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About PrismDragonfly

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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    Plantkeeping, fishkeeping

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  1. I've also had this problem. Fences, walls, I place them diagonally but as soon as I left-click to confirm, they straighten out. It's made building very difficult.
  2. I've had some freak physics happen if I try to jump onto a lilypad from the water and miss, hitting the bottom edge of the lilypad instead. It shoots my avatar straight down through the water, and then I take fall damage when I reach the bottom.
  3. In the deepest areas of the pond, sunken bones are just lying about. Try looking around the t-rex toy's legs. You need the acorn shovel to pick it up.
  4. Platform: PC Steam (for all users involved) Multiplayer: 2 players Description of issue: The following issues began after the download of the latest patch: Issue #1: When friend hosts a game and I go to join, the character creation screen doesn't come up. I'm stuck, frozen in place, in the area where new players start. I know the game itself isn't frozen because if my friend quits out of the game, the game takes me back to the main menu. The only time I am able to successfully join a game is when my friend starts a new file from scratch--but we do not want to start over! Issue #2: Sometimes joining a game, we are set back to level 1 with no mutations and no inventory. Issue #3: Friend cannot see the game when I host. This has made it impossible to do multiplayer. Last thing you did in the game before issue occurred, if applicable: I was building a base in single player, and logged out several hours before the patch was released. Zipped file is too big to be attached to forum post.
  5. No no, I don't mean pull things from creative to non-creative, but non-creative to creative. Like you'd have to go back to an earlier save to get to your non-creative game again, and resume building. The importing to creative would just let you see what you're building easier, and then you could take a screenshot and resume the game file (pre-building) and build it again. But now it just sounds complicated, lol.
  6. I do wish we could change the type of game/file on a whim though. I'd love to pull something I'm working on in medium into creative, just to see if my idea works out. It's high up and will take forever to do in medium, and even then I'm not sure it'd look right. I have to run away and get up high and peer at the building just to judge if I like it or not.
  7. I've killed a loooot of orb weavers in general, and I have only ever heard it once--and I hope never again.
  8. I ran into this issue tonight. I have stairs going up to a corner grass floor, and I get stuck at the top of the stairs and have to jump.
  9. I hated the analyzing eggs quest because I had the same issue. Someone said the solution is to kill any worker ant you see outside the ant hill. It seems like it's the worker ants that lay the eggs, but they can't lay eggs if they're not in their ant mound. Mine was filled with soldier ants. I tried to kill as many of those as I could but it was time-consuming and didn't seem to do anything to get me eggs. Instead I took the advice and went out of my way to kill every worker ant not in the ant hill. When I came back to the hill later, the worker ants were back, coming and going. The rooms with the egg decor let you know where the eggs are going to be, and sure enough, there were loads of ant eggs. I'm not sure if the eggs can directly hatch into ants, but for the next few days, there were ants everywhere in the game, in massive amounts, until finally there were only soldier ants and no eggs in the ant hill. I'm back to killing the ones I find in the wild.
  10. Oh crud, I did! I'm not sure where my mind is tonight, I'll try and get the other one deleted. That's a relief. I wonder if grass floors built directly on ground stunt growth as well.
  11. Did you update to the latest patch, 0.2.2? This. As far as I know, the latest patch addresses the file corruption/crashing. My friend and I were having a lot of trouble loading saves until it got patched. Do keep in mind, too, that the game is pre-release. Making suggestions and reporting bugs is all part of it.
  12. Oh, I forgot that, thank you!
  13. It'd be great to be able to make clay/pebblet walls, doors, windows, and floors (for second levels, foundations aren't do-able).
  14. I've only been able to get into the mint box once as Willow. I've tried crouching, going in backwards crouching, until the avatar is nearly glitching in place. It was a miracle I got in at all given how many times on different occasions I had tried. And then I almost couldn't get back out. It is insanely hard to get in there.
  15. I've found a spot I really like, but there's several pieces of grass. If I chop it down and build grass floors or pebblet foundations, will it just regrow through it again?
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