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Posts posted by Drakron

  1. ...an' there's where we has the problem; PS:T was not a total failure...if'n it was, no game hence would 'ave drawn inspiration from it, noone would still, damn near 6 years later, be talkin' 'bout how great o' a cRPG it was ('specially other gamin' houses), etc...it'd be dead, which it ain't...whether ye, 213374U, or anyone else on this damnable planet wants ta admit it or not, there be more than jus' the "black & white" o' it...end o' story... :p



    ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...


    The only game that drawn "inspiration" from it was SW:KotOR2:TSL.


    And yes there are still people talking about it but then again I could talk about Wing Commander and Privatter that are (in most cases) even older that PS:T.


    Ever heard of CIS ?


    That is a Wing Commander site and Wing Commander is as dead as PS:T, the fact people talk about old games or series despite then being dead for a long time means nothing about the success of such a game, I seen FF VII forum in GameFAQs having a considerable amount of trafic despite it being a quite old game.


    And you are right 213374U, reason and logic is not for everyone ... expecialy fanboys that are simply blinded to it.


    I dont "hate" PS:T, its a good game that I never managed to get in (never complete it) and even if I see the good parts of it does not mean I am blind to its failures, a notable one is it did not SELL.


    Why people keep trying to push that PS:T sell? that failure was due to a lot of reasons (starting by Interplay marketing) but it success or failure in sales does not make it better or worst ... just like movies dont get "better" because of Box Office revenue.

  2. I have to wonder how to take PS:T comments serious when they are from people that twist the sales figures to say PS:T did "alright" as anyone that followed up the game history knows quite well it was a fiasco in sales.


    Of course Feargus is going to downplay as much as it can PS:T failures, he had a direct hand on the project and critical acclaimed games are not worth much unless they have good sales.


    But the rest have no reason, PS:T failure was a lot due to Interplay marketing choices, the box art alone could drive people away from the game.

  3. Interplay was a game developer and publisher company not some investor company.


    Wrong, its a investor company ... it had shares that were traded in the open market, it had stockholders.


    Hell, Interplay could have bought Nokia shares just before they started to make cell phones, but that
  4. Let me help you ....


    ...actually, PS:T did pretty well over time; Feargus hisself said that on more than a few occassions on the ol' BIS Boards...


    You also said


    it jus' wasna a smashing success out o' the gate and BIS was in the proccess o' bein' in a hurt locker fer a smashing success, which ne'er really materialized, more's the pity...


    As Grommir said it sold crap after launch, games have about 4 months to payoff its cost and PS:T did not, it might break even 2 years after been release but then again Interplay could have made more money if they put the money in the bank.


    And it was not about making a immediate success, its about covering production costs that PS:T did not.

  5. A couple ideas to implement stealing successfully in an MMO. 
    1.  Restrict it so that you can only steal from people within 2-3 levels of yourself.  This should alleviate some of the griefing.  Players 2-3 levels lower have to make a harder check, players higher get a boon.  Players lower than that would outright fail, as would players higher than that because the target PC would be too 'in awe' of the theif, making it hard for them to distract them enough to l3wt them. 


    No, it would simply make a less of a anoyance for players but still it would be anoying to see quest items, gold and hard earned items being stolen.


    Its grief no way how you cut it, it would be the same as free PvP within 2-3 levels.


    2.  If you steal a hojillion items from a shop, the break-in will be 'publicized'.  Other shopowners will be on the lookout for these items, except for, say, a fence, that you have to sell the items to at a significant markdown.  If you try to sell the items right back to the same shopkeeper, he will know that you stole them from him.


    Too bad you are missing a common game feature, P2P trading.


    That with audiction houses would make the "stolen" flag near useless since players would not care about that if they can get a high quality item cheaper that its selling price.


    The main issue is and will be if stealing is allowed players will not like having the items stolen and any restriction is going to be pushed out by the thieves players that dont understand why they cannot steal gold or quest items or why sould they be restricted to only steal from NPCs, etc ...


    Dont belive me ... check ANY MMORPG that have a form of PvP and you will see people asking for free PvP.

  6. Very poor choice.


    In RPGs the ability to steal is most of the times a way to complete quests, in MMORPGs its simply not possible to make quests depending on a certain class ability unless they are class quests but then we start to think about the use of being able to "steal".


    Grief is one issue, another would be how players could amass huge amount of money by steal/sell from merchants, I have done that in Daggerfall by breaking into a store at night and take everything I could carry just to sell it to the exact same store.


    Stealing from players is bad, people simply dont like the idea they can lose their hard earned items either by chance or by other players ... after all how many DMs have thieves stealing from players without that being a plot device?


    When people complain about MMORPGs many times they point to tabletop RPG rules forgetting that just because something is allowed by the rules does not mean its actually used, stealing is something that is only used as a plot device and/or restricted to players using it on NPCs.


    So why sould stealing be allowed in MMORPGs, a class skill it would be near useless in relation to quest implementation, its open to downright abuse by grief players if left unrestricted and its too powerful as a money making skill.

  7. ... You say I'm asking for Warcraft 4. I am, because with WoW people won't want the world to either vanish or change to the point that their stuff will become useless.


    WoW is not a RTS, its a MMORPG.


    People expect the world to change with WarCraft 4 since that is the main line of the WarCraft universe, WoW is NOT the main line.


    Nobody sould expected WoW to be anything else besides what happed at the end of Frozen Throne since WoW team is NOT in charge of WarCraft story development.


    And because if they did want to have a story between 3 and 4 they would have to have the leaders try to act it out in the WoW.


    That will not happen because WarCraft RTS players are not expected to be playing WoW and so not be "in the know" of what is happening, as everything the start of WarCraft 4 will explain the story that will developed over the missions and campains.


    otherwise some MMO players will yell that this screws them over, they would loose players, and ultimatly either one game or the other would be ruined because they have to dovetail them to work with eachother, meaning that they either have to have an enormus patch, or the game itself would have to have a design change to represent the different world that the players are in.


    Again no because WoW is not going to set WarCraft 4 storyline in the first place.

  8. Two related things...it's often been the players who inhibit much innovation in MMOs. Looting/stealing comes up everytime someone makes a PvP game and the playerbase throws a fit over it, so it usually gets axed.




    You think someone in a PnP game will like another player steals from his character?


    Such behavior is looked down, DM simply do not allow that no matter how much "roleplaying" excuse the player have.


    If that does not work with 4-6 people why sould it work with over 10,000?


    Sould my equipment be stolen because some grief player 10 levels above me wants to get a quick source of money and picks on me?


    Sure he might have a "roleplaying excuse" as everyone does when they go piss off everyone else, like high level go camping on a newbie area and kill off quest NPCs and player alike ... I am sure they are roleplaying "something".


    The reason the playerbase throws a "fit" over it is because they recognize the issues that comes with it, either because it was done before and they seen the results first hand or because they see exactly what is going to happen.


    Stealing is the WORST IDEA EVER! on a MMORPG because grief players would have a field day with it.

  9. Several things have been bothering me since I've played War3: Frozen Throne, and WoW.


    Lets see ....


    First of all, I thought the main factions were supposed to be fighting each other, it seems like they are agreeing to disagree rather than sending armies against various areas over the continents and trying desperately to wipe each other out.


    And you said you played Frozen Throne ....


    They are at peace, there are tensions but not downright warfare.


    For example the Undead are close to Ironforge and there isn't even a hint of a military presence near by.




    How about Dun Modr ... yes its under attack but its a dwarven stronghold.



    amazingly there are orcs within walking distance but no undead. And I don't quite understand how darnassus and the newbie area up there ever came to be, I mean the tree did explode but I doubt that would have caused and entire landmass to break off.


    If you played Frozen Throne you know Darnassus is the new tree to replace the one in mount Hyjad.


    Its even on the manual and no, that is no landmass ... the whole island IS the tree.


    Also the Humans don't have a presence on the shores of Kalimdor to represent those who fled with Jaina and later with Lord Proudmoore (see bonus campaign for details).

    I would think that there would at least be something other than Theramore on that coast and it would certainly be more populated. then there's the fact that Arthas has yet to make a move against either the leftovers of the Alliance or the newly strengthened horde.


    It seens the refugies moved back to Stormwind, Kalimdor cannot really support human population since there are the Night Elves, Tauren and Orcs living there and the Night Elves forests are being pushed for resources.



    I also question the faction divisions, considering that the Orcs and the Humans were getting along for that last battle, I can see where the humans in Azeroth and what few remained in Lorderon would fight against the orcs but I don't see how those who were on Kalimdor would.) Also the undead wouldn't exactly be friends with the orcs considering that they were fighting each other a few years before.


    Humans and Orcs have a long story of conflic, in the Night Elves case its a question of resources and the fact the Orcs killed their demigod and protector.


    The Tauren allied with the Orcs.



    Sure it's the Forsaken not the Scourge but still the reaction to the undead by the orcs would be more like that the humans generally have towards the orcs rather than the "Let's get together!" reaction that they seem to have. If I had my druthers the Humans, Orcs, Dwarves, and Tauren would be the Alliance races while the Forsaken would just be there, as a neutral faction who would be affected by the action of players on the server, for example if they are constantly getting prayed upon by a certain faction then there would be some sort of response in that factions territories.


    That is a mistake, the Orcs and Tauren are Horde.


    I dont like the Forsaken much either, I suspect they were put in to put the Horde number of races equal to the Alliance.


    The other side of the coin (the non-alliance faction) would more than likely be the Naga, Blood Elves, and what ever races you could think up of. Maybe have a few humans tossed in there to represent that a race is not always of one-heart-one-mind and the leftovers of Garithos' wannabe's. they would constantly be trying to do two things, Restore magic and Kill Arthas.


    That would make no sense, you trying to turn WoW into Warcraft IV and its not.


    Naga and Blood Elves role are yet to be disclosed, they likely will show up in a expansion and as likely they will be their own fraction.

  10. In many cases PS:T text was redundant, the same could be said with less words.


    And the start was weak period, not only about combat but about everything ... it dragged for too long and it was not interesting in the slightest.


    Yes it does "build up" at the end if you go down a particular path ... problem is it only builds up if you go down that path, there were other ways to get out of the mortuary that would bypass that part.


    And MGS2 have more issues that PS:T and some rather more complex ... PS:T was simply "what can change the nature of a man" as MGS2 was "who am I? why/what sould I fight for? what is my legacy?" and MSG2 have a far better pacing.

  11. I'll agree to that.  I'll also admit that's my subjective opinion, but what isn't is the following - PS:T is without a doubt one of the most intricate stories on any medium.


    Yes the story works ... if you manage to pass by the huge blocks of text, weak start, pacing issues.


    I never said the story did not work but its not something new, I enjoy MGS2 story (unlike most Snake fanboys) and think it have a better pacing that PS:T.


    A story alone does not make a game, PS:T have a lot of issues as a RPG and as a game.

  12. I wonder how many that proclaim PS:T greatness have actually play it ...


    Honestly its not that great, the start of the game is incredible boring and it does not pick up much speed at the start, I bet a lot of people would be bored 2 hours after playing the game.


    As a RPG its have almost non-existent customization, incredible bad combat, poor balance ...


    Yes it have a story but then again so does Final Fantasy.

  13. Indeed, the M1A2 is not the best tank in the world. That title often goes to the

    Russian T-90.


    Try T-95


    Yes, they have a new tank.




    As for the Type 98, I read that it contains a lot of Leopard 2A5 parts, which is also an equal to the M1A2 if not better. Including the new laser defence technology. (if it works, can't confirm it)


    Actually the Leopard IS better but the Type 98 is really diferent from it.



  14. China has flown missles over Tibet and Taiwan in addition to detonating small "test" nuclear blasts in their vicinity.  And don't forget East Timoor.



    East Timor problems was when INDONESIA invaded it in 1974, right after the portuguese revolution that started the portuguese decolonization.


    Be careful about THAT example since the USA was quite buddy with Suarto regime , in fact Clinton visited Indonesia what some said was in exchange of a donation for Clintion re-election campain.

  15. In case anyone is wondering in portuguese we write Corea and not Korea, same in spanish I belive.


    Also you sould be careful about making statements over regional issues, Korea and China have a VERY long history with Japan that was not pretty, expecialy at the start of japanese imperialism.


    Those outcries over the japanese school manuals* were not staged.








    *In case you dont know, Japan have the bad habbit of hidding their WW II past and a recent school manual intead of using the common name of "World War II" used the name of "The Great Asian War" that was the named used in Japan during WW II to call the war, that ticked off both Koran and China that remenber too well what they suffered during "The Great Asian War".

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