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About Bababooey

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  1. Great to see how far the game has come along since the wife and I last played back in August. A lot of things have been addressed. I've noticed a few things in the last two days of play, suggestions or bugs and not sure if they were mentioned before. This is of course with just the wife and I playing in a lobby together. I've noticed there tends to be high ping spikes etc..our internet speed is pretty good and we don't have issues with other games. The lag can be quite bad where it looks like she is running in place, then all of a sudden she's in another area. I'm not sure if anybody else is experiencing this too. I know the one gripe the wife had was that..she was having to always get water and can't seem to ever have time to build etc. Not sure if it's just because we started over and are in the beginning of the game, just seems like it's a bit much when it it comes to the thirst meter and how quickly it seems to deplete. For myself the biggest issue I had was the combat and farming. Not sure if this is a known issue but it seems it will take like twenty swings just to make contact with grass or weeds etc. Also, seems to be the same in combat...note I have my dot right on whatever it is, just seems like there should be no reason why I'm not making contact it's almost as if I'm missing...I don't recall this being an issue back when we last played.
  2. Wife and I were playing earlier today. She is on Xbox One S and I'm on Xbox One X. Are internet is good and both consoles have a wired connection. At any rate she usually hosts the game and I join off of her. I notice there seems to be a lot of spikes in ping. Also, I'll get kicked. I've noticed most of the time I'm kicked its when swimming in water, like the pond or bird bath. Just seems like there is a ping spike, while swimming etc. This past time I was kicked, swimming in the pond, high ping. Loaded back in ALL my stuff was gone and I started from the beginning. I started receiving the tutorials prompts etc. I guess when you guys push out your first big update, I'll revisit the game then. I do like what you have done so far. Take care.
  3. Joined wife's play session last night as usual. Fine for a little while, then was kicked back to the title screen. I tried joining her game again and it just kept looping back to the title screen. I even exited out of the game completely and restarted, same thing occured...
  4. The biggest issues, so far with Xbox. This is from the perspective of two person multiplayer, wife hosting game, myself joining her. - Lag spike, resulting in occasional kick from game. - Noticed I'll have what appears to be rubberbanding, again probably due to lag spike. Pretty bad now. Just FYI pushing 200mbps, so my internet shouldn't be the issue. - Noticed when you dropped weed planks, they would disappear through the ground, but if you chucked them and then picked back up and drop seemed to work like normal. - wife dropped thistle out of her inventory on the ground and I couldn't see them to pick up, but she could.... - Spiders, Ants etc seem to get stuck inside rocks, especially around the pond area. - The juice coming out of juice boxes, seem to be glitching... - Where our base is setup, we don't have storage chests yet etc. Is there a way to maybe tone down the items being kicked across the map...also think that maybe having too many items in one area on the ground(as a storage area), contributes to the lag spikes or at least the rubber banding. - Also experienced the issue of being stuck in a spiderweb, despite harvesting it, resulting in no web left....had to die to fix it. Figure it was worth mentioning so you know its happening on Xbox as well. -Raw Science alert, noticed during one ply session, wasn't being alerted to the raw science nearby, but my wife was. I believe we both should be alerted if we are next to each other and the Raw Science is in proximity.
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