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Everything posted by obyknven

  1. Fail compilation North-Caucasian region. Police attempt arrest two insurgents alive, but fail. Armed Insurgents resist to arrest and has been killed by return fire. Policemen become really sad after this (after any using of gun russian police must prove own innocence on trial) and evacuate (insurgents typically use suicide-bombers, car can be exploded in any moment). http://youtu.be/t0JcVgVn0RI Other video from this region. America is safe place in comparision to this. Even in such hellhole Russian police avoid kill people without reason. http://youtu.be/0Lqi4l3EJTY
  2. http://youtu.be/gb7XdTLerqo
  3. http://youtu.be/qdVg1ptQC1w It's bad for you))).
  4. Greedy NATO supply FAS by... T-55. They are serious? Just lol, where Muricans steal these tanks? From museums? Anyway rebels can't into tank's tactics. These idiots place tank on top of hill and soon anti-tank missile arrived. But G-d like fools, they stay alive in this accident. http://youtu.be/Jt8pNPKchbc
  5. Egyptian people send warnings to American people. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-07-02/guest-post-egyptians-love-us-our-freedom
  6. Wrong. Real reason only one. They are loosers and cowards. In any situation they begin shoot everywhere because so scary. http://youtu.be/v0Lq60aGoY0
  7. Do you say it about UK? http://www.presstv.ir/detail/195600.html http://anarchyintheuk.com/uk-police-licensed-to-kill/
  8. http://youtu.be/kuNW7wfvOu8 In Soviet Russia....
  9. http://youtu.be/dO_ODeD5XvY http://youtu.be/sqHeO6J0SG4 IRL sound very much better
  10. Do you really think what law enforcers can kill any suspect without trial? Totalitarian Russia. Belgorod shotings, armed man kill 6 people, arrested by police alive, one policemen wounded. http://youtu.be/jaXgpZy4IUA Most democratic US. A 27-year-old Ibragim Todashev was shot dead at his home in Orlando, Florida when an interview with law enforcers. Unarmed man, surrounded by police, shot.....seven times.
  11. http://youtu.be/IQvMJMj1GVg
  12. Group of students attack a few policemens and beat them, but OMON arrived and restore order. Scary Russian police brutality blah-blah. Imagine such things in Murica. http://youtu.be/iJ7Exg6NgLc Drunk bully want problems with police http://youtu.be/ARoRO3qCx2I Russian police avoid using force without reason, and obviously avoid wound / kill people (or animals).
  13. I think you are really don't understand what this mean. Our Police is part of our society, they too long work as Militia, they are not alien for common people and interests of common people is more important fo them than interests of government. Because this they can don't opress people, can be "bribed" as you say. Meanwhile interests of Elite / Government is more important for classical Police, they are pure repressive tool and common people can't "bribe" them.http://youtu.be/g9Ep3Nu9nhY
  14. Do you like BDSM? http://youtu.be/8aiY4d2AW9k
  15. My choice is obvious. http://youtu.be/DNTNpVNmgAc http://youtu.be/8pbDLg7zKZk
  16. http://youtu.be/4Cm9jZPQ_Cw TSA are gayyyyyys!!! .
  17. Theme #3 - Ashkenazi jews Myth - Ashkenazi jews are Semites from Middle East. Reason to create - occupation of Palestine and creation of Israel state Reality - Ashkenazi jews are mixed Khazarian–European–Middle Eastern people. Their history began after failed Mazdak rebellion in Persia, after this rebels flee to Khwarezm and become Habars after conversion into Judaism. They try yet another rebellion in 710/711 years and again flee into Khazaria where become ruling elite - White Khazars. Their descendants become Ashkenazi Levites (they have high percentage of Central Asian R1A haplogroup). Black Khazars are more mixed - Tyrks, Slavs, Alans, etc. After fall of Khazar Khaganate they went into Europe and become Ashkenazi. It's fascinated, but some Ashkenazi have more Aryan origin, than German "Aryans" of III Reich. PROOFS: Genetical research. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3595026/ Just compare these Ashkenazi fotos with Fayum portraits of ancient Semites. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fayum_mummy_portrait
  18. Theme #2 - Huns Myth - Huns are mongoloids. Reason to create: Lack of Information, Religious and Racial propaganda, Eurocentrism and Russophobia of XVIII-XIX centuries, Cold war against Slavic Warsaw Pact. Truth - Huns are Aryans, Indo-European people http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hephthalite_Empire http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kidarites http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tocharians http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kangju Fabled Aryan 7-walled city Kangh from this Hunnic land Look's similar to another ancient Aryan town excavated by Russian Archeologists on South Ural.
  19. Thread go. Theme №1 - Hittites. Myth №1 - Hittites are Semitic people (payos, semitic apperance). Reason to creating of myth: Semitophilia of anglo-saxon protestants. Truth: Hittites are Indo-Europeans, Aryans, antogonists of Semites. Traditional Aryan Haircuts of Hittites. Garuda sign Myth № 2 - Hittites has been defeated in Kadesh battle. Reason to create of myth: Egyptian propagand and Egyptophilia of freemasons. Truth: Egyptians has been defeated in Kadesh battle, Egypt lost territories and signed peace treaty.
  20. obyknven


    White South Africans deceive aborigines again . http://www.pambazuka.org/en/category/features/85442 Good example of difference between political reforms and revolution. Bah-blah, democracy, blah-blah human rigths, my toilet is dirty - clean it untermench!
  21. Obama Prepares to Wage Offensive, First-strike Strategic Nuclear Warfare against Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and Syria http://www.globalresearch.ca/obama-prepares-to-wage-offensive-first-strike-strategic-nuclear-warfare-against-russia-china-iran-north-korea-and-syria/5340299 What your elite are doing? Somebody must explain to Murican president about impossibility of war. Russia can destroy whole Earth and exterminate humanity, for this penetration through the PRO is not needed. USA can do this too. It's main reason why Warsaw Pact and Nato never try begin fullscale war. Degradation of Murican elite looks scary, they even don't known own possibilities.
  22. Are you an home tyrant? Poor girl, i hope she become free from your dictate someday. On my sign normal parents must looks like this. http://youtu.be/xQNlLwArc6s
  23. Continue post about Gerontophilia. Brunette girl 41 years old http://youtu.be/WMvyzR9EmX8 Grandmother with daughter and grandchild. same grandmother Oh, lace dress again. Do you think it's just Russian crazy fashion? But Norwegian fashion girl Hanneli Mustaparta wear this too. http://www.hanneli.com/ Swedish fashion girl Fanny Lyckman wear this cloth too. http://imnext.se/fannylyckman/ Ok, maybe these Norwegian and Swedish people just can't into style and we must find stylish people somewhere else, in Finland maybe. Finnish high society style. .... maybe better see style of common people from Finland No-no, thanks. In Russia we don't want looks like beggar's. It's can be painful. Because this we avoid Finnish brands, and shops don't want sell such unpopular clothes here.
  24. Paris Air Show 2013 http://youtu.be/BK8cg1guFAw
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