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Steven Lewis

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About Steven Lewis

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  1. That is unfortunate, my ant club disappeared like that while i was redoing my base and when i recycled the mount in popped out with all the clay
  2. If you recycle the display they sometimes pop off
  3. So far i haven't seen anyone say anything about this so it might just be me, but when i make stairs that meet up with weed stem walls the top of the stairs clip through and make it so i have to jump over the top of the wall to get onto the second floor. Also, the sturdy door clips through grass floors and again i have to jump over it when on the second floor. Wishlist time -equipped items out of inventory -add 2 slots to the hotpouch for utility items (shovel and repair tool) -shields for boosted blocking and dual wielding for the fast one handes weapons like the larva blade and spider dagger -more weak hand items in general, maybe a lanturn. -add a recipe to make a 6ish slot quiver to get arrows out of inventory, be expensive (like 7000 rs and like 10 grub hide and 10 berry leather) -make canteen a permanent equip to belt -i know it's going to be added, but more insects, particularly flying ones like bees and dragonflies as dangerous ones, fireflies and butterflies as food source and materials -more weapon variety, like more two handed options besides the clubs, maybe some kind of battle axe and claymore type sword
  4. Just as a bit of hopefully helpful advice, if you do a run around the fallen oak branch right uo against it and then over to the overturned paint can you can get 30-40 mite fuzz in 5ish minutes
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