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Stephanie Newland

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Everything posted by Stephanie Newland

  1. I liked my SIE, but if we're not going with game characters, then "I Am The Stig."
  2. Obsidian is packed with models and actors and model/actors.
  3. Oh yeah? What if I stand still for ten minutes? Didn't think of that, did you? Then you get to watch Thorton do cool animations with his SMGs!
  4. I like how the grey-haired gent reacts to that kind of attitude.
  5. Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction! You'll enjoy it at least as much as he will, too.
  6. *about to put it in the game*... oh whoops, released in 1990. So close!
  7. Are you going to be apart of this project? Only time will tell; my priority right now is polishing Alpha Protocol so you fine folks can enjoy! Now back to your regularly scheduled speculation; carry on!
  8. That's Alpha Protocol. Also, yaaay happiness!
  9. I want or Safety Dance, but no one listens to me. Which is probably a good thing.
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