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Everything posted by Knight9910

  1. Same here. I assumed it was the surveyor running in the background, but maybe not?
  2. The Toxicology Badge could still be worth it for the Dust Resist, which is good in the upper yard for fighting termites and dust mites.
  3. It's a good feature, but it's causing crashes on XBox.
  4. I don't need to survey anything right now, and it's making my game lag. Every few seconds I get a minor lag spike as the survey ping goes in the background. I'd turn it off, but I apparently can't do that. I can only change which resource is getting surveyed. Let us turn it off.
  5. Can confirm, I'm getting O.R.C. bugs spawning in that spot too. One bombardier and two fire ants. EDIT: And an Orb Weaver Jr. I'll go ahead and file a support ticket.
  6. I thought I'd add my experience with this: O.R.C. bugs do not seem to stop coming. They seem to respawn as regularly as any other bugs in the game. Case in point: there is always an O.R.C. bombardier and two fire ants near the embiggening platform for me. I just assumed they were a regular spawn. If they're intended to be a one-time challenge only that then stops... then there's certainly a bug happening. I have NOT had them attack my base, though. They seem to spawn in specific locations, like the aforementioned embiggening platform, and don't really deviate from those areas. Maybe OP's base happens to be built in one of those spots?
  7. I'll probably end up starting anew anyway, but I did decide to load up my world from early access, and now I have a problem. The problem is the Survival tutorial quests. They want me to do things like analyze plant fibers and grass planks... which I can't do because I already analyzed them and can't do it again. As a result, I have several unfinishable quests permanently stuck, cluttering up my screen. I can't unpin them, and turning off the tutorial quests in the game options doesn't make them go away.
  8. Still waiting for these to be added. Allegedly they already have, but "options can't be changed in game" and the menu doesn't exist out of game, so in reality this menu is just a static image that does nothing. And no, I'm not going to restart my entire game and redo 194 days of progress just to change the difficulty. That is not an answer.
  9. Good idea. If you refuse to uphold your ethical obligation to the people you're supposed to represent, then the next best thing is to move out of the way so they can voice their concerns directly. Goodbye.
  10. Well, I think that says all that needs to be said, doesn't it? Like I said, the post I made was 90% upvoted, which proves that the overwhelming majority of people disagree with you. This isn't just one person having a rough time. You can't just blow this off with a video link, and a little condescending concern trolling about how you'd "love to help me." This isn't about ME being helped or not helped. This is 90%. 90% say YOU ARE WRONG. Now, far be it for me to say that you have to change your opinion just because the masses say so... however, it is more than fair to say that you should, no, you MUST acknowledge that fact. As a so-called "influencer" who creates content for the game, you are someone that the developers listen to. You aren't just making videos, you are acting as a representative for the entire player base. As such, yes, you are ethically obligated to actually represent us. Even if you personally think the game is easy, when 90% are saying it's way too hard, then you are ethically obligated to say the same, because you are our representative. I'm sorry, I know this sounds unfair - you're literally being told to give up your freedom of speech - but you're the one who wanted to be a social media "influencer". It's the same for everyone in your position, whether they be beta testers, youtubers, even all the way up to serious politicians and ambassadors- as a representative, you don't get to give your own opinions. You can have an opinion, and you can speak it privately to your friends and family who are unrelated to the issue. However, whenever you are speaking in an official capacity, either in videos, on forums, or in private communication with the developers, it is your ethical obligation to say what the people you represent are saying... or at the least, not act as a voice of opposition when the people you're supposed to represent try to raise their concerns directly. If you don't... then I'd say that shows that you're really only in this for yourself. Like so many other so-called "influencers" out there, you're not here to bring attention to the game or to help anyone... you're just here to bring attention to yourself, and have us all worship in awe of the "professional, elite gamer" who has such an easy time at this game that nobody else can manage. So what is it? Are you a real influencer who is going to actually try to positively influence things? Or are you just a "git gud scrub" person who wants us all to worship you?
  11. The Orb Weaver Jr. enemies in the hedge lab deal massively amplified damage compared to normal orb weavers. With my armor, orb weavers deal about 5-10% of my healthbar per hit. Orb weaver Jr's deal around 80-90% of my health bar per hit. I feel like this must be unintended behavior that the weaker version deals way, way, WAY more damage than the stronger version. I'm playing on XBox One if that matters.
  12. Literally the entire thing is way, WAY too hard, and most people seem to agree from what I've seen. ( https://www.reddit.com/r/GroundedGame/comments/ru78zo/basically_the_dark_souls_of_survival_building/ - This is where I posted this on the Reddit. It's got over 200 upvotes, and 90% of people upvoted it. I recognize that 90% Upvote does not necessarily equate to 90% of all players being in the same spot I am, but I do think it definitely shows some degree of solidarity. This isn't just one fringe lunatic's hot take.) Supposedly, once you've reached the end of the progression, then the game becomes easy. Making your way THERE is a massive slog. All you do is just die your way through the game, struggling against impossible challenges in an environment where intelligent strategy is punished rather than rewarded. Use a bow? The enemy runs away and gets instantly full healed. I could just exploit the bad pathing, spend 15 minutes running around a stem to get a bug stuck on it, then another 15 minutes when they manage to get off of it... until the developers fix that little glitch... or I could spend just as long save scumming and berserker charging - which is what the devs obviously WANT me to do - until I finally get lucky. And every new update just makes it even harder, with heavy nerfs to the player and buffs to everything else. And when they're not making the game harder, they're just making it more tedious. Like, what was even the point of nerfing permafood? Food isn't even the focus of the game. The focus of the game is on exploration and building. At least that WAS the focus, before they made it so my basket full of permafood I had stored (as in, the ENTIRE basket) only refills about half my hunger bar, and now I'm back to having to spend most of each in game day hunting to not starve instead of actually playing the game. Or for that matter, bandages now only giving me like 2% of my health bar back. Yeah, I love spending 6 real life hours on every "dungeon" because I have to stand around doing nothing for 30 minutes to heal after every fight. And the condescending "tips" people give are all worthless. People telling me "oh, just use the Antlion Greatsword" because they think I have one of those when I'm struggling to kill a Ladybug with my +5 Mosquito Rapier which is another thing people told me I absolutely needed but it can't kill anything... or my full set of Ladybug Armor which USED to actually be good back when I got it, before one of the brilliant updates changed it so it has about the same defensive value as a wet paper bag. And I can't even fix it when it breaks, because they buffed ladybugs to a point where my best weapon doesn't even make their health bar move, but they one-shot me straight through full spider armor. I feel like these people are just playing on Creative, and then go online to front about how the game is "way too easy" because they desperately want people to think of them as "professional, elite gamers." And the problem is that the developers can't tell whether people are playing legitimately or not, but these are the people who talk the loudest, so that's who the developers listen to. And they're trying to balance the game for people who think it's too easy because they're cheating, and the overwhelming majority of people who are struggling in the game (reminder: that Reddit post got 90% upvoted) all get left in the dust. And I can't even change it from Medium (which USED to be fine) to Mild difficulty to see if that might help without saying goodbye to ALL of my progress, because apparently being able to change difficulty in-game was just a glitch.
  13. Funny enough, I started playing at the time when the game was actually balanced. Now that it's ridiculous and you need to play on Mild, you can't change it. Oddly enough, there apparently USED to be a way to change difficulty by loading up your singleplayer game in multiplayer, but they removed it, because apparently this completely normal game option that literally every other game ever made has was just a glitch. These developers seem very actively dedicated to making a bad game for some reason.
  14. * Option to turn off Depth Of Field. For those unclear about the term, Depth of Field is the effect where distant objects look like blurry gray blobs until you look directly at them for a few seconds, at which point they come into focus. This is not how human eyeballs work. It IS how video cameras work, which I'm sure is why so many games do it - because game developers secretly wish they were Hollywood film makers. However, any coolness or cinematicalness it may add is greatly overshadowed by how distracting and disorienting it is. Let us turn it off, please. * Option to swap characters without dying first. I'm sure someone will point out that there's technically no need to ever switch characters, since they don't have unique skillsets or anything. But if you do want to, for whatever reason, you shouldn't need to kill yourself first. (And no, having the "Give Up" option to insta-die is not a good solution.) It wouldn't be difficult at all to do this - you could easily add this functionality to sleeping spots, or to the pause menu. * Improved Mutations Text The descriptions for the mutations are funny, and it does technically tell you what they do... in that there is a little icon nearby which you can then scroll 5 tabs over to the glossary to look up what it means... this is entirely too clunky. I shouldn't have to go through 5 tabs then scroll through a wall of text to look up what my abilities do. You should just tell me. This point actually goes for armor abilities and set bonuses too, now that I think about it. Also, it would be cool if mutations that were still locked would give hints on how to unlock them. * Koi Scale Armor should also give underwater effects. The helmet is already clearly modeled similar to the Bubble Helmet, as if it should hold an air bubble too. You make it entirely out of underwater parts. You're required to have the Bubble Helmet and Fin Flops already to get the parts for it. Why not just make it an upgrade to those items? Yes, it would make the Bubble Helmet and Fin Flops obsolete. ...and? No, really. And? This is how games work. Getting better equipment makes inferior equipment obsolete. In the same way that you will never touch Acorn Armor again once you get Ladybug Armor, or for that matter never use the Gill Tube again once you have the Bubble Helmet, there is no reason to not just let the Koi Scale Armor set be a straight upgrade to the Bubble Helmet and Fin Flops. * Change Literally Everything About Enemy Aggro Some enemies (read: bees and mosquitos) heatseek onto you from across the map and then never lose aggro even after you've spent literally a full minute running from them. Other enemies break off first chance they get to go full heal and there's no way to stop them. Neither of these belongs in a good game. * Give Difficulty Options I'm sure there are players who enjoy playing the Dark Souls of survival building games. I say I'm sure of this because I've heard players say so. I'm not one of them, though, and I think neither are most other people. This game is already insane and keeps getting harder with every new update nerfing the player and buffing enemies. We should have options so players who think it's fun to just die their way through the game can do so, while those of us who want to build and explore and actually have fun can do that. * Also, Make Ranged Combat Viable Bows do basically no damage, and throwing your melee weapon is never a good idea. And sniping enemies just makes them run away and instantly full heal. The developers obviously think I'm supposed to fight a venomous spider 3 times my size in honorable combat with a loincloth and a stick. Why would I do this? Let me use a bow and make it worthwhile. If not, then why even put bows in the game?
  15. I also can't cut down spider webs, and somehow the oak tree lab's door re-sealed itself. I think I'm just going to ignore this game until it's actually complete.
  16. I've done some testing in multiplayer with a friend who I know can see the blobs. He created a game of his own and we joined at the same time. There were NO science blobs in the game. So then we tried again, with him creating a game without me. Our goal was to see if he could go to a science blob and then see what happened when I joined, but now he wasn't getting any science blobs either.
  17. Console: XBox One -- OS version 10.0.19041.3503 (rs_xbox_release_2007.200709-1200) Glitch: The floating blobs of raw science which can be found out in the world do not exist. They're not even simply invisible... they are entirely not there. I asked friends where to find them, looked up locations, etc. and none of them are present anywhere in the game. The only raw science I can get is from completing quests or doing analysis. Cause: I have no idea. I didn't change anything in the settings. They're just not there. Repeatability: 100% What Have I Done To Fix It? Everything I could think of. I kept going to check if I needed to progress more in the story, even though I know all of my friends had them available from the start... that wasn't it. I started a new game. It didn't fix it. I uninstalled and reinstalled the game. It didn't fix it. There is no solution I can find.
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