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Posts posted by Sammael

  1. if obsidian announces that the game they is working on is kotor2, we suspect that the favorite game of most obsidian posters will be kotor... and many of those kotor fans won't know or care 'bout bis.

    Scary thought. I am sure we'll do our best to drive those people away and force Obsidian to make games that we want. Or something.

  2. My character name is from my fave pnp character. I'm no god so I have no avatar, sorry.

    Feh. All the archdevils and demon princes have avatars as well.


    As for my alias, it is unfortunately linked to Sammael of Wheel fo Time, one of the Chosen of the Dark One (i.e. bad guys) and a great general of times long gone. To separate myself more fully from that character, I often use the title "Duke of Baator" or change the alias itself to "Duke Sammael."


    Historically, Sam(m)ael is one of the names medieval Hebrew scripts attribute to Satan, although there is much debate whether or not they are the same entity. Sammael is the only fallen angel that is both hated and loved at the same time, beautiful to behold but terrible in his wrath. He is the angel of retribution and war, but also of truth and knowledge. There are several apocryphal texts that mention Sammael, although they are not parts of the "official" Bible.


    The avatar is from a picture of a pit fiend (the highest-ranking non-noble baatezu) standing victorious on a pile of dead adventurers, by Wayne Reynolds, one of the principal D&D 3(.5)E artists.

  3. The mods should enforce the rules; however, this has often not been the case with various IPLY/BIS forums - and, whether Obsidian likes it or not, the comparisons are inevitable.


    There needs to be a clearly defined policy on posting, and this policy should be available to all members rather than displayed in the obligatory "mod forum." The policy should leave little room for interpretation, and the mods should always have a clear idea of what must be done. The policy needs to be flexible enough so that people aren't banned left and right for minor transgressions, but it also needs to be strict enough to work for long-term offenders (...bluehorse...).

  4. people is much more willing to accept restrictions after they has been the victims of other folks exercising their "liberties." if obsidian wants to crack down on folks hard they could not hope for a better start.


    HA! Good Fun!

    I am all for law and order, provided I know what the rules are (in both letter and spirit). Don't you share my orderly ways, Grommy?

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