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Everything posted by Kefeinzel

  1. Starcraft ; Because Jaedong plays it
  2. So basically what you're saying is since the hypothetical grammar school class is filled with retarded kids, so they can't grasp long division, and the class should regress to learning to count the numbers 1 through 3 in the proper sequence and the kids that are interested in learning the long division should just tolerate the counting until the class of retards catches up. Gotcha. Also, when the retards learn simple addition we can hail it as 'a grand step towards eventually learning division'. WTB a developer courageous enough to buck the mainstream.
  3. so, since this is the gameplay mechanics thread, I suppose I should discuss gameplay mechanics. 1. Economy I think it would be neat if FO:NV had some semblance of an economy, rather than the unrelated merchants in FO:3. Perhaps let the player be able to transport trade goods from place to place and have different, fluctuating prices for each trade good in different places. This could tie in nicely in a variety of situations. 2. Repair/schematics Get rid of or EXTREMELY retard weapon degradation, and change schematics into more of a system where you can add on to and improve your weapon. Think JA2, not bioshock. I'll come up with more. Discuss.
  4. man, I sure don't envy you for having to be diplomatic.
  5. I imagine using my MX revolution to headshot something is several orders of magnitude easier than using the x-box thumb nub. Edit: spelling
  6. I can headsnipe moving targets outside of VATS , but that was my playstyle and I have lots of practice from never using VATS =x BTW: bring back gauss rifle <3
  7. you're right about them being afraid of removing it because of fear of fallout fans and that proves how deeply they misunderstood the fanbase.. Most of the people I knew wanted proof that bethesda could come up with interesting factions and characters themselves as proof that they would do right by the franchise and they failed really miserably.. Even the old factions they DID add were mangled beyond belief (white knight BOS)
  8. I really think bethesda has misinterpreted the cRPG genre. Also, fallout 3 has bad guns, and the dialogue and writing are very poorly done. [intelligence] So you're saying we're all like )&%W()% sheep?
  9. I resemble that remark.
  10. They also had a P90 in fallout 2, and it was in the wrong caliber, lol and that weird HK thing that fires those square caseless cartridges, and the pancor jackhammer. Some of those are very recent guns so you have 50's guns, 80's guns, and modern guns... it's weird.
  11. completely disagree. At this point I'm starting to wonder if you even played fallout one or two. If you play a nonstandard character, surviving through battles requires tactics and guile. I can't recall a time in FO3 I had to make a tactical decision other than 'shoot this/ don't shoot this'.
  12. I don't know, maybe you guys can enlighten me on this, but I've never not purchased a game because of it's rumored or actual difficulty. Maybe it's cause I grew up on XCOM and JA2, but damn. Do any of you guys have (or are) these mythical retarded friends that wouldn't buy a game due to difficulty? It's not like FO:NV is going to be marketed to kids, so why should all video games these days be difficulty tuned to where they can be completed by a six year old? I played through FO3 on hard , and then later on easy and for some reason it seemed harder on easy... But why should these games be on a difficulty scale that should rightly be called subcategories of easy?
  13. mkreku, could you really like take an adult education course and become literate, because I'm pretty sure my post above is referring to most people in the "diehard fallout fans" quote "faction" that another poster was referring to in a previous post. Please don't attempt to use me as a springboard for your inaccurate, banal arguments please.
  14. From what I can tell from being an observer for years, what the one guy calls the 'faction' of fallout fans had pretty consistent desires. Most people wanted an isometric, turn based cRPG with tactical combat that used modern technology and improved on the original games good aspects rather than replacing them. Good story, writing, and characters with plenty of the choice and consequence that made the original games great also a plus. I'm not sure where the perceptions came from that people wanted a rehash of the old games originally came from, although it's probably linked to the incorrect assumption that turn based/iso is outmoded. I'm not sure I see why any of the above listed desires are a bad thing or impossible today, so hopefully obsidian will "do what it does best", and restore some of these desires back to the forefront.
  15. I think the divergence happening here is where you think it's a good element of storytelling, other people see that that's pretty much most of what bethesda did to the detriment of the already ghastly main story, and are worried due to the previous game that it might continue that way. To me, it's good to hear that you consider it an element of storytelling and that there needs to be an actual story with good quality writing for it to connect to, unlike in FO3. But that's just my two cents.
  16. So displaying something visually is deep and enriching, and using text to describe something is ez mode. There's this box I have in my house that plugs into the wall and uses images instead of text to tell stories. I forget what it's called though. To recap, using images and prop placement to tell stories, is apparently deep and enriching, not like TV at all. Using text to tell a story and describe things in depth like a book, "like TV; ez mode" Your argument is truly cohesive, coherent, and rational. I applaud you, sir.
  17. Text is the difference between sleeping alone on a mattress and never being alone and generic stained mattress model #3. Although it's interesting to see the difference on the forums between the way people who appreciate text use it and those who don't.
  18. I only have this rusty old Five seveN =/ It's okay, though. I think my stimulus money is going to a winchester model 70 or remington 700,since I can't get a M25 white feather. But I digress. :D
  19. I'd like to throw my vote in for several changes to the weapons.. First off, get rid of all the silly ramshackle weapons like the choo choo gun. Next, eliminate or massively scale back weapon and armor degradation. To replace the schematic weapons, I would suggest using scrap metal, duct tape, hacksaws, and similar items to be able to make addons and modifications to your weapons like they had in jagged alliance 1&2. Scopes, flash hiders, additional grips, sawed off barrels, extended magazines, and all sorts of fun stuff could be added in this way and it's more realistic for the wasteland than a vacuum powered teddy bear cannon. IMO, it would also be fun to have more realistic effects occurring between the weapon you are using and the level of small arms skill. Low skill should mean heavy muzzle climb, decreased accuracy with continued shooting, jamming, and things like dropped weapons / magazines, slower reloading and any other good effects people can think of in addition to the standard accuracy effects. I would not recommend tying weapon skill extensively to damage, because a gun will do the same damage no matter how poorly you know how to use it. Anyway, that's just my two cents on the subject.
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