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About DudeNoJustNo

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  1. The only beetle boss i'll see is a titan roach in a secret pipe under the house, pobably dlc
  2. Only modded would do this there isn't much of a reason to add more junk to the game. If you're a collector and want the raw science keep that in mind next time.
  3. A drone synced with the map and special black boxes. This drone is only ment for lazy users an easy way back to the base or a resorce location. A few areas would need no drone zones(similar to no build zones) to prevent explotative use of drones. The size is not that big only player sized. Although you could make a drone vehicle that doesn't sound safe as they have no lisence for that.
  4. "daredevil" cannon playset for fast travel and a smaller version like a morter facing up. Both cannons one for long distance travel and the other simply a stronger trampoline. The fuel would be two peices of gunpowder or a special plastic fuel canister. The morter version would be found in the undershed. The "daredevil" cannon would be with the playset somewhere hard to reach what would be included... Brand items. The morter is for circumstances, such as bases and positions above your head. The cannon is to cross the map or a picnic table if you can't hadle bees.
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