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Posts posted by Drakron

  1. Ah yes, that makes perfect sense :p


    Of course it does, years ago there was not such a push towards not having some content.


    Take the issues that Rockstar taken with GTA:VC because the Haiti or Cuban community was "offended" by it.


    Sex in game ... the only game I seen something close to it was in Mafia (that was not developed by a american company), The Singles and GTA:SA had sex but it was "edited out", when you have M rated games that have sexual themes but refuse to show then ... well its stupid.


    Problem with the gaming industry its became just like the movie industry, thing are done to please certain demographics and some things are simply taboo ...


    Resident Evil is SURVIVAL horror.



    Bio Hazard is inventory mangerment.


    Silent Hill is survival HORROR.


    Silent Hill (1-3) is me making a good simulation of a ass blaster taking off.



    All series tend to go downhill.


    I consider SH 2 as the best of the series, 3 was decent overall and very good at some points.


    As for ROOM 309 (the original title I think) it probably would have flopped without the SH name added to it.


    Silent Hill gets recognition because most survival horror games are more action shooters that anything else.


    Making it SH4 was stupid, I got 1-3 and I started with 2 but I did not get 4 and will never get 4, from what I read most Silent Hill fans (that are many but not as many as Bio Hazard fans) did not like the "improvements".


    I think it would have sold more without the SH name.

  3. Of course I can.


    3D Realms been bull**** us over Duke Nuken for a long time and how many Nuken Nuken spin-offs been released?


    Just check GameFAQs for the names ...




    Here some reading material, I remenber George Broussard "Take Two needs to STFU imo" with is so nice for the people that are paying for the bills, I dont blame Take 2 of milking the name since looking at the project time its the only way they get some of their investiment back.

  4. Resident Evil was whored out by Capcom, from what I seen Bio Hazard (its name in japan that makes a hell more sense that "Resident Evil) is pretty big in japan.


    But enter "Silent Hill" that was a survival horror as in horror, it was pretty hard to be afraid in RE since RE since its all the T-virus (or something) behind it as Silent Hill did the Hitch**** trick of leaving things a mystery.


    Silent Hill gone downhill from 2, SH4 was a very big step back and its only SH because Konami decided it was to be (project did not started as a SH title).


    Duke Nuken might say something for many of us but its just whoring the name now, just like Resident Evil.

  5. Dont be a idiot, Nintendo is not marketing Revolution as a "2nd console", they always been on the market and thrown a lot of support towards their console.


    In fact they forced publishers to make GameCube titles if they wanted to made Gameboy titles, that is the kind of support Nintendo put on their consoles.


    Nintendo grip on handhelds come with Nintendo making consoles, there was never a strong rival for the Gameboy line and the DS is doing quite well, a lot due to Sony problems and mistakes with the PSP and the sheer stupidity of N-Gage design.


    The PSP is not a rival to the DS (Sony even stated the PSP was not to compeate with the Nintendo handhelds) and I doubt Nokia can come out with anything that be a problem to Nintendo, the DS is a very well designed handheld and makes me wonder how Revolution will turn out, in fact I am looking foward to Revolution more that the PS3 and not oddly enough that appears to be the case in japan since everyone knew what the PS3 would end up as Revolution is a mystery.


    I bet you were one of those that belived that Microsoft was going to buy Nintendo ...

  6. Nintendo already said that the DS can link to Revolution and Revolution acts as a wi-fi spot for the DS.


    Microsoft will never be allowed to make the Xbox 360 to act in the same way as Nintendo own Revolution in related to the DS, if they did DS owners would have less a reson to get Revolution.

  7. Remember, if you cannot post constructively, please don't post.


    On this?


    Considering that most religions consider they and only they to be right and the others wrong and they have to convert people so they can be saved its kinda hard sitting in the middle of the fence.


    Then there are the people that view religion as fairy tales.


    Its impossible to post something "constructive" on the subject of religion since we dealing with absolutes here, there is no middle ground ... only "I am right, you are wrong".


    You might as well lock it before posting such warnings since it either a)nobody is going to reply anything of value (tread is useless) or b) People will talk about of what they think and sinces its absolutes here it goes "I am right" and there goes constructive here.

  8. Really?


    Try Gonzo animes like "Last Exile" that uses CGI.


    I can understand that anyone subjected to Dragonball have a bad idea of Anime but there are pretty good ones and pretty odd ones.


    Najica pantie shoots are priceless and out of place as well.


    There are lot of good series ... TriGun, Cowboy Bebop, Urusei Yatsura (Lum and that one is priceless) ...

  9. Just like there were no Jedi other than Luke Skywalker, and yet the EU has suggested there were tons of other former Jedi elsewhere hiding.


    Cannon, Luke was the last.


    Continuity there were others, hiding or something (argh, EU horrible plot devices).


    KotOT games goes against continuity, in the normal way that EU is done KotOR would be Infinities.

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