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About progaor06

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  1. how do i make her flee do i attack her my stupid ai keeps attacking handmaidens i need this and merhant of ehb japanese dude got this achievement dont know if american one is glitched these r last 2 i need to max game out
  2. i ogt this achievement for 360 using lucas here what u do do not equip any dlc rings or amulets at all on your main character your other character can have best equipment they want you will still get the achievement
  3. i made it ot level 29 beofre i got to final boss all i need to do now is grind in this forest for bout 45 mins to hour i got the achievement
  4. i got the achievement for anjali but i have 360 version dont know uf u using the pc or 360 version if that helps i didnt get merchant one it gave me the deed though kinda bites
  5. is glitch only for pc version for for all system i have the 360 version xbox
  6. I just beat the mines talked to queen did all side quests in mine.Now i have to go thru the spire,Will i reach level 30 before i get to final boss.If not wheres best place to level up few levels at,Trying to get the level 30 achievement
  7. im in stonebridge there lot of good stuff in this town,Any good places to get mass amounts of gold qucikly some these rings and amulets r quite pricey.
  8. 1st chaacter im doing is lucas there 2 sample builds for each chacter this is lucas tanks build 1-Stats to max-Armor Stamina,Block 2)useful Chaos effects-Vampire,Warding Retribution,Weakening levels 2-5 profiecency live by the sword to max buy shield wall level 5 levels2-5 talent point assignation-victory rush to the max buy heroic charge at level 9 levels 6-10 deflecting shield profiency and talent devastating criticals to max levels 11-15 buy this abilities earthrendering strike level 12,and unbridled wrath level 15. lighting precision to max profiecency,and rejuvenation to max for talents levels16-20 buy vanguards strike at level 17 then wind shear level 20 prof points buy willful charge to max talents focused strikes to max levels21-25 assign prof point to max for tremor talent points max to death defying levels 26-30 prof. points max to slow shear talents max to focused rage This is tank build use it if u want,I"ll do one build every other day.Next character is anjali till i post all 8 sample builds enjoy guys. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. I have the guide for this game,there is some custom basic builds for each character 2 for each.I can post some later which stats r best to use for the build,Best chaos addtions what points to use every level up .If anyones interested let me know it will be alot of typing though. Im using anjali burn and ignite,does lots of magical damage but is open for being attacked.This build is focused on will and attack stats maxing .It quite challenging to say least on normal mode,I bout died vs the witch boss in the cave. Cuz you sacfrice armor and block with equipping,for maxing out will and attack it either will or attack with some equipment.
  10. if they cant fix mp as far as having to reconstruct it,Why not add random dungeon for mp. that way 4 people get together,Beat the living hell out enemies.Floors and floors of brutal mayhem like torchlight has it never ends. later if possible fix story mode for mp where can all keep our loot exp etc raise level cap
  11. reflexivedee on xbox 360 ill play with yall morrow gonna test solo out later tonite
  12. I dont think they need new game plus only way they could add something similar with dlc addon is this,Import completed saved game character as coop ai or friend..Once your other main character level is within 5 levels of completed one,You can choose to use your imported character make your current player the ai or something.
  13. i hpe it does cuz dragon age 2 sure has not had nay since it pretty muc launched it been 3 months
  14. I know there will be dlc as far as items etc,Anyone know bout extra quests level cap rasied.It be awsome hope to hear some release date timeline,For futre dlc to extend this game expansion pack i hope we get also!
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