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Everything posted by obyknven

  1. I don't know how many iterations they had, but currently it is pretty much the same system like Russia. It is hard to cut lose old ties and certain practices from soviet era.. You known nothing. Difference between Russia and Ukraine is huge and nothing soviet exist in these two countries.
  2. Military drills to be held in Kyiv early on May 1 http://en.interfax.com.ua/news/general/203058.html Lol, Kievan junta lost control even in Kiev. For prevention of own fail they moved troops into capital.
  3. Nazi march in Kiev resulted by clashes between different street gangs from Maidan.. http://youtu.be/mSxpMQKzb3s Kievan junta mumbling something about Putin agent's and provocations, enemies everywhere.
  4. Successful people rebellion in Lugansk. Police surrender and has been disarmed. Lugansk is capital of yet another region of East-Ukraine - Kievan junta fall in hysterics - they don't have such amount of loyal punishers for yet another "anti-terrorist operation". http://youtu.be/yEHuVSq7uac Give to us moar sanction's - they make our economics better. http://vestnikkavkaza.net/news/economy/54606.html
  5. East-Ukraine 28.04.2014. Ukrainian nationalists vs Antifa. Antifa win. http://youtu.be/CyuQfNUxlgM
  6. Germany. Yet occupied country with puppet government, but people stop be blind and begin understand real situation. http://youtu.be/VOmhvRU9XxU Most interesting thing - serious anti-government riots and fighting for freedom can wake up this secret organisation. It's worst horror for US, their puppets and whole conformist society. Elections in EU parliament soon also
  7. Some sort of proof . In 1983-1985 years Gary Gygax create Dungeon & Dragon animation TV series and Orcs there wear such spiked helmets. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dungeons_%26_Dragons_(TV_series) TSR figures from 1982 year also. But some people against this "German-styled" Orkreich, they even try replace country name to: http://greyhawkgrognard.blogspot.ru/2012/03/mapping-beyond-flanaess-eastern-suhfang.html Non-German names of tribes are wrong also. François Marcela-Froideval constantly use German names, toponims etc in Greyhawk, it's some sort of his Germanophilia . http://anniceris.blogspot.ru/2013/03/exegeses-de-greyhawk-2-lynn-et-louest.html Anyway this butthurt from Orkreich is too laughable, i don't think this is serious reason to reject such cool stuff.
  8. Use term of dehumanization and racial propaganda is not correct here. Orks is not humans or race of humans. Authors just need some world famous non-human archetype of brutal, militaristic culture as background (In these propaganda described not real Germans, but people fantasies about non-human dangerous enemy). Actually many games in this time use this stuff, orks in Rogue trader and first edition WH40 looks same. But in this background these brutal apes considered as good ones, it's some influence of counterculture where this stuff used for trolling of conformist society (biker's, heavy metal etc ). In other words Orkreich is cool.
  9. Before Gary Gygax leave TSR and everything is doomed. Initially Greyhawk must be coolest setting in AD&D ever. Actually all cool things in later TSR products is stolen content from Greyhawk (exept Dark Sun ). Planar travels from Planescape, strategic managment from Birthright, and many other things initially belongs to Greyhawk (but TSR want moar money - they dissolve one complex cool setting to few pathetic ones). In this thread i try restore original coolness of Greyhawk and post here unique insider information from original creators. Wery important part of Greyhawk must be "Oriental Greyhawk" created by François Marcela-Froideval. Description of most Western part of continent you easily can find in "Black Moon Chronicles", i don't repeat this information here. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Moon_Chronicles About Dragons island just play Drakkhen game and read manuals. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drakkhen True enigma is Orkreich, no info exist about this country... before this time. I cant post here all what i known about this land (author has plans about this and asked me keep this in secret), but i can post here what inspired him. I give to you feeling of Orkreich. Main source of inspiration for author is... Second Reich and anti-German propaganda from WW1. To be continued...
  10. Captured NATO officers in Slaviansk. I lol'd, Ukraine is unlucky country for German military personnel. http://youtu.be/y8bjXQOowgs
  11. Kharkiv occupied by Right Sector now, they begin of campaign of right-wing terror today. http://youtu.be/xyZnAOPyLgY http://youtu.be/oKdyvaU_-GQ Right sector invited in East Ukraine by oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyi. This guy is one of main sponsors of Ukrainian nazi. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ihor_Kolomoyskyi http://libya360.wordpress.com/2014/04/23/right-sector-transfer-headquarters-to-eastern-ukraine/ http://m.strategic-culture.org/news/2014/04/17/zionists-and-anti-semites-in-ukraine-a-strange-union.html
  12. If referendum is fake why Kiev punish Crimean people and cut water to them? It's rhetoric question, answer is obvious.
  13. Nice to see you cheering attempted murder, you bloodthirsty prick. What a problem? This is war, violence begets violence. These Nazianal guards kill 5 people day ago, only during current night Nazianal guards attacks checkpoint and kill 2 police officers, 2 local militia members and one local citizen, 5 people are wounded. It's Kievan junta give criminal order to use army against own people, it's they send punishers to East-Ukraine. East Ukrainians only defend yourself from all this, they have right to this. Most shameful thing is NATO participation in this punitive operation, it's NATO give information about forces of East Ukrainians to Kievan junta, it's NATO military advisors plan these actions. You may be proud, every times when you hear about killed Ukrainians in this "anti-terrorist operation" - it's happened because your country do this. Though i forgot, NATO constantly kill citizens of invaded countries, this is must be ok for you.
  14. In Slavjansk captured members of NATO military forces. They spy upon positions of east-Ukrainian defence and send this info to colonial army. These spies use OSCE legend for covering of own actions, but they are not members of OSCE IRL. Eastern-Ukrainian authorities initiate a criminal investigation. http://youtu.be/cEcpZ0vwrdk
  15. Modern political map of Ukraine. Nulandistan is US colony. NovoRossian Republics (or Republics of New Russia) fight for independence against colonial administration in Kiev, ex-Romanian, ex-Hungarian and ex-Slovakian territories do want flee from Nulandistan also. Even Western Ukraine dont want be part of Nulandistan and dreamed become part of Poland (but Polish government has no nuts for return these lands to yourself).
  16. Kramatorsk. Military helicopter exploded in airport. http://youtu.be/uQy6b5DsH4c
  17. Western logic. If victim of crime is racist this is mean everything is ok. You can rob, rape or kill him. As we known in South Africa such behaviour considered as normal ( massacres of farmers blah-blah, nobody worrying). It's not surprising when people of ex-USSR don't want such "democracy" at home.
  18. This guy is killed today by Ukrainian Nazianal guards during "anti-terrorist operation". He is just unarmed local civilian. RIP.
  19. American girl from times when US still not fat cool. Woodstock 1969 The incognito pick. Get a better camera Nepenthe, we need cleaner picks if we are going to....ahem...enjoy them. This is trap guy.
  20. Colonial troops make war for food. http://youtu.be/_YusiAMVjV8
  21. Colonial troops begin new attack of Slavjansk from another side. Good Meanwhile in Russia, 10 km from Ukrainian border. http://youtu.be/K9actILc9QU
  22. One of sources of info (yep, Russians don't watch TV or other media , we take informations from common people instead). https://twitter.com/GrahamWP_UK
  23. Result of fight: Colonial troops: 6 killed, unknown number of wounded, retreat. Ukrainian patriots: 3 killed, 1 wounded, retake positions. Fotos of colonial troops during fight.
  24. 13-30 Moscow time. Fug! First attacks to Slavjansk are repelled. Nazianal guards retreated. I am dissapointed. These loser even cant make good casus belli for our invasion. Probably Ukrainian patriots overthrow colonial administration without our help and we don't test our sardukars and new toys in this war . http://youtu.be/LzDp3FJuplI http://youtu.be/9ljYdvnPyxE
  25. Colonial troops start attack of rebelled Slavjansk. Probably Joe Biden make good rape of colonial administration in Kiev and after this motivation they begin acting. few people are killed, dozens are wounded. Attackers are Nazianal Guards and Mercs, they use tanks, APC and helicopters. http://youtu.be/rx6RKV0nhfg Patriots of Ukraine prepare for defence against colonial troops, even childrens are armed.
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