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About lstitchesl

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    I am interested in a great deal of things, finding something that I'm not interested would be rather difficult I think.
  1. Complete Armour Sets Armour sets have the general theme that each piece has the same bonus, and the entire set gives you a new, complementary bonus. Currently, the aphid, marksman, mite, and mother demon armour types each only have one piece of armour associated with them. Additionally, the eye patch, gill tube, bubble helmet and gas mask could have a set bonus associated with each of them. Since the gas mask provides haze protection, the hazardous material set could have a set bonus that allows for slower decay time on the mask/other pieces, or possibly tweak the actual gas resistance from 100% to 33.3%/item. There could be a snorkeling set with the basic fin flops, gill tube, and swim suit and then the upgraded version could be essentially a diving "dry suit" or "SCUBA" type with better fins, the bubble helmet, and an air cannister chest piece. Both the hazmat and underwater sets should have minimal armour protection value. Synergies If the armours aren't necessarily completed into sets, perhaps the mismatched sets could have some kind of synergistic relationship that makes them more viable. Though I strongly prefer the completion of the sets for aesthetics. For example, there could be a three boss format that uses the mother demon mask helmet, "boss 2 chest piece', and "boss 3 boots" to create a "heroic set".
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  2. The ability to sort and name your own saved games would add a much needed, organizational, quality of life improvement. Right now, when I save, even if I choose "overwrite" it adds an additional save file under a coded grouping, with the name of whatever area I am standing in. Personally, I would like to name the coded grouping so I could have my own naming code such as the initials of who I'm playing that game with, or any personal challenges I'm undertaking. Being able to name the saved files would also help with reloading to a particular point. For example, I deconstructed my super base and built a new one that was actually worse than my old one. If I could have named a save "pre-demolition" then I would have been able to quickly reload and be happy, but because I had to scroll through my 400 saves of constructing the new one, I just abandoned the idea of reloading at all.
  3. Whether this is answered by a direct message from a moderator during the approval process, or decided through the public forum, I have some ideas in my head for suggestions but before I go into all of them I'd like to know appropriate formatting. Should ideas be isolated to one concept per thread? For example, if I had armour ideas would I do all of those ideas in one place, or do each indifidual armour idea as a separate thread? Example two, if I had ideas for armour as well as new constructions, or skill trees, should I post the entire "Ideas of lstitchesl" and explain them all, or do "idea one thread" "idea two thread" "idea three thread"? Unrelated Question: Are there any indications for if your ideas have been read, or is it as simple as "more likes draws the dev-team's attention?"? Thank you in advance.
  4. Split-Screen would be amazing, especially for family people like me. I have four kids who would love to play Grounded together...there just so happens to be four characters in Grounded... coincidence? I think not
  5. I would absolutely love this. This feature is actually one of my favourite things about Green Hell. Having material specific containers adds another layer of aesthetic organization for sure.
  6. I agree with this idea. I don't want to "turn off" food spoilage, however, I feel like the prepared meals are not balanced well for the reward/cost. The meals have a very long cook time and relatively expensive ingredients, with a very short expiration time. I do understand that the buffs are arguably worth the cost, but at this point, I am still depending on jerky and acorn bits because they can be hoarded so easily that I'd rather eat three jerky, grab a water droplet, and start my day.
  7. I've always thought a stealth mechanic would be fitting for Grounded. I'd personally prefer that stealth be a viable option without a unique armour to allow it, however a stealthy armour would be gleefully welcome. A vision meter/detection meter, and "sneak attack" damage for knives perhaps? They could complete the lawn mite or aphid set perhaps, as each only has one item associated with it right now.
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