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Posts posted by WorstUsernameEver

  1. EveryEye's preview mentions a few (new?) things that weren't in the other previews:


    1) weather effects also influence some of the character's abilities and druid can control weather (their wording is a bit unclear so I'm not sure if this is confirmed by a developer of just their conjecture, but they mention Magicka as an example of how it *might* work)

    2) the enemies' health display changes and becomes more detailed based on your party's skills

    They also think the animation work is subpar when compared to the rest of the visual presentation.


    EDIT: Also the health bars and recovery bar are mentioned separately in the article, so I don't think anyone confused anything Sensuki.

    • Like 1
  2. still, we wish we could see gameplay on a pc with tactical view. 


    HA! Good Fun!

    I doubt they'll actually show the mouse and keyboard interface until much closer to release, if at all (that's how they did it with Dragon Age II if I recall correctly) and I doubt it'll have a different tactical view from the gamepad interface, but Giant Bomb's Jeff Gerstmann said that the build that was shown at E3 was actually on PC.

  3. Why wasn't there an uproar when the media went to Obsidian's office to see the game? Nobody seemed to mind then.

    It was also much earlier during the development cycle and seemed to happen around the same time we saw the teaser, so, while it wasn't much, people were satisfied they'd seen something. I understand Obsidian's reasons, but I disagree, they're being way too cautious on this (NeoGAF's terrible reaction to their first art update probably didn't help). I also have to admit I'm not totally convinced that the only alternative to not showing the game is to fake footage, but then again, I guess that goes back to Obsidian's absolute refusal to show unpolished footage. Ultimately, for me personally (and I can only speak for myself), it's not a big deal, there's been an inflation of gameplay/preview videos and betas already and I barely have time to keep up, and if this works better internally at Obsidian more power to them, even if I'd prefer for them to be more open and transparent about how development is going.


    What I genuinely don't understand are some of the reactions here. I can understand people are unhappy with the fact that we're not seeing the game until it's much closer to being finalized and shipping, but acting like Obsidian has gone incommunicado and intends to keep Pillars of Eternity's gameplay a secret (while showing it to the press?) just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.

    • Like 1
  4. Bloodborne: Oh, The Incredible Adventures of van Helsing in 3D FP. Good, good! *Rubs hands together fiendishly*

    Granted, we still know little about Bloodborne, but we do already know that it's going to be a very different beast in terms of how gameplay and storytelling and even the art direction are handled. That said, yeah, they draw from the same well.

    • Like 1
  5. Had a proper listen then it doesn't sound THAT great (quality) wise, that may be the youtube compression though.

    The YouTube compression is why I'm not so sure if it's the actual sound effect. Obsidian's videos are all pretty grungily compressed (and Obsidian hates 1080p, for some reason).


    EDIT: Apropos of audio, apparently Brandon Cole is doing voicework for the game. I.. don't know the guy, to be honest, but here's his website



    I'm assuming we'll see links here to articles produced by E3 preview invitees.

    That's improbable actually, according to the tweets Sensuki amassed the game previews are under NDA until next week.



    Well, yeah. I'm not expecting links to articles which haven't been posted yet. Obviously they won't appear until the NDA has expired.


    Sorry, I must have misunderstood. I thought you were saying that the update would include links/mostly be made of links to previews.

  7. I just don't get why is it assumed in the cutscene that the player was originally hacking away at the gryphon with the steel sword. I mean, really, based on its efficiency vs. monsters in the previous two games, it just makes Geralt look like an idiot.

    According to a CD Projekt dev that posts on Something Awful, steel is actually the way to go with griffins.

  8. I'm a bit confused tbh, a lot of the earlier videos they released looked better than this. The dragon fight, for example, looks fugly and blocky, even when I watched it on max HD.

    It's a recording of a stream, not the original BioWare video that was used for the press conference.

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    Mentions Chris (Avellone) being Creative Lead on a new project. It also mentions Obsidian currently developing three original IP's.


    Haven't listened to it yet, but is the context in the "3 original IP's" Armored Warfare, PoE and... either the new KS game or the possible 3A game? And wouldn't that mean that either the new KS or the 3A is not an original IP?


    Feargus already mentioned they were considering a license for the Kickstarter. We don't know if they went with it (they're probably working on having something more than PoE to present for the end of the year KS campaign) but that seemed to be the plan at the time.

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