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Posts posted by Oner

  1. 12 hours ago, melkathi said:

    Do you have a purgator with the ability to auto crit with a ranged attack?

    That helps a lot as you don't have to get as close. A falchion melee crit interceptor should be able to clear out a lot of bloomspawn, as crits instakill them.

    Ranged AoEs, for example with a psycannon are also useful to clear out bloomspawn.

    It is the boss fight I had the least trouble with.


    Also, I found the stratagem helpful that increases your knights resistance for three turns. It makes the bloomspawn far less a nuisance when you are virtually immune to half their attacks.

    I do have both an auto crit purgator and a falchion interceptor. With my slow and steady approach the boss got enough crit immunity that even the 100% crit power went down to like 70-80%. :lol:

    Thanks for the input, I'll try again. Someday.

  2. 18 hours ago, melkathi said:

    Which one is the yellow boss? The one that summons the effigies? That one I defeated by having two teleporting knights (an Interceptor and a Librarian in my case) to take out the first few effigies, then use a teleport stratagem to get everyone close and just DPS him for the last stretch.

    You don't fight every boss.

    The third one on your list, Munificus. I know how I'm supposed to fight it, I just don't know how to do it efficiently when I'm a: spammed with the bloomspawn, b: it jumps into a remote corner that takes several turns to run to even when I don't have to fight stuff on the way and bombards my guys all the while.

  3. Picked up and finished Starship Troopers: Terran Command.
    It looked like a low budget - low effort kind of game from the first few trailers I've seen but I like the franchise so I waited and.... it's pretty good. You can tell it doesn't have the budget of Starcraft 2 but they put the money where it mattered imo. The story is a typical ST flavoured war story with a small cast of named characters hitting on familiar story beats, framed by the tongue-in-cheek propaganda news between missions. It won't blow your socks off, but it's a decently told story.
    The main part of gameplay is holding the line. A lot. Even when you're attacking you're holding the line. Figuratively and literally endless waves of bugs descend on your troops as you juggle positioning, (lack of) line-of-sight between squads, special abilities and a bit of rock-paper-scissors to inch closer to the next hive.
    It's probably not for everyone but I enjoyed my time with it and I recommend playing it.

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  4. Played some demos from the Summer Fest.
    SCP: Secret Files - It's... a walking simulator. Sometimes you press E. There's one whole puzzle and two chase scenes. Not even an inventory. It's obviously a low-budget title, for better or worse.
    SIGNALIS - A game harkening back to the old Resident Evil games, you play an android? on a crashed exploration vessel. It's more Japanese-style horror than Western but the demo ends with you picking up a copy of The King in Yellow.
    Agent 64 - A throwback to Goldeneye 64. It's simple, it's intentionally janky and rather neat.
    Selaco - A retro-shooter made in GZDoom. It's one of those kind of games that's made by adrenaline junkies who've exclusively been playing Doom mods for the past ~30 years, so it's super fast, you die in a couple hits, there's secrets everywhere, but it's cool. I've heard it compared to F.E.A.R. and I feel it's apt. Kind of like a tactical shooter but you're also a bit superpowered. It also promises to have a story but the demo barely hinted at things. Again, combat is brutal partially because of hard to see enemies but I had fun.
    Old Skies - The newest WadjetEye Games adventure game about a time travel tourist agency?  I wasn't blown away by the puzzles or the writing in the demo, but the premise is interesting enough. And of course MORAL CHOICES.

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  5. Okay-to-abysmal writing, tons of bugs, questionable design decisions, bad secondary mechanics.
    Plus what bothers me personally on top: balance leaning heavily towards munchkins, too ambitious for their skill, games too long.
    Also based on the teaser this art style suited Pathfinder really well, but for 40k it looks too cartoony.

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