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Everything posted by zooligist

  1. MR. Moderator, and other fans of this damned game. Listen, the Dialogue system is better than ANY game out there. but THATS IT.... the rest is just a frustrating nightmare. and i've read many fanboys saying, "well, its not supposed to play like an FPS... mehhhhhhhh. " I wasn't LOOKING for an FPS, i was looking for a Spy RPG, like a mass effect for SPIES that DONT travel in space. And besides, when you hold down LT, the game IS an FPS. So they should have at least given it some FPS treatment if only for that. No i knew exactly what AP was supposed to be from the announcement about 2 years ago. I waited, anxiously, and as the OP says, i would freak when it got delayed. You know what i thought? they are polishing the game, it'll just be that much better. it's crap. i play only for the dialogue, nothing more. other games could take a point from this dialog system, they even raised the bar higher than mass effect in that aspect. so i suppose that this game has it's place, as sort of a history lesson you can learn from. play pistols and melee only btw, see how you like that ****.
  2. This! is total WIN~! From now! every sentence should be wrirtten THIS WAY~! Back on topic, did anyone notice the 'director's cut' stuff in their Recruit/Veteran playthroughs? I mean there's the gelato man in the first PDA shot, but otherwise I didn't notice a lot - maybe I just don't remember. yep, definitely a troll for a moderator. listen troll, idk if you work for obsidian, but apparently, there's a group of ppl there with their heads up their own, or someone else's asses. and moderators are supposed to be non-bias, and neutral, you sir, in the 3 posts i've seen, have been rabidly accusitory of people who have expressed their problems, qualms, and general complaints about the game. If this was my website you were moderating, i'd find a new moderator. Moderators like you, could take people like me, who are consumers of an obsidian product, and learn from the complaints, and drive them away from giving valuable insight to obsidian. Improving and studying the effects of a product so as to make it better in the future ... most companies do this, its called After-Market Research. But a moderator such as yourself, is going to be bad for the company, because you will undoubtedly piss someone off, who came to this site just to vent their frustration with a game they looked forward to, which was DELAYED, and DELAYED again, iirc. Whatever, i'm not gonna be in the forums long, i just had to say my peace, and i hope more ppl do the same. What a failure. you can try to JUSTIFY it all you want, and try to DENY it, but time will tell. this will be a game easily forgotten, when it COULD have been another Mass Effect, sorry but that's FAIL~! there's ur ~!
  3. Yes, the dozens of us on the forums who have finished Hard quite easily must be gaming Gods. That must be the only explanation? You finding a particular challenge excruciating has more to do with getting used to the game and finding the right strategy. It's always the people's extinct to blame the game first, though. you are a moderator? you sound like a troll man.....
  4. I find it very fun when i'm in the middle of a mission, and i've spent all my ap MAXING out pistol, which is completely maxed now, and i fire 40 bullets INTO SOMEONE, and they aren't dead yet. Now, i can understand them not dying if the bullets didn't hit them, but i see them knocked back from the bullets, this happens all the time in my missions. It's very awesome, because i really also like spending all my mission money on more bullets because i don't like saving up to buy a better pistol that costs 150,000 dollars. Another thing i like: Pressing the run button to get close to an enemy to take him out with martial arts and missing due to a bad melee targeting system, or being in cover while an enemy walks past and swinging into thin air..... alerting the guard and causing him to splatter my brains out on the concrete behind me, THATS AWESOME! makes me feel like a real badass. All sarcasm aside, i can't think of a game that gives me all the tools to be the ultimate stealthy badass, but lacks the game mechanics and developer foresight to execute it. No New Game + mode means to me, that i have to replay the whole story again, and suffer through the pains of leveling AGAIN, buying weapons, AGAIN, and having the same troubles mission to mission AGAIN! that is what nintendo games are like! i think obsidian should work for nintendo, that's right, make repetitive games that are more about the process of repeated frustration. And do not reward the player for completing your game, just make them do it again, and again, and again. FAIL
  5. Play Recruit Hard mode if you dare. oooooooooooooooooooooo, IF I DARE!!!!!! ok, i created an acct on this forum for this game to say ONE THING! WTF WERE YOU THINKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????? no NEW GAME +???????????????? Jesus man. i'm with homeboy up there, i don't want to go through all that crap just to have it taken away from me. I'm halfway through the game now, and i'm a Specialist, in melee, pistols, and stealth, and let me tell you.... i still have the crappy ass pistol i had at lvl 5, i'm now lvl 15, know why? i can't afford a better one, because pistols cost $150000 :D yeah, that better be one badass pistol, i spend my money on things like intel. IF YOU DARE!!!!! whatever dude. seriously? wtf were you thinking? you got my 60$ so wtf do you care? I will never buy one of your games again. you have failed! FAIL! If you don't rectify this, (which i presume you won't), then i will destroy this game on my road, and remove it's stupidness from the game world from infecting any more consoles. seriously man, wtf! were you THINKING~! GOD...... YOU SUCK, HOW COULD YOU BE SO GODDAMN DENSE!!!!! /endragepost@dumbdevelopers
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