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Everything posted by Llylanwyn

  1. I am having similar issues with hostas in my game, Steam version on PC in Medium difficulty. This is true if I just wait (has been at least an in-game month), and does not fix itself if I use a bed and rest. All tulips and roses are still generating petals that fall to the ground as expected and at the daily (or two day?) intervals.
  2. The new "relocate" option for non-grid entities (default F when looking at a viable item on PC) works fine if you simply pick and place the item freely; however, if you are using the "snap to grid" command (L-Ctrl by default on PC) when trying to move the item, it is deleted entirely. I was attempting to move a bounce web and needed to orient and snap it to the grid to allow an elevator to work. I was able to rotate, move, and place the bounce web using the free-form standard placement, but the bounce web disappears entirely when trying to place it while holding the L-Ctrl key to snap to grid. I have tested this with other items like an acorn chest and the same issue occurs - freely placed, the item moves as intended but completely disappears when snapped to the grid. You are able to rotate and position the item in "ghost form" without any problems, but it is lost the moment you left-click to confirm the placement while the L-Ctrl button is held.
  3. I am having the same issue building a new outpost base in 0.5. Within the first image there are four gaps in the intended 4x5 structure (pebble foundations used). The second image shows that despite snapping to the edges of the previous foundation lines, it will not allow placement. The same is true for the other three gaps seen in the image, and it will not allow me to place a foundation anywhere on the left side if I wanted to expand to 5x5. This is a single player game on PC. The location is on the rock right of the rock containing the juice box container near the pond. The last thing I did was run to my other base to get supplies to construct the foundations once placed.
  4. Yes, the shovel and spear all work under water. Oddly, I can swing the Pebble Axe underwater, but not the Insect Axe. This seems to only work against creatures (like the Water Flea) and is pitifully slow; however, a berry in the water cannot be interacted with still. Anyone else see this as well?
  5. I am playing on PC Win 7, and at about 195 days in-game. In addition to the ladybug respawn issue, I have steadily noticed entire areas of the map becoming essentially "dead zones" with no respawn of previously commonly encountered enemies. This was definitely evident after the August Update, but I had minor suspicions even earlier, as far back as the second post-launch hotfix patch. I have several examples of this issue, as follows: Orb Weavers Orb Weavers were a common sight both in the Hedge area and all along the wooden log walls on either side of the Oak Tree; however, for at least 60+ days, no orb weavers have respawned anywhere in the Hedge, either in the canopy or the ground. I still see spiderlings, but the Broodmother and any Orb Weaver spawns are completely gone. Furthermore, none are respawning on the western log wall, including around the tipped over potted flower near the pond. The Oak Tree itself still respawns orb weavers (though it seems they are fewer - likely due to the lack of western respawn/roaming), and respawn continues along the eastern log wall as expected. NOTE: I do hear a trapped spider in the trunk of the tree supporting the Hedge Lab, but no other orb weavers exist there. I have no indication of a stuck or trapped spider anywhere near the Oak tree or western log wall that could potentially be causing the lack of spawn in that area. Stink Bugs Originally, Stink bugs had about five guaranteed spawn locations: 1) 2-3 in the dry grass north of the pond, 2) one usually fighting with an orb weaver near the wooden log wall just west of the Oak Tree, 3) 2-3 near a dirt mount and field station in the eastern dry grass (somewhat near the field station in the larva cave), 4) 2-3 in the barren area a little NW of the Ant Hill by some dandelions, and 5) 1-3 under the handle of the rake laying on the rock near the Haze. As of this writing, I am only able to find one stink bug at location (1), and have not seen any respawn for at least 60+ days at locations (4) or (5). Bombardier Beetles As in the case of stink bugs, Bombardier Beetles have five spawn locations: 1) two in the far east end of the wooden log wall, 2) one by the far west end of the log wall around the large flat rock, 3) 2-3 near the western side of the Hedge almost under the red deck/porch, 4) one near the entrance of the field station in the larva tunnel, 5) one usually on top of the large rock that the rake rests on near the Haze. As of this writing, no bombardier beetle respawn has occurred for 60+ in-game days at locations (4) and (5). A Comment on Ladybugs Ladybugs will respawn for me on the release of a patch usually, but the August Update patch still placed a ladybug under the world (or possibly failed to remove it as it said it would) such that I had to kill it using the now consumable gas arrows. I am currently waiting to see if doing so fixes the lack of respawn for them, but after 4 in-game days, I have not seen any. The location itself was interesting: from the surface, the ladybug appeared to be underground in a randomly raised area of dirt near the southern-most laser with the "mite cave" as part of the story mission; however, once I went into the cave, I realized that the ladybug seemed to be spawned directly above the rocky "light shaft" location near the end of the cave. It must have been spawned stuck between the ceiling of the tunnel entity and the floor of the main map. I checked this by noting my location on the map both inside and out of the cave system where I heard and killed the ladybug with the gas. From what I've gathered, it seems that ladybugs (and possibly other creatures) are spawned in "batches". Spawn three in, once all three are killed, spawn another three. If this is the case, I would strongly recommend reworking the respawn system. Having to hunt down the last creature to ensure a respawn, especially if they are still able to spawn stuck in entities, is a real pain. It may be better to set a maximum spawn count for them, and a regular spawn check interval. On check, it looks at the number in existence, and if it's less than the max, spawn more in to that number. With that check, it should look at the existing entities and see if their current position has changed significantly from their spawned in location. If not, it likely indicates a stuck entity. Force kill it and spawn another in its place elsewhere.
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  6. I have also experienced issues with dew collectors, mushroom gardens, and a lack of dew generated on grass. Additionally, I have the issue that a full Water Container (specifically filled with dew) is not allowing me to use it. I get the "can't mix different liquids" notification. This occurs despite not having the canteen selected, and as a test I removed the canteen from my inventory, selected "Slurp" from the water container, and still received the can't mix different liquids response. This has resulted in a full water container not being directly accessible. I am still able to access the water using an empty canteen, but no direct access is possible, regardless of whether the canteen is equipped or even present in my inventory. As a note, all items (dew collector, water container, and mushroom farm) were built prior to the 0.1.1 patch update on PC. These issues are reported for Single player; however, I have also experienced some of these issues in multiplayer with two people. Interestingly, the host could not see dew on the grass, but I could. Despite this, neither he or I could actually access them. He never saw them, and I would hold E for Slurp and never use the entity. Preexisting dew collectors were not functioning; however, a newly built (after patch) collector did produce dew. New and old mushroom farms seemed to stop after one yield after the patch. I did not test the water container in this session because I was not aware of the issue.
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