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Everything posted by Vladek

  1. its my charm, gets em everytime :D
  2. What i want to know is does it matter what someone else believes, you won't be able to prove them wrong and you right, no one will change their minds becouse someone told them their god isn't the true god etc... Can't people just believe what they believe let others believe what they want to believe and when you die you'll be able to either say "Hey this is great i was right all along" or "Oh crap i've wasted my whole life i was so wrong" does it matter that someone else has a different view?
  3. is everyone on here a religous nut? ITS JUST A FILM!!!!! since when were films ever acurate!
  4. Everyone discriminates you can't help it, its built into you, if you see someone walking down the street with their leg hanging off ozzing puss you're gonna discriminate! Well i think you've already failed your test cos instead of treating them as everyday folks you'll be wondering constantly about how your acting instead of just being yourself with them. Gay people are not the devil, except i say again the guy off will and grace he's amazingly anoying!
  5. well yeah 40 years is a long time now but we have lots of writen and visual records of world war 2 and also people live longer these days, so there are still people around to give first hand accounts, back then you'd be lucky if you lived to be 40 years old! and lets face it there weren't all that many books around then! and certainly no film cameras! so 30-40 years was a long time!
  6. If you're that worried about the ice caps melting perhaps you should stop wasting electricity and turn off your computer?
  7. If i posted some of my uni work could you write some technical reports for me please :D
  8. Well i mean if its as historically acurate as possible then i don't see how it is offensive to jews, if thats how it happened, cos in a way you can see where they're coming from, if someone claims to be sent by god now days people shun them, look at Waco, i'm not saying those nutta's were right but its the same kinda situation, what if 2000 years from now people believe that their way was the right way? People should just accept that others have different views to them that may or may not be right. I just find it odd sometimes how some people are really defensive, i mean if someone takes the piss out of me cos i'm English or cos i'm white then i really don't mind, i find it funny how people from the US seem to think we all drink sipping tea in our county estates
  9. Did you hear what mel gibson's dad said about the holocaust? http://uk.news.yahoo.com/040218/323/emcr8.html Maybe thats another reason why some people think it might be a little offensive. still might be a gud watch eh!
  10. Thats gotta be the dumbest thing i've ever heard, you want to meet someone who's gay just to 'test' yourself. lol. they're normal people too you know they don't tend to walk around waving a flag saying "Look at me i'm gay" Unless they're on will and grace
  11. Yeah but i've got nothing against a lot of things and think people should be allow to do what they like as long as it doesn't harm other people or their way of life (But it doesn't always work out that way though), i think that bananas are a really tasty fruit but i'm not 'pro-bananas'.
  12. just out of curiousity how can you be "pro-gay"? its not like a political party or anything is it
  13. But women are forever going on about how men shouldn't choose there underwear etc etc! what if they guy wants some support?
  14. I thought the UK was the 51st state? We're forever following your hair brained invasions after all!
  15. Depends if i'm wearing my lucky undies!
  16. Happy Birthday!!! like i said, retirement next!
  17. whats spam?
  18. Delewares a state???
  19. I think if it was something like Fallout 3 was going to be and fallout tactics was then that'd be great! but also wouldn't you like to feel you were there, like looking face to face so to speak with the world?
  20. When i create a pan european superpower and of course i'd have to lead it, i mean who else could do it, then your ass will be the first against the wall monte carlo
  21. I'm from England and i feel european, much rather be european than from some stinking hole like london
  22. I demand Atlantis is added!!!!! erm England.
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