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About TormDK

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  1. Yeah, good idea. The view area is larger and there's enough room to move around on
  2. Overall, from a single player point of view I'm satisfied with the game. I'm also a long time fan of Obsidian, and I'm fairly sure I have every game they ever developed for PC (Yes, even Alpha Protocol) Sure, the camera for single player could get tweaked so we're not stuck with only two modes. But I like the Focus/Power design, it works well on pretty much all encounters. The only encounter I consider broken is playing as Lucas against bosses that have that aura that hurts you for being in contact with them (Since Lucas has no ranged). With the NPC AI being pretty poor I had to do alot of reloading to get past those areas. Other than that there's a good feeling about this. Now, if we move to Multiplayer as I've noted in other threads the camera design choice really becomes bothersome. The play area is too small to have players running around in, and since charcters are not able to dodge through each other (This is a good thing mind you) any sort of tactical gameplay is very annoying, and almost impossible if you play a mix of melee (like Lucas, with his 2h dash attack) and Anjali in her flame form. In that scenario Anjali is accually able to shoot at enemies you can't see! The game knows they are there, and can target them - The players just can't see them. Also if Lucas were to dash too far ahead he will get warped back to the host. We thought it was "just" lag initially, but it seems to be a leach on the people that join. The camera isn't centered on the Host, so rather than just one annoyed player there's two (or more). My recommendation is to up the viewable playing area between 50-150% depending on the number of players in the game as to provide some room to move around on!
  3. Sure, except the demo doesn't do multi player. Nice try at a comeback though As I said - I have no problems with the single player experience. Thats enjoyable enough if you're into Action RPGs. But current Co-op offerings do not live up what was expected by many. I would expect a larger amount of responses from the americans once we hit the 22nd, so it's not something you as a moderator, or Obsidian as the developer should try to downplay. What are you talking about ? The demo has both local and online multiplayer..On the 360 anyway . You just can't choose your own co-op buddy, but u can join random online games.. Nice comeback, huh ? "On the 360 anyway" - Good for the console owners then. I already own the game on Steam, so it's for some reason not letting me re-download the Demo to verify this for PC. Not that it's going to change much regarding the online experience.
  4. Aye, I'm not overly fussed about Steam achivements, but I didn't get any from my single player play-through Friday evening and yesterday.
  5. Sure, except the demo doesn't do multi player. Nice try at a comeback though As I said - I have no problems with the single player experience. Thats enjoyable enough if you're into Action RPGs. But current Co-op offerings do not live up what was expected by many. I would expect a larger amount of responses from the americans once we hit the 22nd, so it's not something you as a moderator, or Obsidian as the developer should try to downplay.
  6. I hope the americans read this forum before shelling out money on this title if their intent is to enjoy it in co-op mode. For single player the camera is still annoying, but you can get used to it. When player Co-op however you are pretty much forced to play either as melee, or as ranged in order to have any sort of tactical freedom. Forget about dashing with Lucas' 2h ability, because chances are you'll go off screen and get warped back to the host. I'd hate to think how it is with 4 people playing. So all you americans reading this before buying - Make up your mind regarding this title. If it's a single player experience you want go for it! But till Obsidian fixes the camera for Co-op play I would not advice getting this title. I would get my money back if Steam allowed it with the current setup.
  7. Persistant data isn't important to my friends and me. But Obsidian really really needs to fix the camera view point in co-op mode. No if's or but's on that one.
  8. It does not zoom out, unfortunaly. I wouldn't mind having to stick close to companions in mp if the camera was more zoomed out. It gets very crowded and frantic the way it is now. Aye, any sort of tactical combat is more or less impossible. Hell you can even shoot at ranged against mobs that is not on the screen and still hit them because the game knows where they are - You just don't get to see them! Each player needs to have his own screen, so we don't have to run around like dogs - leached to one another.
  9. That depends entirely on the reasoning behind buying it. Both the OP and I bought it to play it with others and in it's current state the camera kills our enjoyment. I'm having a really really hard time understanding why this camera design choice was allowed to go through the QA process. Single player wise the game is decent, but even there the camera can be annoying since it only has two settings.
  10. It uses your Steam settings, so open your stream overlay, and enable Push to Talk.
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