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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. For something different... SMH - ‘Breach of trust’: Police using QR check-in data to solve crimes What’s that? Cops did a thing that was explicitly said that they would not do, thereby eroding public trust in Covid safety measures? Who would have thought that would ever be possible…
  2. There are 2 hard problems in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-1 errors.
  3. For short return to Dune away from the Matrix...
  4. https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/stompie-the-mandela-way-t-34-tank
  5. I will say I can't really see an Evil playthrough working that well. They have got a couple of interesting ideas in there for what what be evil characters (mythic path options of Devil, Demon, and Lich plus a bunch of undead related companions you could get on the Lich route..) but actual evil choices to make it dialogue and such are all shallow, don't usually blend into the rest of the story or the characters around you. Most of the evil choices are pretty much of the "I kill you!" variety, with a handful of casual, petty cruelty for the sake of being a **** ones. That, and no matter what you do, most of the npcs still react as if you're the saviour of the world / chosen one. Had one major bug so far, a companions storyline requires them to disappear, but then they were still at the army camp and could be selected to join the party. Thus the next step of their quest to find them again never kicked off properly.
  6. It's basically playing on the fact that the pro-life crowd who focus on "the unborn life of a fetus is so important we have to do all this to help it" tend to gloss over and ignore the vast amount of kids who have been born and are in the US foster care system. Life is important to them, until it's actually born and requires education, feeding, care, and homes with family. There does seem to be a large segment of the pro-life crowd that tend to be running with that "we care until they're born, then it's all socialism that we're against to actually look after the children..."
  7. For your amusing dose of world news...
  8. Chronic Illness Advocates (@how.u.feeling) • Instagram photos and videos
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