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Everything posted by JaxWall

  1. Same experience with the spiders. I had a camper outside the Oak Tree Lab. I'm taking a break from the game after a swarm of Larva attacked my base. I feel completely defeated after they ransacked all my supplies and tore down every wall. Even though I'm early on still, I felt like I wouldn't be penalized for putting effort into resource gathering and establishing a base; after this experience, I feel like there's no reason to base-building.
  2. Agree. Probably my biggest gripe is with the tutorial flow: I completely forgot about the Analyzing mechanic. I went on a wild goose chase for the woven fiber; going through 2 full days searching for the material (which of course, can't be found--you have to analyze Plant Fiber). I'd love a tutorial prompt to revisit the analyzer before the first day is over, such as when it recharges.
  3. Having a specific 'NO AUTO SAVE' mode would be an awesome idea (or a mid-game difficulty toggle). I think overall: death lacks a certain 'oomph.' The transition to the third-person view of my character falling is too quick, there's no controller rumble to make it feel weighty, etc. I would have liked maybe an FP view of my character getting woozy and collapsing--the third-person pull-out is really jarring. And on a side note: I've had the game crash twice immediately after dying in combat. I was thrown to the Xbox home screen.
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