent they) 4. Tolerance and Acceptance (I havent seen a lot of it in my life and it still amazes me ) 5. Music (Rock in particular ) Things I couldnt fit in: Cats, Coffee, Fine Art, Hippie Culture, Nelson Mandela, Morgan Tsangerai, Sparticas, Buddist Culture, Hindu Philosophy, Martin Luther King, Hannibal (ancient carthagenian general guy not lecter), Guitars, Brandy, Red Wine, Dried Vos, Homer (the Poet but the other guys cool too) Hates: Quite a few 1. Intollerance of any kind :angry: (Im intollerant of intollerance ohh the irony) 2. Poverty (Nuff said) 3. Arrogance (Nuff said) 4. Elitism (Nuff said) 5. Selfishness (Nuff said) I pretty much all other hates I harbour stem from the rotten pool of bile that contains those five horrors
  14. Good band Boheimion Rhapsody is jsut something special, can never be remade.
  15. **** I forgot about metallica excellent band, each song is like a story, I personally like the S&M album the best, favourite tracks: "No Leaf Clover", "One" and "Nothing else matters".
  16. I know good taste when I see It . Good Selection. Im seeing Green Day Concert in Febuary there an excellent band brilliant combination of Acid Jazz and Punk Rock, although I feel their new album has lost some of what made them so unique. I pretty much respect, or enjoy all those bands (except Pink Martinee, Jet and Rush buts thats largely because I havent heard those bands)
  17. Rage Against Machine are an excellent band there never been anything quite like them and there probably never will be again. I would describe them as an explosive concoction of Angry Rap Vocals, heavy and yet artistic guitars, funky bass and drums combined with excellent politically charged wrath, every word has a meaning no filler here. Favourite track of theirs (theres so many :"> so many good choices) probably has to be either, "Veitnow", "No Shelter" or "Born of a Broken Man" . Other than rage I have to say Hendrix and Led Zeppelin are two very special bands that revoulutionised rock music each in there own way. Listen to "Kashmir" and "Voodoo Child" there life changing tracks . Another band has to be system of a down, their a fine blend of gothic metal, and simple philosophy, every song exploring some meaning, each a chilling look at our society. They produce some great rock ballads, their hard tracks are what make them famous but its their slow meaningful tracks that win your heart. My favourite track would have to be Aeriels, my favourite quote "The Purest forms of life? Those days are never coming back." Korn are also a brilliant band, a heavy mix of hard bass rythems, eerie guitar and vocals and each time they release an album you have no idea what your going to get as the experiment a fair bit. There also fairly clever with their lyrics, "Daddy" is heart wrenching and chilling . Favourite track, whats to say "Freak on a leash" its simply a evolution in music . As usual I have rambled on a while :D so heres that in bite sized chunks: Favourite Bands (in no particular order): Rage Against the Machine, - "No Shelter", "Born of a Broken Man" and "Veitnow" System of a Down, - "Aeriels" Hendrix, - "Voodoo Child" Led Zeppelin, - "Kashmir" KoRn - "Freak on a leash"
  18. Havent really ever been stuck in a airport but I did spend eight hours in a petrol que in zimbabwe, eventually we just had to abandon the car as it was getting dark out, it didnt really matter about leaving the car there as you cant really steal a car with no fuel in it (unless you roll the car away but that makes you kind of inconspicous). All together I hate to think about how much of my life I have wasted In GOD DAMN petrol, bread, sugar, and milk que's.
  19. Yeh! Vote Cat! Keep Facism out of the forum and in the history books where it belongs! :D
  20. I dont really have any nick names except for "Tabung" (spelt wrong of course) its my swahele (spelt wrong) name given to me by a swahele friend of my dads when I was born it means "To Bring Joy" but its not a name I like use because its how... do I say... Pretentious. I do however get some great descriptions of me, including................ "Hes like Jesus with aids"(It comes from the long, curly hair, the slight mustache and the goate also becasue Im quite lanky because in Zimbabwe we had to que for EVERYTHING and I dont eat much so I lost a LOT of weight, which you kind of do when you have to spend eight hours in bread ques every weak) "A Barfing hobbit"(Largely because of my hairy feet and Im quite short for a zimbabwean, I also "over-indulged" on my "going away" party in Zimbabwe primarily in the Vodka Department). So I chose Langky because my eating habits still have to adapt to having such a large supply food, also because I like spelling things differently, its just the way my brain is geared, a bit like people WHO ALWAYS TYPE IN CAPITAL LETTERS. Normally I use the name "Citizen Langky", as a left winger I find the term "Citizen" to a derogatory term, so I like using it in a sort of "Pseudo Irony" type of way, but I didnt use it on this forum because........I dont really know its just one of those impulse things .
  21. The Cat Hands Down!
  22. Scary the way the system can screw you in that way. The logical thing to do would be to get the man out of there, but the law is not logical now is it .
  23. Mine has to be Dungeon Siege <_< I was expecting a nice open world to explore in and some decent hack and slash action but instead It was like diablo and diablo 2 just without the charm and ten times longer, all those excellent graphics (for there time) and seemless area transitions largely wasted on a an inferior Hack'N'Slash RPG. *SIGH*
  24. What Im looking forward to (not in any particular order).......... 1. Jade Empire: Im a sucker for good kung fu movies and this looks to be shaping up into something special. 2. Dragon Age: Im interesting in seeing how it will turn out. 3. Neverwinter Nights 2 Probably won't be realeased any time soon but by the end of 2005 we should have a better perspective on how it will turn out and I want to see the type of games Obsidian can turn out.
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