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About Okkes

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  1. Ok, you guys are did it, i ll try priest/barbarian. Here we go 50th run...
  2. Yeah when you click to ability it shows that number, but when you check your character sheet in combat it should show the real number.
  3. Rogue multiclass has bigger SA numbers overall, yes. But Forbidden Fist/Soul Blade combo has more DPS overall imo.
  4. https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Llengrath's_Martial_Masteries This is the best one for the melee Wizards imo.
  5. Another spell that nobody talks about is the Minoletta's Precisely Piercing Burst, crazy high penetration and damage. And its vs reflex which you can reduce to nothing, lots of crits.
  6. Well i tried grave calling just to be sure and it works nicely, its very good because chill fog has low penetration crits help with that and also paralyze effect when you crit. Its also apply monk duality fire lash, lightning strike lash and cipher raw lash if you use community patch. Very satisfying build you can non stop cast cipher spells.
  7. One handed style also works with Grave calling's chilling grave chillfogs(omg too many chills in one sentence).
  8. Streetfighter/Bloodmage with the Red Hand, is like a machine gun. Use mohora wraps, cast DAoM and blood sac until you get below %50 health.
  9. Mr Elric, what do you think about swift flurry/heartbeat drumming doesnt generating focus? Would that be too op?
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