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Everything posted by obyknven

  1. Odessa. Ukrainian Antifa beat Right sector. http://youtu.be/OPQ_RCNRW20
  2. Lol, some losers try repeat Euromaidan in Moscow today, but epic suck. Yeah, it's Russia baby, it's malicious society of evil creatures. Try stop us, we want play with our preys. http://youtu.be/hV4OauDpDCU Meanwhile our fearsome military forces in Crimea awake and begin movement. http://youtu.be/CWsv4-drjuQ We send moar and moar troops in Crimea and to Ukrainian border, and recall our ambassador. Olympiad is over, nothing can stop us now. Canada and US fell in hysteria.
  3. No! UK is Russian colony now - shut up and lick our boots!
  4. Right sector control Ukrainian parlament Parlament today ban Russian language. slogan "Ukrainian language or Death". Meanwhile in Odessa. Jews from Odessa don't want into new Ukraine.
  5. Russia win Winter Olympiad! We are first! Russia so strong! http://www.sochi2014.com/en/medal-standings
  6. Ukrainian life before and after Miaidan riots. http://www.esquire.com/blogs/news/life-in-kiev-before-and-after?src=soc_fcbks
  7. Other news from Ukraine. Right Sector demand ban Communist party of Ukraine and Party of Regions. Meanwhile office of Communist party is destroed in Kiev. Ukrainian parlament prepare bill about restriction of foreighn media in Ukraine. "Wrong" media must be banned.
  8. You try find difference between sorts of s**t? I easily recognize Nazi in them, just watch their video posted above (Nazi symbols, nazi rhetoric). Also i known who is these people, known what they say and do before. They are Nazi, not softcore European Nazi parody, but real hardcore Nazi who dreamed about new Holocaust. http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/177113#.Uwksj9SGjrc http://weknowwhatsup.blogspot.ru/2014/02/the-extreme-right-in-ukraine-victory.html P.S. Dont trust to Poles in this question - same movement's acting and quite popular in their land, they see nothing wrong in this.
  9. Ukrainian rabbi tells Kiev's Jews to flee city Fearing violence against Ukraine's Jews, the Jewish community asks Israel for assistance with the security of the community. http://www.haaretz.com/mobile/1.575732?v=3C03EC96AC83BCA49B4D0C35AFEC41A3 Jews flee from Kiev and Ukraine. As usual Europeans notice nothing until new Holocaust don't happened.
  10. Happy citiezens of Kiev reporting. http://translate.google.ru/translate?sl=ru&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=ru&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fnikoberg.livejournal.com%2F161002.html%23cutid1 Nice. No police, Chaos, criminals everywhere. I hope someday this freedom go to European houses also.
  11. Suddenly Russia trolled South Korea on these games.
  12. Euromaidan interrupt Timoschenko speech 3 times. As result microphone has been removed from her, and she sended to GTFO. Yeah, only Nazi leaders control Euromaidan, but stupid Eropean politicans yet don't understand this. Proof https://twitter.com/euromaidan/status/437314983094124545
  13. http://youtu.be/S1Hdek0QDDU Allahu akbar! Iran strong!
  14. I hear similar things obout Egypt and Syria.... It's just wrong. Nazi extremists it's only real power who control "Euromaidan". All these pro-West opposition "leaders" have no influence here. And you too slow, today all cool guys against Euromaidan. You must correct your propaganda. PIC EDITED for 'F' word.
  15. Some idiots release elder Vampiress.
  16. Ukrainian government leave capital. These Nazi control Kiev now. This guy must become Ukrainian fuhrer president. http://youtu.be/-Inu_-0dcSU
  17. Nazi group "Right sector" reject this deal. Maidan send all other opposition leaders GTFO. Now its pure Nazi mutiny. Tomorrow they plan begin armed sturm of president palace. Many victims are expected. If they win Ukraine become Nazi country (it's not joke, really). Also dissolving of Ukraine and civil war are expected. Western politicans too long play with fire. We prepare huge amount of popcorn (yeah its not our problem seriously).
  18. Meanwhile Poles dreamed in Internets abot partition of Ukraine.
  19. Gold! http://youtu.be/RcTFVa6936w
  20. US support president Yanukovich. http://amanpour.blogs.cnn.com/2014/02/20/ukraines-president-viktor-yanukovych-may-be-open-to-early-elections-says-u-s-ambassador-geoffrey-pyatt/?iref=allsearch Rioting Plebs must known their place
  21. Police begin shot terrorists. Good. Opposition officialy sign peace treaty with president, only Nazi extremists continue fight and kill people. Government give order to police stop these bastards. For the emperor!
  22. http://youtu.be/HigAlHruxlY
  23. Russia obviously. Don't want be a subhuman gastarbeiter in EU. My friend leave EU because ethnic discrimination by Europeans, don't want repeat his mistakes.
  24. I'm not saying the European Union is perfect and free of problems, or that the Ukrainians are blind. I'm saying that Ukraine deserves a chance at forging their own way and the EU is their best shot. Being ruled by Russia(ns) didn't quite work out for them in the end. An interesting article about "legitimate" elections I found (reposted from the Eurasian Monitor): http://www.jamestown.org/single/?no_cache=1&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=40108#.UwSESfldUxh Please stop posting fat russophobic propaganda (even if this is your job here). It's just so stupid: "Ukrainian kill each other because of Niburu Russia". http://youtu.be/G1XS6dINPAs http://youtu.be/BX9Uj28XYpM
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