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About Gunners_rule

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  1. Can you please make the season pass or a complete edition of the game available for purchase on the epic games store?
  2. Just had a couple of basic questions about Kotor's combat system: 1. When a damage breakdown is given in the feedback menu, what accounts for the energy value? For eg. Damage breakdown: 8 = energy 6 + weapon specialization 2 2. How is the attack modifier calculated when using double bladed weapons or dual wielding? An example, perhaps? 3. Is Critical Strike the only attack that can stun opponents (as opposed to Flurry and Power Attack)? 4. Can someone explain the blaster shot deflection/return mechanics please? Thanks
  3. Yes, but in what sense is passion for machines termed as betrayal?Who did T3 betray? And is the fact that Kreia did something to T3 the reason that Bao-Dur gives it a memory wipe?
  4. Sorry for reviving this old thread but I was playing through the game and I wanted to know what that conversation with Kreia about T3 was all about? When in the world (or galaxy) did T3 betray anyone?
  5. Starting values of skills are 13 or the character traits?
  6. See, that's the thing. I don't know what normal values to assign to the character. I don't remember how much they were when I used the cheats.
  7. I used cheats to up some of my skills, character traits and a couple of other stuff. Is it possible to undo the effects of the cheats?
  8. Can someone please help me out?
  9. I loved Mass Effect tbh. I think Obsidian should make KOTOR 3
  10. Even Vrook is quite annoying, to be honest. If we rescue him from his cage on Dantooine, he gets angry with us. And if we let the mercs take him, we get DS points.
  11. that's why i always help Vaklu.he's loved by his people,fought in the mands wars and cares about his people and his history because he cares about the identities of the Onderonians and about Onderon itself,if Onderon is controlled by the Republic,their culture would water down to the point that they will be the same as the citizens from Corusant.Vaklu doesn't want that,he wants for Onderon to be indipendent again. if you ally with Vaklu,he will forfeit his alliance with the sith because he sees you(the exile) as a very powerful ally,Vaklu is no fool,he sees the benefits and he explains you that he never trusted the sith. once Queen Talia is dead,he promises you that once the rebuilding of Onderon is done,you will be welcome on Onderon and can use it as a safe haven against the galaxy hunting jedis and you will be remembered as a hero. i find him a more suitable ruler because he has a strong will,he's smart and naive like Queen Talia Queen Talia,while good,she's naive,and she would more prone to be a slave to the republic i don't like much Colonel Tobin,there's something slimy about that guy,but as long Vaklu keeps him under control nothing will go wrong. The reason I side with Talia is because it is emphasized how Onderon is vital to the recovery of the Republic. Plus, I think Onderon is the one supplying flora and fauna for the Telos Restoration Zone. Someone says that Onderon withdrawing from the Republic would be a huge blow for them. Plus, all of my playthroughs have been LS and there's no way to side with Vaklu without having to kill Kavar.
  12. 1. Is your game patched to the latest official version? 2. What mods are you using? 3. Have you installed TSLRCM or M4-78EP?
  13. I hope you did a clean install of the game before installing TSLRCM and M4-87P?
  14. How is it a bad choice? Would you rather help Vaklu, who is an ally of the Sith in killing Thalia? If Vaklu became he ruler, he would simply be a puppet in the hands of the Sith.
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