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Everything posted by Mx7733

  1. A wheelbarrow or cart... Somehow most survival games make us carry limited amounts of building materials. Almost none of these use an ancient idea of a cart. We use the everyday in real life. In disaster movies people use shopping carts to get around... but in games the never exist?! Love the game, just please add a cart?!
  2. I've run in to this problme as well. Does the fix work? And does it work for an ongoing game or do i need to start over? I
  3. Will this update deal with the sience points in SP? I just recently learned in video's that you get points in the lab, at the lamp en other places. These point did not spawn by others and myself... https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/115735-raw-science-points-not-spawning/ I am on PC. i havent tried the 'fix', but i am hoping you fixed it. Love the game by the way!!
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