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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Young Indiana Jones Chronicles Proved Indy Works Without Harrison Ford (collider.com) It is a shame it isn't streaming anywhere. Makes me glad I managed to pickup the DVD's a decade or so back...
  2. Hey, don't diss on Gat out of Hell. Who didn't want a musical and Daniel Dae Kim belting out those numbers?
  3. SR2 is worth playing. It's... interesting. They haven't totally embraced the wacky like SR3 and 4 did, and the story runs through some elements that one minute is insanely over the top and has you giggling, and then it serves up something horrifying and emotionally a gut punch. Before running right back to giggling insane. You can definitely see how they were trying to find their unique identity, and they still manage to pull in Keith David, along with Neil Patrick Harris as Veteran Child just makes it so worthwhile.
  4. Henry Cavill Says Highlander Reboot Will Be An Adventure Fans Will Never Forget (wegotthiscovered.com)
  5. Since David refuses to desist from his incessant punnery, I have reluctantly concluded that I have an obligation to determine which circle of Hell he is destined to occupy in the afterlife. Unfortunately, the great sage Dante Alighieri left us no clear guidance on the subject. It seems clear that the eternal damnation of punsters must lie on one of three levels: Either the Third (Gluttony), the Seventh (Violence) or the Eighth (Fraud.) A good case can certainly be made for the first two. Gluttony, in that the punster has an insatiable and never-satisfied craving for the lowest form of humor in existence. And Violence, of course, since the essence of his "humor" is the brutal mangling of sane language usage. Nonetheless, I think the best case can be made for condemnation to the Eighth Circle of Hell, which Dante designated at the destination of those guilty of fraud. Within the eighth circle is another called the Malebolge (“Evil Pockets”), which houses 10 separate bolgias (“ditches”). In these exist types of those who commit fraud: panderers/seducers; flatterers; simoniacs (those who sell ecclesiastical preferment); sorcerers/astrologers/false prophets; barrators (corrupt politicians); hypocrites; thieves; false counselors/advisers; schismatics (those who separate religions to form new ones); and alchemists/counterfeiters, perjurers, impersonators, etc. Each bolgia is guarded by different demons, and the inhabitants suffer different punishments, such as the simoniacs, who stand head-first in stone bowls and endure flames upon their feet. Fraud is the very essence of the punster's "art." He begins a sentence or paragraph by positing a clear and logical use for a given word or term, and then at the very end distorts it into sheer nonsense. Where else could he wind up but in the Eighth Circle? His sad but just fate to be suspended over a moat filled with alligators by a hook driven through his conniving tongue
  6. Malcolm McDowell? Tim Curry for the scene chewing.... Mark Strong? Although they've started balancing out his villain/good guy support roles.
  7. Apparently the producers liked inviting musicians to play roles just to see what they'd bring to the table. Which is why so many ended up putting in appearances, and some became recurring characters. The likes of: Jim Byrnes as Joe Dawson Roger Daltrey as Hugh Fitzcairn Roland Gift as Xavier St. Cloud Joan Jett as Felicia Martins. One of the Kemp brothers. Sheena Easton as Annie Devlin. Vanity as Rebecca Lord. Amid a fair few others.
  8. For that random elements of interest:
  9. They did have Paul turn up in a couple of episodes of Arrow. Channeling his dark quickening Highlander to scene chew as a villainous mastermind. I might forget the films they kept adding on, but the tv show has a serious place in my heart. The first season might have been a touch ropey, but it definitely settled down smoothly and introduced some great characters and interesting storylines the further they went.
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