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Everything posted by morrigan

  1. hang in there and keep at the therapy. you may improve over time more than you think. it takes a loooong time for atrophied muscles with injuries to recover. taks Seconded. Keep the faith! The human body is capable of some amazing recoveries, medical science be damned. Thirds! It may seem like it's been forever, but don't be too quick to assume you've maxed out your recovery potential. Rehab for my leg that I shattered 5 1/2 months ago is still frustrating me, and it's hard to notice improvement day by day, but I believe it's there. The body truly is amazing, and I don't always think doctors have it dialed in all the way when they make recovery predictions. I've seen people make full recoveries when the docs told them it wasn't going to happen.
  2. learn2QM Learn to... quantum mechanics? As in the Hiesenburg (I spelt that wrong) uncertainty principle? Which would validate the original post... Hmmm...so he knows either the location of the inhibition center of his brain, or its velocity, but not both at the same time? Unfortunately, I'm not sure scientists have figured that one out yet. Edit: typo
  3. No, but I do buy games and wonder if I will still be able to play them in ten years. In fact, I've got some things that are that old, or older, sitting right here and, guess what, I can still play them. Seriously, the day that I can no longer play my Tex Murphy: Pandora Directive using a DOS simulator will be a sad, sad day. The analogy to happy meals (do they seriously cost $10 these days!?!?!) does bring up an interesting question of what kind of product a video game is. Are they disposable (a la happy meal) or reusable? I've always thought of them like books--they can sit on my shelf and I can pull them out and replay them anytime. So what if I already know what's going to happen? The fun part is getting there. Imagine if someone tried to restrict you from reading a book more than a certain number of times. Oh wait...[foresees horrific future where all books are electronic and publishing companies decide on a "reasonable" number of times one can read a book before being obligated to buy another license] Ok, it's not that bad, but is anyone else getting creepy 1984 Big Brother style vibes?
  4. So this is probably a dangerous thread to begin my posting career at Obsidian, but I'm a gal who loves danger, so what the hell. Plus, having been the girl being chatted up at the bar, I might have some helpful insight. First off, there are going to be women who are down or even looking for a "quick run through the sack" as taks put it, and those who won't be. With the former, you just need to worry about beating out that night's competition, which depending on the bar and the night might be more or less difficult. If you either aren't sure whether a woman is of the above type or are willing to invest a little time in someone who might not end up sleeping with you until the third date...then my primary advice is listen! Walsingham is right about it being a good idea to sit next to her and her friends...but try to figure out what they're talking about first! This will give you much needed info on the best conversation piece to get into her pants. Which brings me to the belief that "The Greatest Conversation in the World, Ever" is going to have to read a lot like a video game dialogue, with lots of conditionals. Which is good because we're all video game nerds in one form or another here, right?
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