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Stephanie Newland

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About Stephanie Newland

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  • Location
    Irvine, CA
  1. I liked my SIE, but if we're not going with game characters, then "I Am The Stig."
  2. Hummm... Those did not come out in the right order at all... >_<

  3. fans –and you are far from being one of those- that get under my skin and not regular readers, so I hope you tread my posts with that in mind. :)

  4. No offence, but you really should try the World of Darkness (id est Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines) and some other vampire literature (id est Dracula or The Historian) before deciding that Twilight has the definitive version – although I do not know that you have done that and thus might have just put my foot in my mouth. Anyways, even if you do like Twilight, it is the books and rabid

  5. Obsidian is packed with models and actors and model/actors.
  6. Oh yeah? What if I stand still for ten minutes? Didn't think of that, did you? Then you get to watch Thorton do cool animations with his SMGs!
  7. I like how the grey-haired gent reacts to that kind of attitude.
  8. Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction! You'll enjoy it at least as much as he will, too.
  9. *about to put it in the game*... oh whoops, released in 1990. So close!
  10. Are you going to be apart of this project? Only time will tell; my priority right now is polishing Alpha Protocol so you fine folks can enjoy! Now back to your regularly scheduled speculation; carry on!
  11. That's Alpha Protocol. Also, yaaay happiness!
  12. I want or Safety Dance, but no one listens to me. Which is probably a good thing.
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