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My question is related gameplay How is wifi hacking done? I just started a fresh career file on hard with a tech specialist/spy, but I always have to walk up to a computer and manually hack it. I just got to the taipie hub, but I have not done any missions besides saudi. At what point can you use wifi? How do you use it? Finally my last question is a bug? Is there a way to fix the if you run instead of jog, everyone turns to red... This is just a bug I want to fix as I find the fact that if you sprint everyone turns red to be insane. Outside of a hanger -I sprinted from 1 box to another and every single soldier went red They heard me thru solid walls and concrete hanger? (mind blowing) This happens on alot of levels.
This debate is never ending, there are so many players from different genre's and while you may enjoy the RPG aspect many other players will not. Now, I know that this is a RPG game, but many people will not like the same combat system that you do. I could not stand inaccurate weapons at 5 ft away, but I still played the game and bought my gear as I progressed thru my first campaign. Once I got to the rittergrupen tier 2 and tier 3 weapons I loved the game. It wasn't until I started looking thru the game files later on after, that I saw a way around this to suit my gameplay style. I would be willing to bet that 90% of bad reviews for AP are done by FPS players. Anyway what I found wrong from my playthru's were very minor errors. -sometimes when you are crouched up against a wall and some guy walks thru the doorway you can't strike. Its not added to many doorways and walls. -deactivating timers (using the mouse keys is easy, then you press spacebar. However using the mouse to get to a codeblock on the pc is very problematic. I have heard xbox doesn't suffer from this. Many times I would goto click on a code block and the mouse would be on the wrong codeblock cause it doesn't really follow your mouse pointer on the pc version. Maybe its cause I have 3600 DPI mouse, I am not sure. The mouse codeblock movement on pc version is very jumpy. These will affects your gameplay bigtime -When your setup for a strike, then the option to hit him in the throat doesn't popup. You have to exit the wall and sprint with melee before he can raise his weapon. You were waiting on him and then no option to use melee. Due to this error if you are not fast enough to respond it can raise an alarm or allow him to shoot giving away your presence to all enemies. The option to attack from certain walls and doors isn't there. Easily overlooked, but it is a flaw of level design that I would like to see fixed. I do the stealth route and I do the assault route... Once an alarm is raised I leave the alarm going and I just go into assault mode switching to APSD rounds and removing silencers from my weapons. I didn't buy AP for RPG as my favorite game series are easily... rainbowsix, rogue spear, ghost recon, splinter cell, project igi, and swat. what sold me to purchase AP was... Multiple endings and career paths (That is why I bought it) replayability. When I think of AP, I compare it to Hellgate London since you have to acquire money and build up your weapons slowly overtime. Gameplay - I only had 3 complaints when I first had this game (Combat * fixed now, Unable to melee on some areas, and jumpy responses to mousing over code blocks) Story and multiple paths - I love this part of the game so much. The only thing I really see that I notice alot more now is melee strikes with a knife. They appear to be off - as the body is falling mike is digging his knife out of the side of the guys throat. when the 3d model of your dead tango has almost hit the floor. Another easy one to overlook though. Other modders have fixed the crouch and movement speed for animations I just hope that obsidian fixes the knife kills animation. This is just my point of view as an FPS player and the only things that I find really affect my gameplay experience. I don't really see or can think of anythingelse at all that is wrong with this game.
Weapon Modding results
SNIPER231JRC replied to SNIPER231JRC's topic in Alpha Protocol: General Discussion
One final video for you folks Alpha Protocol Accuracy Mod Comparison video This is a comparison video showing how the mod changes between the 3 versions. I can honestly say I am happy with the bullet spread and accuracy of v02a. Its not perfect aim like v01a was and it includes bullet spread. In the video you see default accuracy, then v01a accuracy, and finally v02a accuracy. I doubt I will change this mod anymore as it is now just the way I want it. Its fps style, but it also has good bullet spread while maintaining accuracy. You'll see a huge improvement over v01a. -
Modding Alpha Protocol
SNIPER231JRC replied to MarteenDee's topic in Alpha Protocol: General Discussion
You say that no one mods me? I personally have done many projects for me2... Here is a video displaying my work since its release My Mods Page My ME2 Mods Groups I belong to ME2 Ini Modders ME2 Texture Modders now on that note, I'm sure AP could be modded with texmod just like ME2. -
Weapon Modding results
SNIPER231JRC replied to SNIPER231JRC's topic in Alpha Protocol: General Discussion
I use this program to get around timers (it freezes the extremely fast timers so you can actually hack them) Either you can hit numpad keys 0, 9, . or simply switch to an emp charge then hit 8... After your done hitting numpad 8 hit home to deactivate the program totally. I will not give you a direct link, but I will point you in the right direction (osidian may remove general direction url though, so be warned) Look at the one also tagged as numpad - I use 0,9.,and numpad - for what you saw in my first video. Alpha Protocol Timer Fix and 100+ Damage All I will tell you is the app itself is called +16 beyond that nothingelse. This work for me as it freezes the timers and allows for numpad - option. I have no desire to shoot someone 6-10 times before they fall and the fast timers are dang near impossible to get around. You other option is delete aplevel.ini and re-launch the game... it will place a default one in there -
Weapon Modding results
SNIPER231JRC replied to SNIPER231JRC's topic in Alpha Protocol: General Discussion
Alpha Protocol Accuracy Mod v02a -2 Saved checkpoints with my gear setup for those of us who have already beat the game once before. Load the two checkpoints and have my gear and weapon setup good to go from saudi arabia safehouse with all 4 missions unplayed. I keep this for new game restarts - I am packaging it with the mod so that it will be downloadable just incase I were to lose it. -3 Config files Bigger reticules and slight spread to bullets vs being 100% accurate as it was in version 01a -
Weapon Modding results
SNIPER231JRC replied to SNIPER231JRC's topic in Alpha Protocol: General Discussion
Here is some weapon data to show the differences in guns (first 20 accuracy tables recorded for comparison so i can find a baseline for my accuracy mod. Should help other modders with their projects too) Individual weapon stats http://alphaprotocol.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Gear -
Weapon Modding results
SNIPER231JRC replied to SNIPER231JRC's topic in Alpha Protocol: General Discussion
While it was fun for a few minutes having 0 as the spread degrees made it way too easy. I just got done playing the whole 4 saudi missions again. I may make another version, but right now I have other projects which I am working on (Mass Effect 2 Black Blood Dragon/Black Inferno/Black Cerberus Armor) Feel free to tweak the file and re-upload your settings for others to use. I would like to see various gun accuracy as the game ages so that the player can choose between accuracies that suit them. In my mass effect 2 mod for instance I made 9 different versions of one mod so that it suits different types of players. Also as it turns out modding damage was a mixup I personaly don't like the timers or the mini-games for hacking a computer or bypassing an alarm, some people may enjoy it. I use something for that (Freeze timers or I simply go and click unlimited grenades, which automatically sets my emp to 99 once I switch to that gadget. My timer starts at 7 seconds ( Thats 7 seconds to find two codes and click on both of them, before an alarm is sounded. Rediculous and if they just happen to change twice then it sounds an alarm. It takes 2 seconds of scanning or more to find the code, then another 2-3 seconds to get your code block over it. I am told that the actual time is supposed to be 25, but I always get 7. With that said, I also found out that the damage was caused by a button I press during activation of the app. This sets all weapon damage to 100 or more. Sorry for the confusion, but as it turns out damage isn't increased by ini. The app I use for timers and mini-games controlled it. I will upload a video showing you how fast my timers are in the game and you tell me if you could deactive them in all of 7 seconds especially with a jumpy mouse control that goes everywhere, but the code block that you want it to. Timer video - Okay I just recorded a video of it and its 13, but still its almost impossible See how fast the security prootcol line at the bottom is updating? This is the way my timers have always been ever since I first launched AP video showing default of my timers in alpha protocol - always -
I am not sure if you know to do this, but one of the best ways to fix errors within a bios is to flash it. When and if you overclock you will run into system instability issues. Whatever you do NEVER turn off your system when the board is flashing. This is assuming that you overclocked your system at one point though My Q6600 at 3.2Ghz on E-VGA 680i is very unstable even with 4.5v and 2.3v on memory. I tell you it ticks me off that an nvidia based board can't run a mild 2.4 to 3.2 properly and the thing is watercooled at that. Anyway when I overclock no matter how much my system becomes unstable. I'm going back DFI or ASUS, totally unimpressed with E-VGA. How do I fix this? 1). Flash the bios 2). Clear CMOS 3). Unplug the system and open the case (Pull all ram sticks and the battery on the system board. Let it sit for 15 minutes). 4). Plug the system back in and setup to run on defaults. (Del | F10) 5). Reflash bios 6). New OS and Drivers As you install more drivers and more software on a system you also get more software incompatibilities. Now think of it interms of stacking drivers. There is a way around an os reinstall, but that involves uninstalling all drivers Running guru3d driver sweeper in safe mode. rebooting into normal mode and installing the new drivers. This way all previous drivers are gone and you aren't stacking new drivers over old ones. This is just some of the things I recommend as I am a certified MCSE and CompTIA+. I also used to worked as a troubleshooter and I am now a student for at home classes of c++ and direct x programming (ways to go on this one) Last I recommend checking that the card is properly seated and trying moving it to pci-e (slot 2), that slot could be failing. I hope this information helps you resolve your issues when playing the game, because the game is so much fun. Different paths and ways to playout a well written story each time. Not hi-jacking this thread, just a short post to help you crunk... back to the patch ETA though
Have you tried new video drivers? Have you tried setting your AA to different mode Sometimes having CSAA forced vs MSAA will cause a game to do weird things. Have you tried disabling AA in ATI/Nvidia and running the game under its own AA processing. It has helped me in various games of the past. For instance in Vegas 2 if I run CSAA 8x,16x,or 16xQ it has a weird effect of white textures in certain levels As soon as I alt+tab and set my aa to either 2x ,4x, or 8xQ MSAA it magicly works perfectly.
Weapon Modding results
SNIPER231JRC replied to SNIPER231JRC's topic in Alpha Protocol: General Discussion
Sorry for a double post here, but I felt that this needed its own reply since its an actual uploaded file and new video Alright here it is http://www.mediafire.com/file/rk1ntjzik2y/Alpha Protocol (Accuracy Tweak).zip://http://www.mediafire.com/file/rk1nt...racy Tweak).zip://http://www.mediafire.com/file/rk1nt...racy Tweak).zip://http://www.mediafire.com/file/rk1nt...racy Tweak).zip://http://www.mediafire.com/file/rk1nt...racy Tweak).zip://http://www.mediafire.com/file/rk1nt...racy Tweak).zip://http://www.mediafire.com/file/rk1nt...racy Tweak).zip://http://www.mediafire.com/file/rk1nt...racy Tweak).zip Extract the contents into your Users\(YourName)\Documents\Alpha Protocol\APGame\Config - Overwrite the file when it asks you to. Be sure to make a backup of all your ini files before you replace something. I got rid of the one shot one kill gameplay and I now use this version. I prefer it more to what I was using. ENJOY! I tweaked the accuracy and set better crosshairs based on the weapon and range. Just so you know, the pistol is not nor was it even intended to be used as medium range weapon. It is modded for CQB shooting. You can see the video of the updated version here... I like the new crosshairs 10x better than my last version. HD Video link by itself: Alpha Protocol Accuracy Mod HD Video quality will be high in 720P 1280x720 once youtube is done processing it. -Back to my mass effect 2 projects... -
Weapon Modding results
SNIPER231JRC replied to SNIPER231JRC's topic in Alpha Protocol: General Discussion
I edit both to make sure they match my version is steam and I can't tell you how many times verify integrity cache has saved me. It replaces all files back to original should you mess up. Ini edits normally don't function on steam versions, so you have to use a retail version no cd exe file. -
Weapon Modding results
SNIPER231JRC replied to SNIPER231JRC's topic in Alpha Protocol: General Discussion
@Tigranes - Very true that it needs to be balanced. I see your point, I normally counter 1 shot 1 kill with this. Having the player weapons powerful, then having these powerful balances it in my opinion and it forces the player to be extremely selective on engagements. Here is an example of player weaponary Now here is the counter to balancing it or atleast the way I do it. APAIWeapons.ini Doing this allows the player to take one shot or maybe two at max. Then its the slowmo death animation. There is alot of ai settings you can mod to further balance the game, but those are in apaiclasses.ini @spydude you don't have to use 1 shot 1 kill, just play with damage values and see what works for you. ================================================================================ FOR THOSE WHO WANT A FAST WAY TO PROPERLY REPLACE VALUES IN NOTEPAD ++ vs 1 at a time... Follow these steps I just found this thru trial and error 2-3 minutes ago, but it vastly improves modding times. I wish I would have known this last night as I edited all 31 tables by hand 1 at a time. Notepad ++ Find and replace option (Searching for single digit damage values) Steps 1 (Replace - Check box wrap around and check box regular expression) Find: Damage=[0-9] Replace all:Damage=100 Now you will notice that it replaces the single digits damage values with 100 However it makes double digits into a damage of 1000-1009, why it adds the 100 before the double digits I don't know. However there is a fix for this. We want to change this, so we need to do another find and replace all function within the program. Find all 4 digit numbers: Damage=1[0-9][0-9][0-9] Replace all with: Damage=100 These two steps alone are a very fast way to mod a complete damage table with two replace clicks and you are done. The same methods can be applied for accuracy and other tables. I figured some people would appreciate this, since modifying 1 table at time by x4 and scrolling thru wrap around text is truly a pain. When I was editing in notepad ++ I had an issue with everytime I tried to copy over each line it would scroll to the very front or end of my document completely away from where I wanted to update the value. -
Modding Alpha Protocol
SNIPER231JRC replied to MarteenDee's topic in Alpha Protocol: General Discussion
I have been playing replays trying to get to these missions, but I can't seem to get to these. Since they relate to *.int files I was wondering if anyone has been able play these missions. Arch Optional Missions.int [O3_HALBECH APMissions] Title_Active="Halbech Milan" Description_Active="Infiltrate the corporate offices of Halbech for more intel on Leland's involvement." [O2_SCARLET APMissions] Title_Active="Scarlet Favor" Description_Active="Gallery Mode, Moscow" [O1_VODKAPLANT APMissions] Title_Active="Vodka Plant" Description_Active="Vodka Plant, just outside Moscow" I for the life of me cannot find the triggers which offer these mission to the player. Recent discovery: you can load certain missions by doing this... (Some work and some don't) Doing this will Load the plane with Scarlet when you first meet her. URL] Protocol=unreal Name=Player Map=AC02.umap LocalMap=AC02.umap TransitionMap=AC02.umap MapExt=umap EXEName=APGame.exe DebugEXEName=DEBUG-APGame.exe SaveExt=usa Port=7777 GameName=Alpha Protocol GameNameShort=AP *.umap names are the missions folder. and *.sfd files are actually *.mpg files -
Weapon Modding results
SNIPER231JRC replied to SNIPER231JRC's topic in Alpha Protocol: General Discussion
Marteen is correct that they are ini edits and BTW marteen I tried your engine.ini for high end pc's which was a huge improvement over the default setup. My game runs very smooth. Sorry about the complaints in your other thread. Now with that said here are the edits for 1 shot 1 kill and better accuracy Obviously this is the 1 shot 1 kill There are 31 tables, the easiest way to find the table codes is to find the default ammunition of a gun. Say 12 for a .45 Hamilton Start with the first ammo table that has 12 as the clip size and change it to 1, on the next table with an ammo of 12 change that to 2 and so on. Now load AP and look at the gun clip, it won't showup properly under inventory. Inventory is hard coded I believe, because in all my ini editing I noticed the values never updated. Now onto the second part Accuracy For the most accurate weapons you can get you use this value setup I also use these tweaks since I already beat my first campaign on default stuff What does this do? It automatically gives you level 20 and allows you to boost all of your skills to 10 leaving approximately 4 ap left over. I don't consider it a cheat, because I did my first playthru the right way. Finally the last tweak I use The 4 bold lines are new to the ini, but they work for what I want them to. I am not a fan of the stealth outfits by appearance way too much pads on them, but when I use them I want them to work properly. I primarily wear tech (swat/utility) and combat armor (interceptor/combat). When I start a new game after already completing a career I want the best armor and guns available since I already beat the game once before. I would be starting a new career, but as an experience field operative. Those are all of the tweaks I use, enjoy. BTW a pistol is used at close range and is accurate up close. The accuracy mod was never meant for sniping, it was intended for accuracy in cqb areas. I wouldn't see a problem with any bullet hitting that door from a pistol in real life, but I could be wrong. I only own a mossberg 500 pump, so I am not sure if the spread is accurate. I guess due to accuracy it could be used for sniping, but that wasn't its intention in the mod. I use a pistol when I am sneaking around and an assault rifle for long to medium range encounters still. I will check back on this thread later on tonight, take care all.