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Posts posted by wesley2

  1. Assassin's Creed? Stunning graphics and great gameplay that's captivating about 90 minutes. Unfortunately, as someone else already pointed out, every quest is structured identically to the first, so after the first couple of quests, the whole thing becomes supremely repetitive. But worth playing for those first 90 minutes or so. Especially the pretty graphics.

    I actually found that if you got into the story a bit, it was a little easier to do the side quests. If you really wanted to figure out stuff about your target and kill him really efficiently, you could do all the side quests to get the required info. At least that's how I played...maybe I'm just a sucker for period pieces. Another thing that kept me going was the new cities and areas. You're always going to new places which I thought was really cool. Along with that, your character is powering up as you complete assassinations and by the end of the game you have some truely badass moves which are really cool to unleash. The last 3-4 assassinations (especially the last one

    which wasn't even really an assassination as much as it was a battle

    ) were the best I thought. in fact I've replayed the last assassination maybe 4-5 times so far.

  2. I think they use their own save file for that, it's the one they use if you restart the game with an existing character.

    Yeah, I have to imagine they are going to let you carry on the life of your personal Shepard in the next one. Plus isn't

    this supposed to be a "trilogy of space opera" or whatever the language IGN used?

    Not sure if that's spoiler worthy, but what the hey...err on the side of caution. I'm looking forward to actually beating this game...I was stuck for a while and the next time I came back to play my console and crapped out. i'm currently waiting for a repaired/refurbished console to be mailed back from Texas... :lol:

  3. Overall, I like this E3. Turns out 2008 will have some good games after all.

    Huh? 2008 has had many good games and will still have many good games:


    STALKER: Clear Sky

    Red Alert 3



    And many others that I can't remember now. 2008 has mostly been a late-in-the-year year for me so I guess I kinda understand where you're coming from.


    I'm mostly following E3 through RPS and Kotaku.


    At the end of 2007, pretty much the biggest year in gaming in a while, there was a worry that 2008 didn't have many very anticipated releases. Projects were announced along the way though, and now E3 proves that the year does have some really good titles. But yes, we'll have to wait for Christmas until all the huge releases.


    As for individual titles, GTA4 winded up being a huge title without really being all that hyped, and it was delayed a number of times while Spore has been delayed to 2008.


    EDIT: I just follow Gametrailers. I prefer to look at gameplay rather than read about it.

    What about GT5 prologue and Metal Gear? Didn't these sell pretty well on the PS? Also they were critically touted as being pretty impressive games as well. And from what I've seen, are pretty impressive games.


    I haven't been able to keep up with all that's been at e3, but now that it's ending today..I might have some time to reread the sony stuff. Been a little busy at work so I've missed alot of the latest. I ddi see the MS thing though which was a real cool presentation.

  4. Far cry 2 looks really cool, but I have to say it seemed like a game with some heart and a real story from the teaser trailer, but now it seems to just be the mindless mayhem game that the first one was. At least there are no Trigens, hunting the mercs with total freedom in the evironment made that game damn impressive. I really loved the first third and last third of that game. But monkey monsters with rocket launchers on their arms....not cool.

  5. I've only ever used about 3 of them, but 2 were antec. That includes the one I have now and I've had no problems with it. It runs loudly at startup, but will often quiet down within about 15 minutes. I think that's more attributable to all the dust in the fan than anything else though. it had adequate cables and I haven't had problems with space. From the reviews I've read and my own experience they seem to be pretty reliable and usually pretty comfortably priced. There's nothing like paying a ton for a case on top of all the money you're spending to upgrade your machine.

  6. Watched all of Rescue Dawn (finally) 2 days ago. I had started it about 3 months ago and never finished the last 25 minutes. I really liked it from start to finish and the prison camp scenes were done excellently. Due in no small part to great performances by Bale, Jeremy Davies, and, most surprisingly, Steve Zahn. I have to say though, the actual escape was shorter than I expected and although the movie was long, I think more of the escape scenes and maybe less of the prison sequences would have made it better. Still, a very good flick. 3.5/5

  7. Yeah, sure, as much a chance as he always did. Just like p;eyton's backup has a chance to usurp him.



    "competition breeds excellence. "


    Really? Peyton Manning has been the undisputed #1 QB in Indy for years with no competition. Saem with Favre in GB. Both have been excellent over the years. *shrug*

    Well, I think in that situation they don't see themselves as competing to keep their starting jobs. I think they use the competition between teams and the drive to win a ring as the ultimate competition. Which it certainly is IMO... I think it takes a mindset that every snap of theball is paving the way to a championship and they train and play knowing that reality. That's why it's not a position for all to take on.

  8. Prolly a wedding gift.

    I haven't done much today. I guess I joined this forum which is a start! I'm increasingly needing something to avert my attention from my marketing job. I will say, it's cool to see stuff about movies and TV come through here, but everyone needs a friendly distraction from time to time.

  9. Detroit is an amazingly well run team. Every year they're supposed to not do as good because of key players leaving or whatever, but they just keep on giving 'er.


    Some excellent drafting certainly didn't hurt either.

    I think that's really what helps them. They have drafted extremely well for the last 10 years. Granted Scotty Bowman and a cup or 2 got them noteriety to the point of being able to attract free agents for lower prices, but they built from the ground up better than any other team IMO.

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