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Everything posted by SolidMike

  1. sweet, I've started reading a bit on your NWN2 story ^_^
  2. mmh, it seems most people are put off by the fact that they have to download the file at a third party site. Was probably too much to ask for I guess. The file has been downloaded (and hopefully read) 15 times since I uploaded it. Not exactly a lot considering how many hits this thread has received. At least the (4) reviews I've received were positive. I did request an Alpha Protocol section to be added to ff.net a few days ago so it should probably be up there soon What's your pen name at ff.net if I wanna check out some of your stuff?
  3. It's fully possible they never implemented a transfer feature. But transferring data from one game to another isn't the only way to let you continue with the story branch you chose. If there is a sequel, the game could ask you a series of questions before starting, and depending on your answers the game changes. (the major choices that will have an impact on the sequel, like what major characters are dead/alive etc.)
  4. Interesting idea. I don't remember enough of the Al-Samaad dossier to distinguish exactly what you added though Are you doing more of these? It would be interesting to get more meat on the VCI and some of the other factions, like Deus Vult. Maybe that'd take you too deep into the realms of pure guesswork though...
  5. I appreciate you giving it a chance, but don't in any way feel obligated to finish the story if it's not to your liking. Feedback is always welcome though, whatever form it may take - as long as it attempts to be constructive and help me improve as a writer.
  6. For future posting in this thread, I suggest the following: When entering this thread with a preconceived notion of what a
  7. Thanks alot for your comment You've caught some of the things I had a lil' fun with, glad someone tough it was good enough to pay attention! On Wen is dead: actually Wen was never blamed for the death of Ronald Sung in my story, since Heck never framed him. Instead Thorton was blamed for the murder. (im pretty sure this happens if Heck dislikes you, either way I wanted to add it to the story for a comical/sinister Heck moment) On M.Thorton is bad at telling time: He was clearly mesmerized by the hot mute chick and forgot all about such a silly concept as "time" ;-P Thanks for reading man! I love when writers can actually add bits and pieces of actual 'funny' to something their writing, instead of veiled attempts at mediocre humor. Of course I'd point out these types of things when I catch them. About Wen: Ah... see, the thing that confused me was that I knew that was possible, but, as you said, it was only if Steven blames Mike for the assassination, which requires a dislike from Steven. Just seemed a little weird for Steven to turn around help Mike later. But, then again, even if he hates you, you can get him as a handler in the Finale. Just seemed weird to me, but it does make sense. Thanks The humor came naturally since I was writing Mike as the suave/smartass version (pretty much writing him the way I played him on my first run of the game.) Yeah there are a few more inconsistencies if you follow the main story by the letter. In my story Thorton enlisted the help of both G22 and Heck on the final mission for example, instead of choosing one. I also sorta left it hanging that Thorton was actually framed for Sung by Alpha Protocol / Leland, so Heck didn't rat him out. Wouldn't be too much of a stretch for Leland to plant some faked evidence and stir the whole thing up with the media (or just bribe some corrupt news station). On the other hand, Heck is such an unstable persona that he could easily do something like frame Mike for the murder, and then forget all about it the next day and be all chummy again
  8. Thanks alot for your comment You've caught some of the things I had a lil' fun with, glad someone tough it was good enough to pay attention! On Wen is dead: actually Wen was never blamed for the death of Ronald Sung in my story, since Heck never framed him. Instead Thorton was blamed for the murder. (im pretty sure this happens if Heck dislikes you, either way I wanted to add it to the story for a comical/sinister Heck moment) On M.Thorton is bad at telling time: He was clearly mesmerized by the hot mute chick and forgot all about such a silly concept as "time" ;-P Thanks for reading man!
  9. Hello folks! I just finished writing a continuation to the G22/Sis/Albatross plotline and have been working hard to share this with fellow Alpha Protocol fans. I've whipped up a downloadable PDF complete with several edited in-game screenshots to make reading more fun for you guys. Warning: People who have yet to finish the Alpha Protocol main story might want to hold back on reading until they do because my story contains a few minor spoilers. It is also advised (but not required) that the reader have completed the G22/Sis/Albatross storyline. Follow this link to download the PDF file containing the story (file size is 1.9 mb): http://drop.io/Alpha_Protocol_G22_Full_HQ/...g22-full-hq-pdf Should look like this: Note: This is a completely non-commercial fan-work. Feel free to leave a comment after finishing the story, constructive feedback is always welcome! Happy reading /Mike
  10. "How many gay leopards had to die to make this jacket?"
  11. the hard part with making a sequel, is managing to let all players continue with whatever ending they got (32 different versions?) and make all the choices count. There's a huge number of variables involved.. plenty of main characters that can either be killed or spared. I'm sure it will be tempting to throw away alot of the characters/story just to do something new and not have to deal with all the possible loose threads... The way choices carried over from ME1 to ME2 was VERY minimal for example... didn't have much of an impact on anything. Just imagine it. Sitting down to start a sequel, and having to do 32 different beginnings to the game... uff...
  12. "SIE broke into the medical bay, and freed Agent Thorton from his restraints. The exact circumstances of the escape are not documented, as Agent Thorton appears to have purposely downloaded all video files to his PDA and encrypted them. Remote hacking indicates he has viewed the file 134 times since leaving the Alpha Protocol facility, so the contents of the video are the subject of interest to various intelligence agencies." lols... must have been lonely out on that boat. Maybe the fuel ran out in the middle of nowhere?
  13. Thanks I'm trying to get both of these so it would help to know the specifics... Well I got both, but One with the Shadows was what I got after Taipei warehouse. Thanks I can also confirm this now as I just got both of the perks, and it does *not* count yellow enemies as "alerted". Seems like the colors mean something like this: Blue enemies: Neutral Yellow: Searching/Suspicious Red: Alerted/Hostile
  14. Thanks I'm trying to get both of these so it would help to know the specifics...
  15. Just pointing Bioware's explanation of the name. They purposedly said it was Baldur's Gate instead of NWN's spiritual succesor. I'm betting that's because they want to make a separate NWN3. It's easier to create a "new IP", tell fans that it's the spiritual succesor of a beloved game of theirs and at the same time avoid discouraging newcomers that "wouldn't understand the story". Naming it NWN3 would be better for sales, so why mask it? In any case, i doubt Obsidian's bad luck with AP will end up with them risking it on making a "new IP" like Beta Protocol or Alpha Procedure or Super Spy Dragon Space Marine Sword whatever I think they wanted to break away from the DND setting and make an original IP (more money for them, for one). And the whole "spiritual successor" thing, I'm sure they did it both for marketing purposes, and because they probably deluded themselves into thinking the game was just THAT good.. heh.. not to badmouth Bioware (it is one of my favorite gaming companies after all) but they did go over the top with bragging rights on that one... creating expectations are probably great for selling games, it's also great for disappointing people. I enjoyed DA, played it through maybe.. 2-3 times - But I won't be remembering that game for anything in particular. AP, however, already has some epic win moments that I will remember fondly... so.. Hah yeah, like you said, I won't be holding out for an "Omega Protocol" either though
  16. Are you sure? I would think yellow counts as an "alerted enemy", which would negate the perk... there are two different Sneak perks like this with similar, but slightly different, requirements: Unseen Presence You completed 5 missions wherein you killed less than 5 enemies (including non-lethal takedowns), and no alarms were raised. Effect: Enemy Sight Range -5% One with the Shadows In an impressive act of covert action, you completed 3 missions wherein less than 5 enemies were killed and no hostiles became alerted to your presence. Effect: Enemy Sight Range -5%
  17. Uh, Dragon Age: Origins is the "spiritual succesor" to Baldur's Gate, not NWN. They prolly named it differently because Baldur's Gate is an old game, doesn't have the most approacheable title and Bioware's audience these days already forgot there was a golden age of CRPGs. Dragon Age: Origins is just as marketeable as a name gets... So i wouldn't be so fast with the betting I doubt there'll be an AP2 with a different name. There's either an AP2 or there isn't. I don't know why there wouldn't be a sequel, sales don't seem so terrible and all complaints are fixeable. Like Kane & Lynch. What would be troublesome is a dumbed down ME2-like sequel. Don't tell me you bought that "spiritual successor" line? I think he meant that the game plays out, feels like, and has an almost identical engine as NWN 1 and 2, hence NWN 3.
  18. I found a book in the Rome safehouse (in the bedroom) that has a picture of a guy in a red shirt playing guitar, the books title is "THE END OF MUSIC" I'm guessing someone doesn't like this guys music? could be someone from the office who insists on playing crappy acoustic tunes on all the office parties? Theres also a big picture of this guy across the street in another building if you look out the window, I think in Rome, could also have been Moscow.
  19. I had loads of fun with shotguns on my veteran playthrough. I used room sweep or normal critical hits to knock down enemies in heaps, then storm up to them and use E to stomp them in their faces :D It was sooo his style.
  20. I guess you are playing it in easy/normal. Nope. First time I played it on Hard mode with a recruit, because I wanted a challenge. Played as a stealth character. Second time I played on Hard with a Veteran "shoot-everything" guy. I'd say my skill level with shooters are average, nothing remarkable so don't take it as bragging. The only other shooters I've played through before are: Bioshock 1 and the mass effect games (hybrid shooters on those yeah) My point was that reading the dossiers before encountering enemies does not make it easier to beat them. The combat in the game WAS challenging at times, especially with my stealth character that only had 100 hp throughout the game. It wasn't challenging because the enemies acted smart though, mostly because I got shot, once or twice, and died instantly.
  21. Here's how I see it: Obsidian came up with a fantastic idea of using different Archetypes for different power factions in the game (VCI, G22, Mountain Triad, CIA agents etc.) These can be studied in dossiers before encountering them so the player becomes well informed of the tactics said opponent will use. Examples: CIA agents are supposed to wait until they hear you reloading and then attack you. Mountain triad gang members favor bull rushing you and attacking you hand-to-hand with their kung-fu fighting skillz. I thought this was an awesome idea. The discerning player/agent will buy all the intel possible before missions and get an advantage compared to a player who just ignores doing the homework and just rushes in to shoot the place up. Here's how that should play through: Uninformed, you'd get owned by the enemies strategies until you've learned them in the field after a few reloads or very close near-death experiences. It should feel really tough and you should feel like you don't know what the enemy will do next. Informed - armed with the dossiers and all the intel, however - you'll know that the G22 agents you're facing will be very difficult to sneak by, you'll be ready for possible ambushes and trickery. You'll also know their weak spots etc. and be able to react appropriately, much faster than if you had gone in blind and had to learn it all in the field, trial and error style. The fights will still be tough, but you'll know how to act. Sadly, it doesn't feel like it does any difference at all in AP. You might as well go in blind because enemies do not act "smart" anyway. So, in short, I'd like to see enemies fighting really creatively, surprising players. And rewarding careful study before missions. Other things that I mentioned in another post: More rewards for choosing the sneak path, a tougher time when choosing to set off alarms and shooting everything that moves, make local police and media give you trouble if you make a mess out of missions with alarms etc., balance the weapons, fix the AI, make the game longer, more fun in the safe house (stuff to do), and make G22 (with Albatross and Sis) return as a joinable faction because they were awesome ;-)
  22. I just finished the Saudi Airfield, including all the optional bonus missions as well as grabbing alot of the loot, with exactly 4 stealth take downs and no enemies alerted etc. Here's how it works: #1 You need points in stealth (duh) and the stealth armor + the digital camouflage mod. (I used the Field Agent class, but veteran obviously works well also, even though it's cheating a little (Note that you'll probably not have any pts in pistols or much of anything except stealth and a little in sabotage if you go with anything other than a vet, this is no problem since you won't need to use your gun even once.) #2 Do all other missions (except the final one ofc) before entering the airfield, this should make you level up in the middle of the mission and allow you to acquire the Shadow Operative skill. #3 The Mission a) The first guy (at the very start) can be easily bypassed if you crouch and move along the left fence, when he stops, stop right beside him. He will turn to the right when going back and miss you altogether. (this trick also works when getting the al-samad flight records bonus, you don't even need shadow operative if you're careful, patient, and try a few times) Grab the items, unlock the doors etc. for the extra xp like normal and just avoid the patrols. If you get paranoid that someone will hear you, just flick the silent running for a few seconds of complete silence. b) Enter the top path to Shaheeds elite guard. Go down when they're both turned toward the hangar (easy to see because you'll have the master awareness skill) and then use normal stealth take downs on them. If you find the time between taking one down and going to the next too short, use Silent Running again to close the distance very fast and do the stealth take down before he turns around and sees his knocked out buddy. So, that's 2 take downs. You can do 2 more, but can actually complete the mission with only 3 although it is risky (I only managed it one time, but that was before I realized I could take down the elite guard so I had to redo it, and kept failing until I just settled for 4 take downs lol) Keep crouching and use the trick where you study guard movement patterns and crouch down right next to them and let them turn around and miss you so you can either sneak alongside them, outside their field of vision, or sneak right past them. Place the bombs at the weapons and grab the loot (shadow operative helps alot here) c) Go up to the tower door on the right side. Crack the code and go right into the room above the al-samad flight records. Flick shadow operative right in front of the safe, crack it super fast, and run down the stairs (the guard will see you, but your Evasion will kick in just in time and you will get away undetected.) Sit in the stairs until the guy downstairs goes away, move up and sit in the corner to the left right beside the door. Ignore the loot under the stairs for now. Let the other guard pass, and go up the stairs. Let the patrol reach the door beside you. When he turns around, sneak up behind him and follow him. grab the suitcase on the shelf to the left, but careful not to accidentally stealth kill the guard in front of you (I did this once and face palmed). Crouch down to the left of the guard and let him turn around and miss you completely like we've practiced before. Enter the room and hack the al-samad flight records as fast as you can (before the guard comes back or you're toast - don't worry you have quite alot of time, some pts in hacking works well here though.) When you're done and listening to Mina drool over your leetness, sneak up to the left side of the door and wait for our friend, the guard. When he turns, follow him and just stay behind him until you see a gap and sneak past him to the corner outside where we waited before. Sneaking upstairs can be a bit messy, so have shadow operative reloaded and evasion too, for good measure. Wait for the guard(s) to turn away from the top of the stairs and crouch about half the room behind them until you flick Shadow operative and go outside the corridor, and out the door again. Get around the building (or through the roof access) until you're at the bottom of the stairs to the flight tower. Now, here you can either be risky and sneak past the patroling guard, using Silent Running to dash up the stairs when he isn't looking, or you can safe it and do a stealth take down on his hapless ass. Then proceed to going all the way up, flick shadow agent to safe it and stealth KD the samad elite at the top. Bug the tower and voila! You did it, you really did it.... save your game, get up from your computer and shake off the nerves.. breathe man.. breathe. Now, how many reloads until you made it? For me, probably... erm.. 10? 15? And some swearing to boot. But it was pretty fun ;-p lot's of things can go wrong, so don't worry. Keep at it, and keep watching the Awareness arrows and simply reload if any of them turns yellow or red (because then you won't get the perk later, obviously).
  23. Another issue I forgot to mention: The Sniper Rifle feels like trying to hold on to a slippery herring. Not even adjusting the sensitivity on the mouse fixes it. I understand that they're trying to make it more difficult to aim with the sniper rifle, but seriously... what's making the rifle so unsteady? Did Mike forget to go to the bathroom prior to the mission? And as for the shooter mechanics in general, I think the RPG blend should work like this: No points in the gun you're trying to use = you have no formal training with it and will miss alot and mess up in general. Points in the gun = you're trained and handle the gun from a level of beginner to master. At a high level this means near perfect accuracy (what you could expect from a normal FPS game) This is perfectly acceptable to me, and actually quite realistic. More training should mean better aim and damage etc.
  24. I heard about the game pretty early, was a wee bit skeptical at first. Thought something like "Okay, a mass effect style spy-game... we'll see" (coming from a background of mostly fantasy rpg's like baldurs gate/iwd etc. I guess the genre didn't suck me in immediately) Then the bad reviews started pouring in and I face-palmed abit I must admit. I've followed Obsidian since their first game and it has always seemed they've been plagued by the same problems, lacking graphics and clunky or glitchy gameplay - that you soon forget and forgive because the story draws you in and makes it worth it. I've always though Obsidian would own Bioware if only they had some more cash (for extra development time, bug sweeping etc.) and more artistic graphic designers. So, anyway, I almost didn't pick up the game. Then I read a few other opinions on the game, on other sites, granted all the big sites like IGN and Gamespot hacked the game to pieces, but even in those reviews, the story and dialogue system was praised.. so I thought, Ok, I'll give it a shot. I remember being veery confused during the first hour or two of AP. I couldn't for the life of me find anything wrong with it, in fact it was kinda awesome? Felt just as good and polished as ME1 had felt the first time. So.. yeah. I was impressed, probably because my expectations had been shot to (steven) heck (omg pun!). After two playthroughs, I realize the game has some issues (AI, some minor glitches, one or two bigger ones) but really, nothing to warrant such a major thrashing that the game received on some sites... just like always, Obsidian wins me over with awesome dialogue, deep characters, awesome sense of humor and a good solid story that offers alot of freedom and epic win moments. Like I said in another post, I consider this game Obsidians finest game to date. (mask of the betrayer was EPIC though... but AP feels, more fresh and inventive in so many ways)
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