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Everything posted by demon72

  1. ...and now the certainly most stupid question of the year: ...how does a Barb "uses" Firebrand - I only found that one as druid spell? I would go with a Coastal Aumaua - in that case better 20 Might and 18 INT or both 19? Btw., thinking about issue was the point that leads me to the Firebrand-question - why does a Barb needs such high INT if not for extending a spell?
  2. If you find some time, would it be possible to update that build to the actual meta, as there is no good single-cypher-build listed? Or is it already a good choice as it is? EDIT: or are there any other good cypher builds somewhere, they just didn't find their way in the list?
  3. what would be other good race options for this build? I really like the roleplaying idea with the fire Godlike - but I'm not sure if I want 2 Godlikes in my party... ...and I strongly tend to take a Moon Godlike as my party seems to get quite melee-heavy and I would guess that a Moon Godlike could be more helpfull in this case (but having no idea for which build I will take the Moon Godlike yet)
  4. if I understand the "cypher"-concept right, it's about dealing damage to gain focus to cast spells that way? all CRPG I know so far, are about casting the best spells asap. so I'm a little bit curios if the cypher doesn't need to much build-up time? normally I'm not such a big fan of ranged-builds - but for Cypher it seems to make sense and PoE seems to have a much bigger arsenal of ranged weapons then "normal" CRPGs... Backlash Beldam, The - if Boeroer himself says, that it's outdated I am a little cautious for the time being, as I am far from being able to judge that.
  5. ...is there a good Cypher-build somewhere? ...if I understand everything right: Backlash Beldam, The - is outdated Dichotomous Souldbenders, The - are two builds? (I'm quite confused about that one) Mr. Speedo - doesn't got that good critics ...and as there are no more builds listed and I'm far away from being competent enough to design an own build, I'm a little bit lost...
  6. Scheemer's Needler-build seems to have 81 stat instead of just 78? would 14-7-18-20-15-4 be a good stat allocation or is Res to low that way?
  7. ...how do you get these stats? missing 3 points. ...or does your MC gets 3 extra stat-points or Mercs 3 less? which stats would you recommend to reduce? And is this really a good choice for a Merc-build - as you mention several times how much this build depends on beeing MC? Is Mercenary just for roleplaying-reasons? I understand that he should do the rogue-duties - so wouldn't a background with Mechanics fit better?
  8. could you please explain that point? my plan was to substitute in the official companions just for their personal quests, but no idea how good this will work.
  9. Schemer's Needler (evil) AND Ploi (good) - will that work together in one party? And would you recommend Schemer's Needler as "full" (only) cleric in a party or more as a secondary back-up?
  10. Thanks! 1. Ploi 2. "the Cauterizer" - as I understand, it's possible to respec later to "the Leech" if I get Spelltongue? 3. Cleric - would you recommend the "support cleric"-build as I would guess that Schemers Needle wouldn't fit in that party? 4. Chanter - Chillfog ? 5. Wizard - no idea, any recommendations? 6. any recommendations?
  11. as it always take much time, until my posts get approved by a moderator, please have a look at my post above. And there is a maximum number of 3 posts per day?!! Is it actually the purpose of this forum to prevent the exchange of information in the best possible way?! Seems that the only option is, to edit previous posts to add further questions meanwhile - please have a look.
  12. ...how long does any content of a new forum member needs to be approved by a moderator?! This slows communication really down, especially as this seems to take several hours each time?
  13. New questions: ...thanks for all that infos! 1. does Ploi has more min-max potential or is the posted build already the optimum? 2. which stat would need some boosting from items? (as long as I don't miss good items or content through skill checks I'm fine) 3. would you recommend to invest first in (Ploi): lore or balanced in both lore and survival? 4. is there a good dual-wielding rogue build for the actual meta (as it seems that the best rogue-builds go for reposte meanwhile) and the "fast assasin"-build seems to get questioned much? What would be a good party (and which builds would be recommended) 1. Paldin ("Ploi") 2. Barb (maybe "The Leech") and / or Fighter (?) 3. Cleric (maybe "Support Priest"-build?) 4. Wizard (?) 5. Rogue (?) and / or Cypher (?) 6. Chanter (?) or Druid (?) if there is still a place left
  14. After playing Icewind Dale II and all parts of BG several year ago - I'm in the mood for a classic RPG again... ...but I have just noticed that pretty much everything has changed in the meantime. Just want to make one run on Pillars I on PotD and get most possible out of this. Therefore I don't want to spend to much time on creating new builds and would prefer to just stay with some great builds from this forum. Therefore a few questions: 1. is it possible to have both - a party of 5 or 6 self-created characters and just let the pre-designed companions jump-in for their side-quests? Or will you loose to much XP that way? 2. does "Counselor Ploi" will work as main character? Means: are the stats good enough to pass all important checks? 3. as most parties seems to be quite small - how big is the disadvantage to play a full party? 4. if I go with Counselor Ploi as main - what would be the recommendation for the rest? if there is a good build, I would prefer a dual-wielding rogue (and eventually even a 2nd one) a cleric needs to be in every party for me... ...same for a wizard (caster or speöösword - whatever the actual meta says) I don't like monks - as they seem to be just for kids, watching to much kong-fu movies (and therefore designers make them OP) is there a good class for a godlike, without too many disadvantages not beeing able to wear a helmet? not having an idea how they need to be played, I'm open for the "new" classes Cypher and Chanter any advice? any combination that should be avoided, as they would need the same critical items?
  15. After playing Icewind Dale II and all parts of BG several year ago - I'm in the mood for a classic RPG again... ...but I have just noticed that pretty much everything has changed in the meantime. Just want to make one run on Pillars I on PotD and get most possible out of this. Therefore I don't want to spend to much time on creating new builds and would prefer to just stay with some great builds from this forum. Therefore a few questions: 1. is it possible to have both - a party of 5 or 6 self-created characters and just let the pre-designed companions jump-in for their side-quests? Or will you loose to much XP that way? 2. does "Counselor Ploi" will work as main character? Means: are the stats good enough to pass all important checks? 3. as most parties seems to be quite small - how big is the disadvantage to play a full party? 4. if I go with Counselor Ploi as main - what would be the recommendation for the rest? if there is a good build, I would prefer a dual-wielding rogue (and eventually even a 2nd one) a cleric needs to be in every party for me... ...same for a wizard (caster or speöösword - whatever the actual meta says) I don't like monks - as they seem to be just for kids, watching to much kong-fu movies (and therefore designers make them OP) is there a good class for a godlike, without too many disadvantages not beeing able to wear a helmet? not having an idea how they need to be played, I'm open for the "new" classes Cypher and Chanter any advice? any combination that should be avoided, as they would need the same critical items?
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