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Everything posted by Berinda1986

  1. i have many lags arround the oak after the update =(
  2. My friend has mint in the anthole...
  3. Smalland is a concurrent. Taming is a must have or player left grounded.
  4. I spawned under the new bed after the respawn... No Ants in the Antholes but under the blueberry hedge are over 20 my teammate cant see the new containers... He cant use any container. The hitbox is not correct for my mate. He can use the older items but not the itemes before the patch. no mintspawn in the anthole..... waterflea fly in the world arround wheevil spawned over 6 x at the blueberry hedge at the ultimate antspawn -,-
  5. Im over 15 minutes in the loadingscreen and than can i play...... i have over 100 hours in the session and i have 3 buildings of this map.... 1 building with over 20 stages 14x14. Loadingscreen is a joke =( 15-20 minutes to host the server.... my friends play of another maps... is to long...
  6. Is you building big? i have the same problem.... 20 stages and more and my game need 15 minutes to load.
  7. ice biom in the wintertime with another insects. summertime wintertime change
  8. I hope there are really tough boss opponents where you have to tame the animals to defeat them. Without taming, I know players who wouldn't touch this game (myself included). I've already spent over 90 hours in the game and like to play it just without doing anything, you just have a better minecraft = ( My mud hut consists of over 10 floors and is 9x14 next to it is a grass tower with 20 floors ... I'm running out of ideas. With taming you could try to get all the animals and thereby enlarge your base in order to park everyone in it.
  9. Use the block and you havent any stun.
  10. https://grounded.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_Smoothies
  11. https://grounded.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_Smoothies
  12. When I load the game, I am on the loading screen for over 10 minutes. Is it because of the endless larvae or because of the house that is too big? I am complete with clay on 9x12 and have 15 floors. The grass cultivation has over 20 floors. Can this be fixed please?
  13. yes thats very hard. I need 15 minutes to host the game and i have many lags in the near from the Larva hole. 100 Larvas in the cave....
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