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Everything posted by Renevent

  1. Same to you. There is a reason Dungeon Siege has a dubious reputation under hardcore rpg players. They weren't hardcore RPG and never were billed as such...so again what does that have to do with anything? Both of you are missing my points by a million miles. Further more, Dungeon Siege III isn't a hardcore RPG either...even less so the than previous two IMO. Maybe has more story depth (yet to be seen) but certainly not on a mechanical level. For the record I don't think the Dungeon Siege games were amazing or anything...I always just considered them 'good' for their genre. Fun games with nice leveling/skill system, great loot, and fun online. So no fanboy goggles here...only with you two
  2. Yeah I didn't think the dialog/voice action was particularly bad...actually seemed pretty decent.
  3. Alpha Protocol is more RPG than DS And Baldur's Gate II is more of a RPG than Alpha Protocol...who cares what does either have to do with anything? I am talking about Dungeon Siege. Damn...take off the fanboy blinders.
  4. if you think DS was more RPG than DS3 is, you have another thing coming. you obviously don't know anything about Obsidian, but even saying that DS is any kind of RPG is an insult to my intellect You are obviously the one in need of a reality check...and you seem to be in the habit of talking about things you simply don't understand (like the things you said about Diablo on console rpg online games). The RPG elements I am talking about is the customization and depth of it's mechanics. And I know tons about Obsidian...I own all three NWN2 games, New Vegas, and KOTORII...Obsidian is a good developer in my opinion they just totally f'd up with DSIII.
  5. This game is barely anything like the originals. It's more linear, shallow, and the entire focus of the game has been redirected. Forget control schemes or things like that...this is not a Dungeon Siege game through and through. The multiplayer is worst offender to be honest and I can't even believe this design choice was not only seriously considered but actually got implemented. With that said it seemed like an OK game I guess. I'm going to give the demo a little more time but at this point it's pretty unlikely I will buy the game...not at $60 at least. I was actually going to buy my brother-in-law a copy (I do this frequently for lots of games since he doesn't have a lot of money) as well just so I could play co-op with him (and other people too of course). I'm just sitting here shaking my head with disbelief. They took an awesome ARPG and turned it into a emo story based linear action adventure with light RPG elements and neutered online play. Yeah...that's exactly what Dungeon Siege fans want /sarcasm
  6. Here's what I don't get...in this article they make it sound like we will have persistent characters: http://destructoid.com/obsidian-explains-d...ns-195120.phtml
  7. There's plenty of MP solutions that work, including the previous Dungeon Siege's. He had his persistent character, and I had mine. All my (and his) progress transferred no mater who we played with or who hosted. For a RPG (especially a game in a series that focused on character building) they picked the worst possible MP design possible.
  8. If you're planning to play with your brother-in-law and him only then you won't have a problem. One of you hosts the game, you play together, gain loot and experience. And when you start a new session and you'll both be where you left off. Your character will have the same loot and the same xp. If the host keeps playing SP, or MP with someone else, from the same save, then yes, the non-host would suffer. But if they start a separate SP game that's fine. Yeah, if I played with him and only him (and vice versa) we would be ok...that's not the reality though. He plays a lot more than me and definetly would want to play with others when I wasn't around...and I would most likely play with other people as well from time to time. The way DS3's online is setup is a total bummer...and I don't even really care much about the screen sharing issue..
  9. Both are true. Although some may try to argue the first and say the save file stays with the host. This however means that other people can join the hosts game and play as 'your' character while you are offline. So it's not really your multiplayer character in any sense... So you only keep items/progress if you are the host. Thanks for the response...I guess. All I can say is wow...what compelled them to make DSIII like this? I shrugged off the new control scheme, heavier story focus, and streamlined* mechanics hoping for at least a fun co-op experience with my brother-in-law....now I don't think I am even going to buy the game. How did design choices like this even get made? It boggles the mind. I mean, they basically took everything that was good about Dungeon Siege and changed into some story drive action game with light rpg elements. I don't think Obsidian is a "crappy developer" or anything, quite the opposite, I just am completely floored at how wrong they got it. *euphemism
  10. I'm sorry a little late to this, but can someone confirm a few thing (or at least point to a detailed post)? 1. I heard you don't keep items/progress in MP? Is this true? 2. You can only play a character a single time through?
  11. Well I wish they would clear it up then...to be honest while I have played tons of Obsidian games, I have never really participated on their forums. But I am sure that's something that has already been said many times by many people lol...
  12. As far as I know, Dungeon Siege 3 doesn't feature "press A to win", and you can actually die, so it's nothing like Fable. Reviewers compare it with Fable because reviewers feel that they need to compare every game with the top 10 sellers of last year. You realise reviewers also call Obsidian Oblivion, for instance? I feel like a bloody tape here, but completely unfounded rumor based on a random journalist misunderstanding/making things up - nothing confirmed. Anyway, yes, Torchlight and Diablo I feel would be the best comparisons for DS3 at this stage, from the info that we have: single character control, fast paced, lots of blazing through mobs in frantic action, lots of dungeon delving, not a large but well balanced set of abilities used to clearly define a character's playstyle, less character customisation but very clearly defined character roles, lots of loot. This is been talked about in this thread already so no reason to go back in to it, but acting annoyed and calling the co-op thing a completely unfounded rumor is not really correct at all. Anyways, the game may or may not still be comparable to Diablo...I hope it is afterall that's what the originals were based on. There ARE changes made (or seemingly) that indicate the focus may have shifted so people questioning it is not that unfounded.
  13. Nope, a previewer mentioned something similiar and I personally think its possible. Also the story here will take a higher priority like in every other Obsidian game. Torchlight is coming out for XBOX360 soon, so if you also want to scratch that itch its a very good game. Bleh...well I just hope they don't go too overboard and forget the essence of the originals. I do have Torchlight for the PC, thanks for the suggestion though. Actually, there's tons of great ARPG's coming soon so even if DS3 turns out being less fun then expected there's still many to look forward to: Torchlight 2 Darkspore Grim Dawn (from Titan Quest developers) Diablo 3 Path of Exile bunch of others I can't remember right now...
  14. Ok I see what you mean...and I was just doing some more reading and they also compared it to Dark Alliance...that I could stomach as it work well for the genre. The Mass Effect thing though, it's not that I don't think Dungeon Siege has good lore, it's that I don't want the game to be bogged down with too much cinematics and pointless character interaction. Kill loot kill loot town sell quest kill loot...that's what I want lol. "That the wheel works differently here. Also they included the option in nearly every dialouge to say "We have to go" nearly from the beginning without going much into details. " ^ This is confirmed? Do you miss out on things if you go this route? Anyways it sounds like a lot of my fears may be slightly misguided... "(Also DS2 featured parts of that already. Didn't it?) " Somewhat...and it was the worst part of the game too. Especially for instance DS2 in the beginning...trying to get out of the Dryad treetop village was the worst part of the game.
  15. Yes/No (Obsidian touched naturally/Doesn't work the same way as in ME). No (also Fable didn't invent stances). No (It's actually more like Diablo with the focus on one charachter and its classes) Yes/No (Online Co-op is not known, Progression for host charachter, level is scaled -to the host charachter- to ensure balance, big influence on the game) Also there is tons of good loot and the combat is fast and according to previewers very fun. How does Fable "not inventing stances" have anything to do with it? All the preview I have read compared it with Fable in some ways. By the way I liked Fable...I just didn't want Fable mixed with my Dungeon Siege. Also, what does "Obsidian touched naturally/Doesn't work the same way as in ME" mean in regards to the Mass Effect dialog thing? My point is hearing the the new Dungeon Siege will now have a lot more focus on dialog, dialog trees, decisions, ect, ect is disappointing to me. I never played DS for it's rich and detailed story and imo that's one of it's strengths. The game didn't bog you down with too much baloney...
  16. ...the less interested I become. Mass Effect style dialog wheels? Fable combat? More adventure less Diablo? No progression in co-op? Are they really turning this game into one of these new age RPG's that ram cutscenes and pointless dialog choices down our throats? I played Dungeon Siege for the great character customization, tons of sweet sweet loot, and for it's fast and fun gameplay. From what I have read it sounds like they are changing the formula up too much to identify with other games in the genre. I really hope this is not the case...please someone tell me I am wrong lol *edit* Great job on Fallout 3: New Vegas...Obsidian you are still rockstars in my book and please don't F-up DS3!
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