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About Brannon

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  1. it's actually unlockable now no way
  2. The balancing of the infused bosses seems to be way too hard after New game plus 2. At the moment, it does not seem worth it to go after new game plus two, because it just gets way too hard to beat bosses. Nerf infused bosses.
  3. forgot to add that the upgrades make the zipline faster
  4. What if you could upgrade Ziplines like you can weapons and armor, with it costing more and more silk rope until it starts taking lint rope?
  5. I especially love the bee rope. Would be sweet for playground obstacle courses!
  6. Rats would be cool for the trash area!
  7. Might be hard to do because of having everything loaded all at once. Loading zone perhaps?
  8. Being able to use a tool to help you while building without sacrificing achievements and such would be nice.
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